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A not so brief story... (but worth the time to read)

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I was going to put on my last post, that perhaps it was just God's

way of saying " it's time " (and taking the " choice " of control from my


But, I thought this might spark some concern, so I omitted that

line. But, I'll put it here - with an explanation.

(By the way, I meant that perhaps " it's time " for me to just take the

only option they really seems available to me right now. Though...

I must admit that just because the " traditional " or " Western " docs

are making no other offers, doesn't mean I'm not going back to my

alternative health care doc - to see if there is anything at all he

can offer :o)

Anyway... the story... (which I had initially thought I could convey

briefly, but - true-to-form - could not keep brief :o)

There once was this guy... an old... (at least mentally) guy - who

was rather - shall we say - stubborn?

He was once young, and had built a modest, but nice house. He did

all the work himself. He did the designing and the framing and the

tilework and the electric work and the plumbing... He even laid all

the stones in the fireplace and chimney. I mean, this guy did ALL

the work himself. He was young then, and now, with his family all

raised and his wife passing before him, he was old...

One day, after a particularly hard and long rainstorm, the area's

warning siren went off. Being a long-time local, he knew well that

it meant the flood waters were coming, but... he knew in the five

decade history of his place, that the flood waters had never reached

his doorstep. So, he offered a casual prayer - for all the other

folk, and went about his day.

Later, when watching the news, he saw how they were evacuating the

townfolk near him. He watched, and he even thought at one time he

heard a loudspeaker in the distance that said something

about " evacuate the premises " - but he just went ahead with his day.

Later, the local Sherrif drove by and seeing the his car in the

drive, made a personal effort to get out and warn the old man that he

needed to evacuate, because " the crick is risin' and you're in danger

of bein' flooded outta there! " The old gentleman simply stated " I

ain't concerned none! God will protect me. He'll keep me safe. "

After which the man went inside and prayed once more for the other

town folk, and offered a casual prayer for his own protection as well.

(Stop me if you've heard this one.)

Later, the water was approaching his drive, and the Fire Chief drove

by, and told him " You'd best be gettin' outta there - cuz that creek

is risin'! I barely got thru thar - and I've got this here 4 wheel

drive. Come on now - hop on up here. " Again, the old man said " I'm

safe. My God will protect me. You go on now and leave me alone. "

After he left, the man was a bit more concerned, and offered a little

more fervent prayer for his own safety, and that his house would be


Later yet, as the waters were approaching his house - and his house

was starting to look like an island, some of the local rescue squad

came by in a boat. Again, in spite of warnings, he rejected their

help. Insisting that God would provide for him (and offering up

prayers for divine help in what was appearing now to be a " hopeless "


Knowing he would still be there, a while later the Sherrif decided to

send out a helicopter from the local Guard. Sure enough, they

arrived to hoover over his house - and find the old man on his roof -

with his house almost entirely under water. Only his roof was

showing. By this point, rescue by any other means than the

helicopter was just too dangerous.

The rescue crew saw him on the roof - waving his arms frantically.

They decided they'd try to lower a man down and see if he could

snatch him from the roof.

Much to their surprise, the man moved away from help when it came.

Instead of moving toward the arms of the man who was risking his life

to come help him, the old man crawled away to the anchor of his


By this time, the water was at his feet, and - even with nothing left

to hold onto but his chimney - he refused help. His rescuers went

away empty-handed and distraught. Finding it hard to beleive that

the man would not accept any help.

The helicopter returned again later, but the house was totally

engulfed. They never knew what happened to the man...

Later, the man was in God's presence. Admittedly, he was surprised

and disappointed. He let this be known, and asked " God, why didn't

you help me? Why didn't you provide for me? Why didn't you answer

my prayer and keep me safe? " To this, God simply told the man " I

tried. "

" Many times, I sent you help. They offered you warning and advice.

In fact, 4 times I even sent someone to your place. The last time,

they even tried to grab you - but you moved away. Time and time

again - you rejected my messengers, even when I sent them in person. "

I've been telling this story for years. Perhaps I'd better apply it

to my own life for a change - and take the tube. :-) We'll see.

I'll keep you updated. If I can get this weight to at least level

out, then I'm sure my internist will allow me to continue without

it. Usually it goes up and down a bit, but for the last week it's

just flat gone down. (Of course, my kidneys have been doing

their " drain " thing lately - so maybe it's water weight... See? I

can rationalize with the best of 'em :o)

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