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Update on Wanda and a request for prayers

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I don't remember telling you , you needed to thank me. So don't even worry about that. Right now you need to get to feeling better. It's good that you know about the CHF. They can give you lasix to get rid of the swelling and then the heart won't have to work so hard. So that's one thing less you need to worry about. Also they do so much with heart problems now. I know a woman who just had a heart tranplant, and is doing very well with that. As the other's have said , it's good that they found this early. If your anything like this woman I know, you'll be up and trying to clean everything in your house in no time. I'll say a prayer for you, but I think God has you in his hands already, showing the doctors what needs to be done.

My prayer & hugs


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Are you sure on those cholesterol and triglyceride numbers? If they are /were that high, you better thank your guardian angel!

Someone is definitely looking after you.

In our prayers

Dr. Ray

-- Update on Wanda and a request for prayers

Hi everyone,First I would like to thank Vera for answering myquestion a month ago. Sorry that I have not writtenbefore hand thanking you, but maybe you'll understandwhen I am through here.Here goes......I got a sinus infection about a 6 weeks ago and ittook me a while to get over it, much longer thannormal. Then my mother had colon surgery in earlyJuly and was in the hospital for 3 weeks with that. Ihad to have friends and family to take me everywhere. Around this time I also had to go to my cardiologist. He ran an echocardiogram and a caroid echo. My heartrate was so high that he wanted and did get it undercontrol before giving me a stress test. I got thechemical stress test since my walking is near nonenow. I have gone to a walker and w/c parttime. So....last week I started swelling, wide spread. Ihad my appt with my cardio yesterday. I was told thatI am in early congestive heart failure and I have twoblockages of arteries in the heart. I also have amild (early stage) mitral and tricuspid valve prolaspeand aortic insuffiency. On Monday I am being admittedto the hospital to have a heart cath performed and ifthe blockage is there at all the cardio is going to doeither the balloon or a stint, depending on theseverity of the blockage.He did tell me that it was lucky that it was caughtbefore I had a heart attack or stroke due to the factthat my cholesterol was 728 and my trigylecrites was859 and that he was truely surprised that I had nothad a heart attack or stroke yet.This has frightened me greatly, with all the otherthings going on, and I am not even 40 yet, but I havethe body and organs of a much older person. Pleasekeep me in your prayers, especially on Monday when Ihave to have the cath done.Thank youwanda__________________________________________________

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