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post-plastics question

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Hi, hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. I can't say that it has

been my best, as I chose to have my tummy tuck and hernia repairs at this

time, since I am a school teacher and wanted to miss as little school as

possible....but at least the surgery is now behind me!

I do have a few questions, though, that I was hoping some of you who have

already been through this can answer. First, I still have a lot of fluid in

my upper abdomen (had a hernia up under my breastbone). This is ten days

after the surgery. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to help it

along? The nurse practitioner said something about the possiblility of a

seroma? What is that, and what gets done about it?

Another question......at one end of the incision, which goes hip to hip,

there is a kind of point.... seems to be where the stitches were tied off.

I don't want to always have a point at the side of my body!! Does that go

away as the scar heals? and if not, once again, is there anything that can

be done?

Finally- at least for now- how long did you wear the binder? Right now, it

seems to make me feel less like I am going to come apart.

Oops, one more question.....how long before one should drive? and how long

before one is likely to be able to return to an active job? and how long

does one continue to be tired? (guess that was three more questions, but

they were all " how long " questions, so they can count as one.)

Thanks, all.


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I had my TT and hernia repair 6/01 (following my RNY on 6/00). I also got a

seroma and you need to get back to your surgeon and have that drained before

it starts to harden (it is not an " emergency " so don't worry about running

there today...but don't wait long). I had to go back to the doctor's office

once a week for 5 or 6 weeks to have it drained. Everything does tend to

smooth out within a few weeks or months after the surgery. My doctor (and

the nurses in his office who I think are the ones who REALLY know the score)

also recommended that I wear that binder as long as I felt I could because it

help. I found some underwear type things made out of spandex that were not

as unwieldy as the big white one with the velcro. You can find them in

almost any underwear department -- they are like a panty that extends up to

right under your breasts). I wore that big binder with the velcro down it at

night because it was a lot easier if I had to get up and go to the bathroom.

Let me know if you need any more info.

Ann -- Akron, OH

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OK, Have not had the abdominal surgery yet, but I am a nurse and can

answer some of your questions.

1. Seroma- a collection of fluid (serous fluid- a component of

blood) that collects in an area. No, there is nothing that you can

do to " help it along " . It will either " exit " or reabsorb on it's

own. It can be drained by your surgeon in the event that it becomes

a problem or choses not to go away.

2. the point at he end of yor incision- I just had my breast

reduction, and had the same thing under one of my arms where the

incision ended. When the stitches were removed on friday, that area

layed down. It was " puckered " from the stitches. Hopefully yours

will do the same thing. If not, your doc should be able to " fix " it

in the office at a later date.

3. Binder for as long as your doc tells you to. This may be a little

different from doc to doc.

3. Driving and job return...again, up to your doc. This often

depends on the extent of the work he did on your muscles and how

well you are healing. Since it sounds like he did muscle work for

the hernia, I can guess your lifting will be restricted for up to 12

weeks (example- nothing over 5 pounds for 4 weeks, nothing over 20

pounds for an additional 4 weeks, then back to " normal " after 12

weeks). He should have given you these directions already.

4. Tiredness- this goes along with anesthesia/major surgery. You

body goes into shock and needs time to recover. Some people bouce

back faster then others. I had my breast reduction on 12/18...and I

still feel like I need a nap in the afternoons. Getting better

everyday, but I am sure that the holidays thrown in there have not

helped at all with increasing my energy. Make sure you eat a well

balanced diet, and that will help. And don't forget the vitamins.

Glad you are doing so well, give yourself some time to heal! !


> Hi, hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. I can't say

that it has

> been my best, as I chose to have my tummy tuck and hernia repairs

at this

> time, since I am a school teacher and wanted to miss as little

school as

> possible....but at least the surgery is now behind me!


> I do have a few questions, though, that I was hoping some of you

who have

> already been through this can answer. First, I still have a lot

of fluid in

> my upper abdomen (had a hernia up under my breastbone). This is

ten days

> after the surgery. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to

help it

> along? The nurse practitioner said something about the

possiblility of a

> seroma? What is that, and what gets done about it?


> Another question......at one end of the incision, which goes hip

to hip,

> there is a kind of point.... seems to be where the stitches were

tied off.

> I don't want to always have a point at the side of my body!! Does

that go

> away as the scar heals? and if not, once again, is there anything

that can

> be done?


> Finally- at least for now- how long did you wear the binder?

Right now, it

> seems to make me feel less like I am going to come apart.


> Oops, one more question.....how long before one should drive? and

how long

> before one is likely to be able to return to an active job? and

how long

> does one continue to be tired? (guess that was three more

questions, but

> they were all " how long " questions, so they can count as one.)


> Thanks, all.


> marilyn

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Maybe you can answer another question for me as well. It will be 2-3 weeks

and I also will have tummy work. I will speak to the plastic surgeon about

my concerns but possibly, you could give me a heads up. I had my WLS in 93.

The next surgery I had was my hysterectomy in 97. This was the third time I

had been under anesthesia. The first 2 times, there were no adverse effects.

I remember waking up and putting my hands on my lower abdomin because it

hurt. I was still groggy but they said they could not give me more pain

medicine because my blood pressure was so low. They were talking to each

other..not me. They said it was 60 over 40. I don't know if it dropped so

low because of having had my WLS or a reaction to the moraphine. No one did

blood work prior to my surgery, nor had I ever had moraphine. The blood

pressure came up enough to be sent home 3 days later but I remained as white

as a ghost for a solid month. What are your thoughts?


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