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One year anniversary

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My name is Judy Shapow and one year ago today, (12/27/01) I had

gastric by-pass surgery in Rochester, NY and what a wonderful year it

has been. first, I don't know where the year has gone, it seems like

just yesterday, I was in the process of getting ready for surgery.

My BMI has gone from 48.9 to 30.7. I'm still considered obese but in

another 5 lbs, I'll just be overweight. This year has been mostly

highs for me, I've been doing things that I could never have done

before, even simple little things like crossing my legs, picking

something up from the floor and being able to get up without any

effort. One of my big thrills has been buying clothes in regular

sizes. I still gravitate to the women's department, but then realize

that I don't have to shop there anymore. I'm a size 14 and thrilled

but would like to get down a little more. The compliments from

clients and friends have been very helpful but especially the ones

from my family. The one big downer for me this year has been that

my " angel " has moved from Rochester, NY to Viera, FL. Without her

love and support, I'd still be severly obese and stil wearing size 26-

28. My angel is also my inspsiration and just happens to be the

mother of my 3 grandson's who also had RNY on 10/26/80 and a TT and

revision on 10/26/02. For those of you who are fortunate to know

Terry Mayers (Fivedollarhosting.com) will understand why she is so

special. I've enjoyed reading/lurking on this board for a year now

and I can happily say that now I can post to it. I hope everyone has

a great & happy New Year.

Hugs to everyone,

Judy Shapow

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I am officially one year post op and can finally post to the board.

It has certainly been an eventful year full of big and small milestones along

the way. I have enjoyed reading the posts on this board and gaining insight

as to life long term. I still have a ways to go to get to my personal goal

but am happy to say that life is good. To date I have lost 162 lbs and am

even exercising regularly which for me is a major accomplishment. A year

ago, I could barely walk without getting out of breath and now I am doing 1

hour of aerobics three times a week. Quite a change. I no longer need to

use the tilt steering wheel in my car to fit behind the wheel. I no longer

fear booths at restaurants, seats at the movies or those dreadful plastic

chairs that use to strain under my pre-op weight.

WLS was a life saver to me. My health has dramatically improved and my Type

II diabetes and sleep apnea are gone. So is the swelling in my feet and

legs. So all and all life is great. Glad to be able to participate finally

and looking forward to posting.

Lap/RNY 1/17/02

Dr. Wayne English


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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! As a 2 year vet, I can

say that things continue to improve, albeit slowly, so hang in there.


> I had upper jaw surgery one year ago today. It sure feels great to

> have it behind me. I had a bone graft & upper segmentation also.


> originally had an open bite (opposite though of most people - it


> open in the back, not the front).


> Only 2 teeth touched before surgery & braces & I could not eat for

> the last 16 years without a splint that I wore 24/7. I needed to

> get off the splint since it was ruining my teeth ( & getting off of

> it on my own was too painful to do), so my only option really was

> the surgery. So it was not a difficult decision. (I already had

> braces twice before to try to fix this problem. So this was my 3rd

> time in braces). I would definitely not have this surgery if I had

> a problem I could live with.


> Immediately after surgery, I still had a lot of teeth that did not

> touch. It took another 11 months of braces, and now I still have 2

> teeth that don't touch (but should touch soon after I get some

> crowns done). My bite is certainly a million times better & I can

> eat without a splint (which I no longer have) & braces came off a

> month ago!


> I'm still dealing with side effects from the surgery, and still

> trying to accept them. Although I read a lot on this board about

> numbness, I did not realize how much it would bother me. I have

> numbness on the upper lip still, and that part doesn't bother me.

> But what does bother me is the numbness on the roof of my mouth &

> upper gums. As a result, I can't taste food as well as I used to.

> (I can chew it, just not much taste). At this point, I don't think

> it will all go away totally, but I am hopeful that maybe it will at

> least improve some.


> I also have an uncommon side effect in that one of my ears is

> stopped up all the time. It is getting better, but hasn't gone


> yet.


> The good side effect is I'm 10 pounds lighter, which puts me at

> my " ideal weight " . Hopefully I can keep it there.


> I got a lot of good information from reading the posts on this

> board, and I sure am glad everyone was here to help me. Thanks so

> much!


> I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy this Christmas so much

> more than last (since my surgery last year was a week before

> Christmas). Good luck to all of you out there with upcoming

> surgeries. It will be behind you some day too!!!



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Hi ,

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! As a 2 year vet, I can

say that things continue to improve, albeit slowly, so hang in there.


> I had upper jaw surgery one year ago today. It sure feels great to

> have it behind me. I had a bone graft & upper segmentation also.


> originally had an open bite (opposite though of most people - it


> open in the back, not the front).


> Only 2 teeth touched before surgery & braces & I could not eat for

> the last 16 years without a splint that I wore 24/7. I needed to

> get off the splint since it was ruining my teeth ( & getting off of

> it on my own was too painful to do), so my only option really was

> the surgery. So it was not a difficult decision. (I already had

> braces twice before to try to fix this problem. So this was my 3rd

> time in braces). I would definitely not have this surgery if I had

> a problem I could live with.


> Immediately after surgery, I still had a lot of teeth that did not

> touch. It took another 11 months of braces, and now I still have 2

> teeth that don't touch (but should touch soon after I get some

> crowns done). My bite is certainly a million times better & I can

> eat without a splint (which I no longer have) & braces came off a

> month ago!


> I'm still dealing with side effects from the surgery, and still

> trying to accept them. Although I read a lot on this board about

> numbness, I did not realize how much it would bother me. I have

> numbness on the upper lip still, and that part doesn't bother me.

> But what does bother me is the numbness on the roof of my mouth &

> upper gums. As a result, I can't taste food as well as I used to.

> (I can chew it, just not much taste). At this point, I don't think

> it will all go away totally, but I am hopeful that maybe it will at

> least improve some.


> I also have an uncommon side effect in that one of my ears is

> stopped up all the time. It is getting better, but hasn't gone


> yet.


> The good side effect is I'm 10 pounds lighter, which puts me at

> my " ideal weight " . Hopefully I can keep it there.


> I got a lot of good information from reading the posts on this

> board, and I sure am glad everyone was here to help me. Thanks so

> much!


> I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy this Christmas so much

> more than last (since my surgery last year was a week before

> Christmas). Good luck to all of you out there with upcoming

> surgeries. It will be behind you some day too!!!



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