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RE: Fat Child

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My niece is going through the same thing right now. She is 11 years old

and well over 200 lbs. She is 5'2 and wears a women's size 20. I've been

begging my brother for years to help this kid, but his reply has always

been that he has nothing to do with it since she lives with her mother

and she seems to be comfortable with herself. Told him that she never

smiles, is always complaining that something hurts, like her ankle,

knee, back, etc. and gets winded when she comes over and takes our dog

out for a walk with my kids. She told me a few weeks ago that she

doesn't get invited to birthday parties anymore and that she has no

friends and the kids are picking on her all the time. She asked me to

help her lose some weight since I just lost so much. I explained to her

how I lost the weight and that I would help her in any way I could but

she should talk to her father and let him know how and what she is

feeling and maybe he can talk with her mother. The whole thing is sad. I

suggested Weight Watchers to my brother and he told me that he doesn't

believe in putting a kid on a diet as it would affect her self esteem.

So I said getting picked on and ridiculed is better for her self esteem?

Then I smacked him on the head.

She told me that she understands now why I don't let Leah and

drink soda or eat candy all day long and that they can have cookies and

such, but they also have to compensate with healthy snacks too and that

pizza once a week or less and Burger King once a month is more than

sufficient. She told me that she used to think that I was just being

mean to my kids because she eats Chinese spare ribs, fast food and ice

cream at least 5 days a week. So I'm hoping that she start making the

right food choices and ask for healthier foods while she is with her mom

and told her that when she visits her dad we will do everything we can

to help her.


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Regina, I think that this is great that you want to help your niece! Like

everyone else on here I have my horrible childhood memories. Both of my

parents worked at my " weight " issues......but from very different angles!

My Dad was into the the humiliation, depravation scene. Where as my Mom

(herself about 20-30lbs overweight) would try the usefull means, exercise,

WW! My memories of both are reflected by the " means " they used. I have

gratuities (sp) memories of my Mom because I knew that she felt my pain and

wanted to help me. With my Dad it was because he was embarrased by me and

needed to get me thin to avoid any public humiliation on him. I wish sooo

bad that between the two of them it would have occured to them that the main

issue shouldn't have just been getting the weight off.......but rather

teaching my lifelong habits, and the " WHY's " of weight management. All said

and done I am not sure how well it would have worked anyway, except that I

wouldn't have probably reached the all the time high that I did! Now I have

an obese child of my own (12 year old son who weighs in the 140's at 4'11 " ),

and even with all my guidance and years of experience he still doesn't

" want " to do the things necessary. Sure, he is tortured over his size and

" wants " to be thin.......I guess just not enough yet to really do something

about it. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is great that your

niece has someone armed with the right knowledge and support to truly be a

wonderful help should she decide to utilize it!!! Best wishes to you!!!


RE: Fat Child

> My niece is going through the same thing right now. She is 11 years old

> and well over 200 lbs. She is 5'2 and wears a women's size 20. I've been

> begging my brother for years to help this kid, but his reply has always

> been that he has nothing to do with it since she lives with her mother

> and she seems to be comfortable with herself. Told him that she never

> smiles, is always complaining that something hurts, like her ankle,

> knee, back, etc. and gets winded when she comes over and takes our dog

> out for a walk with my kids. She told me a few weeks ago that she

> doesn't get invited to birthday parties anymore and that she has no

> friends and the kids are picking on her all the time. She asked me to

> help her lose some weight since I just lost so much. I explained to her

> how I lost the weight and that I would help her in any way I could but

> she should talk to her father and let him know how and what she is

> feeling and maybe he can talk with her mother. The whole thing is sad. I

> suggested Weight Watchers to my brother and he told me that he doesn't

> believe in putting a kid on a diet as it would affect her self esteem.

> So I said getting picked on and ridiculed is better for her self esteem?

> Then I smacked him on the head.


> She told me that she understands now why I don't let Leah and

> drink soda or eat candy all day long and that they can have cookies and

> such, but they also have to compensate with healthy snacks too and that

> pizza once a week or less and Burger King once a month is more than

> sufficient. She told me that she used to think that I was just being

> mean to my kids because she eats Chinese spare ribs, fast food and ice

> cream at least 5 days a week. So I'm hoping that she start making the

> right food choices and ask for healthier foods while she is with her mom

> and told her that when she visits her dad we will do everything we can

> to help her.


> Regina





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