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Re: Caretakers and their patients

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I can sympathize with you, even though my husband is exactly the opposite. I know that it must be hard for you watching while your husband has little to no interest in life's activities. Have you talked with your doctor about a possible anit-depressant medication?

Sometimes caring for the the patient who wants to do everything can be difficult as well. I find that I am often working double time to clean up or clean a path for things he wants to do. My husband is very heavy and can not move himself even a small bit, but he is very disappointed that he has had to miss his granddaughters softball games this year. We do not have a wheel chair accessible van and must depend upon public wheel chair transportation which only runs during a regular work day.

I'm not sure which is the best/worst.... the one who is ok with little to no activity or the patient who still wants to do everything.

My thoughts and prayers are with you,

Marilyn in TN

From: asbpud@...

Reply-To: shydrager

Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:13:18 EDT

To: shydrager

Subject: Re: Digest Number 1669

Re; medications My husband, Hank, was diagnoised with shy-drager in 99 but also suffered heart problems. He takes Midodrine 20 mg in the a.m. 10 mg at noon and 10 mg at 5 p.m. In addition florinef 0.1 mg. in the a.m. and a 1/2 pill at noon. In addition a coated aspirin 325 mg in the a.m. Plavix 75 mg a.m. Zoloft 50 mg. at noon Potassium 20 mg in the a.m. and p.m. and metoprolol 12.5 mg in the a.m. and p.m. This seems to be working quite well for him, as prior to this prescribed medications he was having numerous dizzy spells as his blood pressure was very low.. I am truly amazed at the abilities of some in this group, since my husband spends most of his days in bed, not able or wanting to try to become more active and yet not having nearly the symptons or the severity of some. Thank you all for the help I have received from this group. Adele

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