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Vera and Fred in Vegas

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What Dr.Ray didn't tell you is that's my husband trying to hold hands with Dr. Ray's wife Vivian :o) (Got to watch Fred all the time)

We really enjoyed meeting Dr. Ray & Vivian. We got there Sunday around 5pm , later then I plan. So Fred took a nap while I did the three trips to the car to bring up everything , but the kitchen sink .Dr. Ray & Vivian came to the Silverton around 6pm and up to our room , we then went to the coffee shop and had dinner together. We played a little slots and then went back to our room. Because of the smoke in the casino , Fred had a hard time breathing and he wanted a breathing treatment, it's then that I found out I should of had that Kitchen Sink , I forgot the tube to the nebuilzer , so had to use the cpap. That helped and he went to sleep. So Dr. Ray and Vivian left and we were to meet them the next day at there house. After they left , I also went to bed, hoping that I would get a good night rest, but Fred couldn't sleep well on the bed, so I was up every hour or less with him. We had plan to stay two nights, but with Fred not sleeping well and then something came up , We changed the plans to just stay the day and go home later that night. We went to Dr. Ray's around 1pm and then we followed them to the candy factory. After we went to dinner with them where we talked and enjoyed watching Dr. Ray with his crab. :o) After that we went our different ways. I had plan to leave around 6 or 7 pm. Fred spend along time in the restroom and needed a nap after, so we didn't leave till 9pm. So by the time I got to Baker, Ca it was around 10:30pm, so stopped there to get some coffee in the little market. Fred wanted to go in also with his , but that turned out to be alot of work. His balance was really bad and trying to hold onto him and keep him from falling , I couldn't hold him and get the coffee, so told the woman not to ring anything up yet till I got him back to the car. I don't know how I got him in, not easy to get someone in that's 250 lbs and can't make it in on their own, but I did it. By the time we left the market , it was now after 11pm and I still had 3 hours to drive to home. So around Victorville , I pulled over and slept some and we got home about 2:30am.

I didn't get the rest that I had hoped for, but did have someone bring me my meals and didn't have to make the beds :o)... and got chocolate samples. We enjoyed the time we had with Dr. Ray and Vivian very much and hope that they will be able to make it down here in September for the support group meeting here at my house. I hope to see them again then , and the others here in Los Angeles area also.

Take care Vera

Have a look at this great couple here in Vegas. Yes, we went to Ethyl M's

and got our chocolate fix. Anyone who comes to Vegas, will get my personal


Dr. Ray

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