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Fw: Baptisim :o)

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> BAPTISM > > Two little boys are looking for a way to cool off on a > hot summer day. > > Dad won't let them play in the sprinkler because he's > mowing the lawn, > so the boys set out to find a way to get wet and cool > without getting > into trouble. They sit on the curb brainstorming when > suddenly one of > them jumps up and says "I know, lets get baptized!" > > Well, both boys have seen enough to know that you can > get wet at a > baptism, so they trot down to the church on the corner > and tell the > pastor they want to get baptized. The irritated pastor > finally relents > after about 10 minutes of begging. He finally drags > the boys to the men's > room and dunks them both head first into the toilet, > then sends them > on their way. > > The boys sit on the curb, slightly disappointed with > the whole adventure, > when one of them asks the other, "What religion are we > now?" > > "I don't know," replies the other. "If we were > Baptists, he would have > filled up the big tub and dunked our whole body like > he did for uncle > Jim; and if we were Catholic, he would have poured it > on our heads > from a pitcher." > > They sat and thought about it for a while longer when > the first one said > in a small voice, "Since he stuck our head in the > toilet, I think that it > means that we're 'piss-ca-palian." >

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Good one!!


> BAPTISM > > Two little boys are looking for a way to cool off on a > hot summer day. > > Dad won't let them play in the sprinkler because he's > mowing the lawn, > so the boys set out to find a way to get wet and cool > without getting > into trouble. They sit on the curb brainstorming when > suddenly one of > them jumps up and says "I know, lets get baptized!" > > Well, both boys have seen enough to know that you can > get wet at a > baptism, so they trot down to the church on the corner > and tell the > pastor they want to get baptized. The irritated pastor > finally relents > after about 10 minutes of begging. He finally drags > the boys to the men's > room and dunks them both head first into the toilet, > then sends them > on their way. > > The boys sit on the curb, slightly disappointed with > the whole adventure, > when one of them asks the other, "What religion are we > now?" > > "I don't know," replies the other. "If we were > Baptists, he would have > filled up the big tub and dunked our whole body like > he did for uncle > Jim; and if we were Catholic, he would have poured it > on our heads > from a pitcher." > > They sat and thought about it for a while longer when > the first one said > in a small voice, "Since he stuck our head in the > toilet, I think that it > means that we're 'piss-ca-palian." > DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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