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blessing on the coming year, and gratitudes for the last

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Dear Everyone, boys and girls, all:

I am wishing for each of you brave and stalwart souls, lurkers, seldom and

often posters, newbies and pre-ops, the best year in the coming months.


I wish you clear, water-- 64 oz or more per day, that you learn to drink it

to water your body, like you would water a lovely garden, and not let your

skin or eye membranes or libido dry out without it.

I wish for you that you will eat adequate protein so your body can repair

its heart, lungs, kidneys and other tissues that depend so deeply on protein

to renew themselves.

I wish for you a very moderate amount of sweets if that is your thing, that

you realize that sugar can contribute to sinus swelling, UTIs and other

happenstances of the body; and it is better to use sugar like medicine

*(small amounts homeopathically) than like a feast (non-stop grazing in the

corn fields)

I wish for you to face yourself squarely and take care of business this first

of the year; to admit what you need to do to fix/modify/get on with whatever,

and to cease doing whatever you now do to be ineffective, and to start doing

what you know will assist/help/reverse/inaugurate new life for you.

I wish for you/us less whining and more aiming yourself toward matters/things

and people who can nourish you, who SEE you as you are, that is, a soul who

is imperfect and brave and stalwart and beautiful in soul and in heart.

I wish for us all less lying and more truth-telling, less kidding ourselves

and more facing reality and getting on with it. More thoughtfulness, less

'pounce and blurt.' We all know what we need to do. Quit this " on the other

hand " crapola. Juts DO IT. If you're not in a casket, it is not too late for


I wish for us far less evile self-hatchet jobbing and far more

take-you-by-the-hand leadership of the ego by the soul who has always known

everything worth knowing.

I wish you much more humor to cackle over, and true friends who SERVE your

relationship and who make you laugh. I wish you to go gentle with yourself

this year in ways you have only been needlessly mean to yourself about

before, and to no good end. And I wish you to aim high and to discipline

yourself to make and keep clear goals.

I am grateful for all your friendship toward myself, my family and my support

group people. I am still tickled by so many of your great funny statements to

me, your off-the-wall wildness ( I love it), and your sweetness, your

gentleness, your intense love you have so often returned, your unexpected

communiques privately, your sharing your heartaches, your hopes, your

triumphs. I cherish all of this and you.

I am sure there are many more things to add, and perhaps you will all add

your blessings and gratitudes to this list for others too.....?

This comes with love for all you brave and lovely and handsome and beautiful

souls who have given so much over this past year here on list and elsewhere.

I just received an early birthday card from one of my staff people many of

whom have been with me for 10 years and more: it says, " When we are old and

small and gray/ will we be bent and play croquet?/ and smell like powder and

sachet?/....not you and me. We've paid our dues/ we've acted sweet (sort

of),/ we've always watched how much we eat (not)/ We've kept our hair and

houses neat (get serious here.)/ So now we're old/ let's cut the crap(this is

a Hallmark card, no kidding!)/ Let's score ourselves a highway map/ and

jaunty little leather cap (yeah, leather!)/ and set us free. " Biker

grannies, " its got the sound, /we'll kick some butt/ we'll fool around/ and

get so lost, we can't be found,/ just you and me. "

This is what I wish, in proper proportions, in your own way, for each of you

that you realize you have one wild and precious life and that you are to LIVE

it all the ways to its ends, like a hand completely filling a glove (A

leather gauntlet glove with fringes of course-- Grin--evil ceep wrote that

last sentence there)

Happy New Year,



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> I am sure there are many more things to add, and perhaps you will

all add

> your blessings and gratitudes to this list for others too.....?


Dearest Ceep and all the rest of the Graduate group,

As I sit here in my warm and comfortable home, cooking my black eyed

peas & collard greens, I go over the list of the many things that I

have to be thankful for. At the top of my list is this group and

all the " friends " that I have made on this almost 3 yr journey. In

nine days I will officially be a 3 yr graduate. I have been on this

group for most of those 3 yrs. I have seen the debates & wars, the

support & love, the silly & smart assed quips, and have tried to add

where and when I could.

To each of you (all you long timers and newbies) I send you my heart

felt thanks and love. There have been so many times that just at

the right moment someone on this list has addressed something that I

need help dealing with. I don't post as much as I would like. With

a full time job, a home & family to deal with, a small but wonderful

OSSG group to lead, and all of the new found social situations I

find myself included in now, I just don't seem to have the time I

would love to devote to each post. Just know and understand that I

love you all and think of you often.


Reba in Auburn, AL

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