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Sharon... I'm so sorry for your whole last week... Boy, think you just about

covered everything... I bet you are totally worn out...

I missed your posts and I'm glad that you are back safe and sound.... I think

you should stay there for a while...

Know I'm thinking of you and your family.


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Hi my friends,

We just got home from another trip to Grants Pass for my father in

laws funeral. After being down there last Fri/Sat, he passed away

early Sunday morning. We went back down on Monday so my husband

could spend time with him Mom and his siblings.

On Tuesday, my husband took two of his brothers to the funeral home

to deliver the clothes for his dad to wear. When he came home, he

was signaling to make a left turn into his moms driveway, when an

idiot decided to pass him on the left. Crunch! Right into my brand

new van! My husband was transported to the hospital via ambulance.

He reinjured the shoulder that he had surgery on in November. The

important thing was that he and his brothers were all o.k.!!!!

Needless to say, a very, very stressful week. The funeral was today,

and we are finally home again. (Home, Sweet Home) I had to do all

the driving since the accident. The trip home is about 150 miles and

I am hurting pretty badly tonight. Plus my mom in law started to

fall, and I tried to catch her and put my hip " out " . Other than that

I am great. Just need a week's sleep in my own bed.

I have about 100 more e-mails to get through, but just wanted to let

you all know that we are home, safe and sound. Talk to you later.

Love, Sharon

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Dear Sharon, so sorry to hear about your father-in-law and the accident. Just happy no one was hurt in the accident. Get some rest and repair yourself and your husband. Love Sue Marth

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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Sharon, so sorry to hear about your

> father-in-law and the accident. Just

> happy no one was hurt in the accident.

> Get some rest and repair yourself and your husband.

> Love Sue Marth


Hi Sue, thanks for the good thoughts. I have to call

my husbands doctor this morning and see if we can get

him in. His shoulder is much worse! Poor guy. I am

definitely going to be resting a lot over the next few

days. Have an appt with my PCP this afternoon, then

other than getting the car in to be repaired, that is

it. How are you doing? Sounds as if you have a lot

going on right now. Sorry! Take care, Sharon



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--- RCColloran@... wrote:

> Sharon... I'm so sorry for your whole last week...

> Boy, think you just about

> covered everything... I bet you are totally worn

> out...


> I missed your posts and I'm glad that you are back

> safe and sound.... I think

> you should stay there for a while...


> Know I'm thinking of you and your family.


> hugs



Hi ,

As usual, it is soooo good to be home, and to be able

to post and read all the posts that I missed.

First, how is ? Please keep us informed. As a

mom I know how it is to worry about our kids, no

matter what the age or the circumstance. I will pray

that this is not RP!

Ya, I am totally worn out, but just being in my own

space makes me feel better. I am just amazed that

with all that has been going on, I am not flaring.

Thank God for my wonderful doctor. Other than my hip,

I am feeling pretty much back to normal this morning.

The aches last night were from doing all that driving.

You have to go through four passes and although it is

freeway, it is still on some very curvy mountainess

road. I had never driven it before, so it was

stressful for me. I usually do the around town

driving and leave the rest to Jim.

Anyway, please take good care of yourself, and your

daughter, and keep us all informed what you find out

about her.

Love, Sharon



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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Sharon, not as much as you....good luck with

> the pcp today. Take care of

> hubby and get some rest...Sue Marth


Hi Sue, no rest for this old bag today, but hopefully

tomorrow! I feel like I am about to crash--know the

feeling? PCP appt went well as my blood pressure was

behaving itself for a change. He decided not to

increase the med. YEAH! He did get me scheduled for

another bone scan, which I am having in a week. Take

care of yourself! Love, Sharon



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No rest for us wicked people. Glad blood pressure is under control, at least it was yesterday. How do they do a bone scan? Just curious...Love Sue Marth

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Thanks Sharon, you have a great weekend too. Yes, I do know the hassle after an accident. Especially if you need a rental car. I had more problems with them. They don't want you to have it a minute longer than needed. You take care. Talk to you later. Sue

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In a message dated 7/27/01 7:00:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, grandm4@...


<< How do they do a bone scan? Just curious...Love Sue Marth >>

Sue, I have had a bone scan and a bone densiity test.... Both are a piece of

cake... The bone scan was like a CT scan...well both are.... you just lay on

a table and they scan you...LOL Wish all tests were that easy.


