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New poll for shydrager

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Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the

shydrager group:


" In 1969, Graham and Oppenheimer coined

the term multiple system atrophy (MSA)

to combine the common features seen in

the Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS),

Striatonigral Degeneration(SND) and

Sporadic Olivopontocerebellar atrophy


The " consensus statement on the

diagnosis of multiple system atrophy "

in 1999 recommended the use of MSA-P to

replace SND, and MSA-C for sporadic

OPCA. The consensus group also

concluded that the term Shy-Drager

syndrome is no longer useful. "

It's been suggested that since the term

Shy-Drager Syndrome is no longer

recognized by the consensus committee

that our group/list name be changed as



Would you be in favor of changing the

group's name from " shydrager "

to " MultipleSystemAtrophy " or something


o Yes, Strongly in favor of a name change

o Yes, Somewhat in favor of a name change

o Don't care one way or the other

o No, Somewhat opposed to a name change

o No, Strongly opposed to a name change

To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are

not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups

web site listed above.


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Note I edited this slightly and added another sentence:

The consensus group also

concluded that the term Shy-Drager

syndrome is no longer useful. "

Instead, it was their opinion that the

autonomic and/or urinary symptoms of

Shy-Drager Syndrome were included under

both MSA-P and MSA-C.



New poll for shydrager

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the

shydrager group:


" In 1969, Graham and Oppenheimer coined

the term multiple system atrophy (MSA)

to combine the common features seen in

the Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS),

Striatonigral Degeneration(SND) and

Sporadic Olivopontocerebellar atrophy


The " consensus statement on the

diagnosis of multiple system atrophy "

in 1999 recommended the use of MSA-P to

replace SND, and MSA-C for sporadic

OPCA. The consensus group also

concluded that the term Shy-Drager

syndrome is no longer useful. "

It's been suggested that since the term

Shy-Drager Syndrome is no longer

recognized by the consensus committee

that our group/list name be changed as



Would you be in favor of changing the

group's name from " shydrager "

to " MultipleSystemAtrophy " or something


o Yes, Strongly in favor of a name change

o Yes, Somewhat in favor of a name change

o Don't care one way or the other

o No, Somewhat opposed to a name change

o No, Strongly opposed to a name change

To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are

not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups

web site listed above.


If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

unsubscribe by sending a blank email to


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Pam and all,

While I am in favor of changing the name also, I have STRONG reservations about

a complete name change. For the following reasons I am uncertain it should be


(1) It has been over 2 years since we changed the last time and we STILL have

inquiries at the old Vanderbilt site. To my knowledge, Pam and I are the only

ones trying to redirect messages to this site.

(2) Many doctors STILL call it Shy-Drager Syndrome which causes confusion.

Actually, we even see PAF called Shy-Drager Syndrome today. It does NOT bother

me to see other brain disorder patients and caregivers on this list, but it does

cause confusion and we MUST make sure we qualify our emails. We have many

DIFFERENT symptoms on this list and there is NO one treatment for everyone on

the list. Remember that what helps one person on this list, may be harmful to

others - keeping this in mind - we MUST allow people to correct general

statements without jumping on them about hurting feelings. Feelings can be

mended, but a heart attack can NOT always be mended.

(3) As Pam mentioned, the bookmarks are a great help to us all and MUST be

preserved. They are a great help to many people and a place to check out

differences of opinion.

(4) The email archive is also important. We have now probably lost the old

archives from Vanderbilt as Jeff Millman has dropped out of the picture. This

is also a valuable resource (and more people need to learn to use it).

(5) Finally there are doctors who feel strongly that MSA is too cold a name.

This may be why they still call it SDS, but we need some clarification on PAF

vs. SDS, a few of us understand the difference at least in practice, but it is

confusing when some doctors still call PAF - Shy-Drager.

I still feel the BEST solution is to make it clear that MSA and SDS are the same

thing (or at least MSA-A is). Our write up on the website is now clear on that

so that part is NOT a problem. Could the name of the site be changed to

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shydrager(MSA) withour a lot of hassle?

I do NOT feel that anything which creates a LOT of work is worth the effort.

Actually we have people on the list now with MSA (all forms), PAF, CBGD, POTS,

LBD, OH, possibly PSP and I am sure others - maybe even chiari. I am NOT in

favor of making this an exclusive site as the general caregiving info works for

all patients, not just MSA. We now have over 40 members in the DC support group

and they are as diverse as this list, BUT we still help each other which is the

primary purpose of this site.

Remember that your doctor should be your primary source of treatment - WE ONLY

offer suggestions on what has worked (and we should qualify our notes on meds id

we have a probable or even possible diagnoses).

Them's my thoughts :o) I'm a relative newcomer compared to many on this list at

almost 3.5 years.

Take care, Bill Werre

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I have tried to log on to vote but keep being told I am not a member of

shydrager. I thought I was.


New poll for shydrager

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the

shydrager group:


" In 1969, Graham and Oppenheimer coined

the term multiple system atrophy (MSA)

to combine the common features seen in

the Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS),

Striatonigral Degeneration(SND) and

Sporadic Olivopontocerebellar atrophy


The " consensus statement on the

diagnosis of multiple system atrophy "

in 1999 recommended the use of MSA-P to

replace SND, and MSA-C for sporadic

OPCA. The consensus group also

concluded that the term Shy-Drager

syndrome is no longer useful. "

It's been suggested that since the term

Shy-Drager Syndrome is no longer

recognized by the consensus committee

that our group/list name be changed as



Would you be in favor of changing the

group's name from " shydrager "

to " MultipleSystemAtrophy " or something


o Yes, Strongly in favor of a name change

o Yes, Somewhat in favor of a name change

o Don't care one way or the other

o No, Somewhat opposed to a name change

o No, Strongly opposed to a name change

To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are

not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups

web site listed above.


If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

unsubscribe by sending a blank email to


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