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My endocrinologist appointment today

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Well, I just got back from my endo appt. She is going to rule out everything

on the list. Pituitary problems, adrenals problems..etc. Said I definitely

have reactive hypoglycemia, which is attributable to the bypass. Makes

sense...as she explained it. We eat...our body detects it, and sends out the

insulin to compensate...but we do not absorb...thus..excessive insulin. I

know that is the simple answer...but for my brain...it makes sense. The

first thing they did after checking my blood pressure was to take a blood

sugar reading...and the girl high-tailed it out of the room and brought me

three glucose tablets to eat, then and there. Ugh! Glad I had some peaut

butter crackers in my purse...as I chose to eat those instead...and had my

protein drink awaiting me when I got to the car. She wants me to carry the

glucose tabs with me in the event I am driving...guess it can be dangerous.

My thyroid is whacked out too...and she says I'm headed for osteoporosis in a

big way if we don't get that back under control. I've been on thyroid

medication since age 12...but what I am taking now just isn't doing the trick

anymore. =( I go in on Monday for an ACTH test to rule out adrenal prob

lems...and a cortisol test. She ran some other tests today. Looks like she

is going to be pretty thorough. First time I've even been able to have an

intelligent conversation with and endocrinologist in my lifetime. Before,

they only saw my fat..and figured I was there because I was going to claim

" glandular problems " ...so they tuned me out...just sent me home to push

myself away from the table. Amazing how much more respect we get without the

fat..huh? It's really nice to be taken seriously for the first time in my

life. She said... " no wonder you are feeling so tired! " My next appt will be

in two weeks...so will report on that then. Take care~



´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Jacque

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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