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>Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

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Hi .

This is .

Or, Pablito - or any other number of -related names. Better know

as the jester I guess :-)

But seriously, welcome.

You are in good company. Sounds to me like autonomic neuropathy.

I've got that - and got all the symptoms you list - except that my

intollerance for heat has passed - now I seem to not notice it at

all - which is rather dangerous - as 100 degrees and high humidity

feels nice to me.

Cold hands and feet are the pits, aren't they?!

I constantly amaze people by how cold mine are (only the hands - I

don't usually take my shoes off in public :-)

Understand your frustration. Just realize that your problems are

real. If the docs can't figure it out - it's not your fault.

Remember that foremost. Please! Don't pick on yourself - and don't

ever start self-doubting.

I'll try to write you again later, but gotta go now. Need to get

some rest - or go to the bathroom - or something.

Is this all your symptoms? I'm sure it seems like a lot, but just

curious. If you've already mentioned more on another post, I'll

catch it later. My eyes are already shot for tonight.

I'm sure others have already said it - but... welcome.

There is much wisdom and experience here. Please tap into it. It's

free - and often you'll get more info here than from a dozen doctor

visits (probably shouldn't say that - but it's proven true to me).

Oh, guess I should put a disclaimer in here. We're not docs - at

least not MDs, but I sure hope you find one like mine. She might not

be an expert on this stuff, but you need a good allie who is a

medical doctor. Mine is an internist. For me - the neuro had to

pass when I got out of his scope of expertise (basically, when he

tested me and I had full reflex out of the hospital, then none in the

hospital - zero - zilch - zip - nada - and the results were even more

mystifying when my - oops - forgot the name - electrical stimulus

test - whatever you call it - came back " normal " - which meant not

significantly abnormal - at least not to a pattern they were familiar

with - which is what you're going to find).

Well, see I'm rambling.

Better let you go.

And I'd better go too.

Please do frequent this site. You might also check out www.ndrf.org -

but... you've probably already been there. Mass. General Hospital

also has a site - but not many posts there regarding this stuff.

Take care - and... remember... you're not alone. We're here - and

so is God!

> I have been having these crazy symptoms for about 7yrs, that have

> progressively gotten worse. When I stumbled onto this site I about

> fainted when I read all of the symptoms of this disease. I think


> the reason that they haven't been able to diagnose me is because I

> haven't complained about the black-outs that I have when I stand


> Okay here are my symptoms fatigue, blurred vision, tremors,


> and black-outs when going from sitting to standing, very low blood

> pressure 90/55, low body temp., can't adjust to temp change hot or

> cold, always have cold hands and feet, irregular heart beats either

> too fast or too slow while in a sitting or lying down position, I

> also run into corners while walking, trip all of the time and have

> fallen alot lately.

> Can anybody relate to what I am going through????? Somedays I just

> cry because they can't find what is wrong with me.

> I am finally going to a neurologist next thursday. I am soooooooo

> scared though.

> I just need somebody to talk to about what I am going through. I


> had everyone baffled with my symptoms.

> Thanks for letting me vent.


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