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Fat Kid Story

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After reading Randy's story I just had to reply. My story is about

insensitive teachers. It starts at second grade for me. Every year we

were weighed and measured at school. Several teachers would ask my

teacher " how much did Sheila weigh? " Then snicker at her answer and say

tell her mother to put her on a diet. I swear they thought I was deaf. I

heard their remarks. This went on for years. Of course I was always the

last one chosen for teams in gym class, nobody wanted me on their team

because I could not run or climb ropes. I slowed down the relays. The

children should not have been allowed to do this to me. There are other

ways to choose teammates. The teachers laughed at the kids remarks.

Thank God teachers have changed.

I remember my first day in 7th grade. We had the desks with the chair

seat and desk attached. The teacher came to my seat and said I was too

big for that seat. She started at the front of the room, asking each

child to get up and let me try sitting in his seat. After going around

the entire room trying each desk, she said, " why there isn't a desk in

this room that is big enough for you, we will have to order one just for

you. " I laughed with everyone else but oh how I wanted to cry. It is a

difficult age for a child and as soon as we were dismissed, I ran all

the way home and cried my heart out. It was so insensitive of that

teacher. I will never forget her. There were very few obese children


Strange that I became an elementary teacher myself and taught for over

20 years. Each year I taught I saw more overweight kids. I cried for the

obese children I had in class. I knew the suffering they would deal with

in the years ahead for them. I loved them and gave them special

attention but I couldn't stop the teasing of the other children. I could

punish the bullies but they still did it when I wasn't around them. I

expressed my feelings to my fellow teachers and hopefully it helped them

to treat the obese children kindly.

For the first time in my life I am not considered obese. I had gastric

bypass surgery 27 mos ago and I have lost 190 lbs. I am smaller than I

was in 7th grade. I could fit in those desks now. I am so thankful for

this miracle. I have waited 56 years to be a normal size. (I was a

chubby 3 year old) Am I happy???? You bet I am!!

Thank you, Lord!!! I pray for help for the precious, obese children!!

Love to you all, have a great new year!!!


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