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an excuse to eat! (Krissy)

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>>>I am afraid it's not going to work and that my grandma will pass while I

am recovering so I won't get to say goodbye.<<<<

Just a thought Krissy but now is the time to say all the things you need to

say to your grandma -- don't wait till the last few days or hours -- say all

those things now. We don't know when our loved ones time is up and saying it

now will be a great relief to you and your grandma can live the rest of her

days having had those things said to her.. including your goodbyes.

I took my 5 year old to see my Daddy a week before he passed because she

needed to say goodbye and I didn't feel like it should wait until he

couldn't understand or until he was not in a " presentable " fashion for a

child that age to see -- I am SO grateful that I did that early on... and

while I spent every hour of the last few days with him I too had said good

bye quite a while before he actually left... don't leave those things

unsaid. It is never too soon IMO to say all the things you need to say. And

then release them and let the Divine take over in peace.

>>>They say anger is Fear, Hurt, and Frustration well I tend to agree I am

starting to have a lot of fear again and the frustration is through the


I agree too... Anger is one of those emotions that contains a lot of

different emotions that we aren't as good at showing as we are anger -- we

put pain, fear, frustration and many others, wrap them up nicely and

generalize them as just anger. Your doing really well to unwrap all that

stuff and validate each emotion as it comes.... keeping in mind that none of

us does it well or gracefully and it just sucks in general for everyone.

Your doing well.

>>>just wish I could be more supportive to all of you who are struggling

with some issue. I have been told I am an encourager and have so much

perseverance when others would've given up but your not seeing much

encouragement from me now. I am sorry for that.<<<

Please don't feel that way -- in our happy and sorrow moments when we share

with each other we are in our way, at that moment, supporting each other.

Just by your sharing the difficult things you are going through right now

you are encouraging and supporting this group -- we all need to hear all

sides of what's going on not just the sunny happy-go-lucky stuff but the sad

things as well and by staying open and sharing you are encouraging and you

are passing on something that someone else needs to hear.

Just keep posting... let us know where and how you are doing. It isn't all

silver lined clouds for any of us and by just staying open and sharing you

are participating in helping and being supportive.

My heart and blessings go out to you at this time -- I know you will make

the right choices for you...



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