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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> No rest for us wicked people. Glad blood pressure is

> under control, at least

> it was yesterday. How do they do a bone scan? Just

> curious...Love Sue Marth


Boy, I must really be wicked! Didn't know how much

crap there is to deal with after an automobile

accident. I am amazed that my bp was under control

yesterday with all this stress.

Bone scans are simple. You just lay on a table, like

an x-ray table, and this machine goes over certain

parts of you and takes pictures. I think they do one

hip, the spine, and the wrist. It's been six months

since my last one, and wonder of wonders, I can't

remember. Imagine that! No undressing, no pain, no

diet restrictions other than don't take calcium, Tums,

or multivitamins the day of the test.

Take care Sue, and have a wonderful weekend.

Love, Sharon



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Dear Sharon, don't let them intimidate you, and obviously you won't. As long as you have a good repair shop and insurance you should be okay. Take care this weekend and regroup...Love Sue Marth

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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Thanks Sharon, you have a great weekend too. Yes, I

> do know the hassle after

> an accident. Especially if you need a rental car. I

> had more problems with

> them. They don't want you to have it a minute longer

> than needed. You take

> care. Talk to you later. Sue


Thanks Sue, I have already talked to the at fault

drivers insurance and told them that I will not accept

a subcompact rental car! Told them I have to have a

van as that is what I am used to, and with the

severity of my arthritis I cannot get into or out of a

small car. They agreed! The body shop that is doing

the repair is going to arrange the rental for me. So,

hopefully it will go according to plan. Although I am

usually very, very mild mannered, I can get mean!

Especially when someone hurts a member of my

family---or my new van! HA! Love, Sharon



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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Sharon, don't let them intimidate you, and

> obviously you won't. As long

> as you have a good repair shop and insurance you

> should be okay. Take care

> this weekend and regroup...Love Sue Marth


Oh Sue, if stress is bad for me, I am in trouble. I

have literally fought with the other ins co all day.

Their appraiser has stood us up twice and yet we are

being accused of being uncooperative???? It has not

been a pleasant day. At least our ins is being very

supportive. My husband is talking about seeing a

lawyer on Mon. It is that bad! Hopefully they will

leave us alone over the weekend and let us rest. The

doc thinks my husband is going to be o.k. but will

recheck him in four weeks. Hope you had a calm day,

and if you happened to bottle any of it-send it on!

Love, Sharon



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Dear Sharon, the other guys insurance company will try to almost harrass you into signing off on the claim. Don't sign a thing!!!! The two insurance companies will battle it out in the end. Plus with a personal injury involved they definitely want you to sign off. Talk to you later, Sue

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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Sharon, the other guys insurance company will

> try to almost harrass you

> into signing off on the claim. Don't sign a

> thing!!!! The two insurance

> companies will battle it out in the end. Plus with a

> personal injury involved

> they definitely want you to sign off. Talk to you

> later, Sue


Thanks Sue! It sounds as if you've been there, done

that. We will sign nothing until we are darn good and

ready. How's your weekend going? Enjoy! Love, Sharon



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Dear Sharon, just knowledge I've picked up over the years. Have had 3 accidents in my life, two involving deer and one 16 year old who slammed into me. It was the weirdest thing, she stopped at a green light because she was turning left and all of a sudden she just went and hit me in the drivers door. It was a nightmare but managed to settle for my car and an additional $1,000 because I hit my head on the drivers window. Wasn't hurt, just pissed. You have to be tough and hard headed and don't let them intimidate you. Love, Sue

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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Sharon, just knowledge I've picked up over the

> years. Have had 3

> accidents in my life, two involving deer and one 16

> year old who slammed into

> me. It was the weirdest thing, she stopped at a

> green light because she was

> turning left and all of a sudden she just went and

> hit me in the drivers

> door. It was a nightmare but managed to settle for

> my car and an additional

> $1,000 because I hit my head on the drivers window.

> Wasn't hurt, just pissed.

> You have to be tough and hard headed and don't let

> them intimidate you. Love,

> Sue


I'm learning fast! They are really into games (the

other insurance) and I am catching on not to let it

get to me. Cool and calm under pressure will be my

motto this coming week. Believe me, I am way

hard-headed! My dad used to say that was from my

German blood. Knew it would come in handy someday.

Love, Sharon



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