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THANKS - to Vera >

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Are you still up? Now I know it's pass your bedtime. Your getting as bad as me. :o)

Hey getting the email is better late , then never. I've been known to loss a few :o) I think my pc eat's them up.

Now about the Thank you. I didn't do anything, just passed on a story that someone said to us, about Fred. I have to say Fred is my hero. I see him trying so hard everyday and just not giving up. I'm glad you are the same way. Life has these road bumps and we have to try and get over them.

I came across this story on the posting when I was looking at back post for Shelia . You may of read it before, but I'll post it agan. It's that good.

Take Care



The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked, "why do you sorrow?"I answered, "Lord my life is so full of pain, I can't face one more tomorrow."The Lord sat down beside me, and gently took my hand. He said, "Let me explain to you and then you'll understand.Each sorrow is a stepping stone you must surmount each day,And every stepping stone you climb is a sorrow that's passed away.The road of life is a mountain side,with crevices in which to be caught,But as you struggle on your way,I the Rock, will lend support.Every stepping stone you climb,makes spirit and heart grow strong.Exercising character and faith this road seems painful and long.The way is paved with stepping stones,to uplift your heart and soul,Though difficult they aid your way,to a City paved with gold.I know that you are tired,for I too have walked this way,My sorrows did they multiply,but I cleared many stones away.I left my rock to lift you up,I left behind my story.To give you strength to make your climb,to that special place in glory.And never fear, the Rock is here,You'll never climb this mountain alone Surmount life's sorrows, continue on,For they are but stepping stones.~~Author Unknown~~

From: "pulalupu" <pulalupu@y...>

Date: Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:33 pm

Subject: THANKS - to Vera

Hi Vera.

Couldn't get this to go out via email, so figured I'd post it.

It was in response to communication on 8-3-2. Not sure if it was

email or a post.




Thanks for the encouraging email. Additional perspectives always


Really appreciate the story.

You're right. We never know.

I'm a go-getter too – always have been.

I still do – just not as much or fast as before.

House construction has virtually ceased.

Farm is all but shut down.

But, I still do work – as much as I can.

I'm still active for Christ – much as I can.

I'm still a part of my family – maybe more than ever.

I still do a lot of work on our property – probably too much :-)

I'm an avid letter-writer… (can you tell?)

(Guess I never finished this. Oh well... At least I sent it now :-)

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