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Nan>Re: normal on xray

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Hi Nan.

... Nan...dico here :-)

Just wanted to add some balance... I do agree that it won't hurt to

ask USC that as a follow up question. However, I would also think

they'd know what is " normal " or " abnormal " atrophy.

For me... My MRIs were seen by doctors in a nearby city. Then, I had

another set done in Tulsa, and the " best of the best " there looked at

them there...

Then my MRIs accompanied me to Mayo - where the " best of the best -

nationally - and supposedly internationally " reviewed them there.

The conclusion at each place - " normal. "

Yet, I sent them to another specialist, and he pinpointed 5 areas of

concern - where my MRIs were defintely NOT normal. As I am not that

old - we're not looking at atrophy, we're looking at abnormalities.

I am now in the process of securing some more reviews from

other " experts " . Just wanted to let you know - that it is possible

for docs to miss stuff. Always possible. Even the best of 'em.

In the case of this last specialist, he was looking for particular

things. I think the others were too - but more along the lines of

lesions - not this stuff. I was, nevertheless, shocked to find that

there were all these problems there - and none of the others who

reviewed my MRIs saw them. (And... I might add... the ONLY reason I

sent them to the one specialist - was because a " layman " saw some

abnormalities that he thought deserved a second look. A layman!

Yep. Reminds me of a friend who's wife had cancer. The docs missed

it - but a simple x-ray tech caught it. Saved her life - literally!)

Keep us posted on your progress, and what the docs at USC say on your

next follow up appointment.

By the way, what is an LTD? Limited Term Disability?

To me, if you have anything - you're better off than most.

Truly... count your blessings! :-)

> In reply to the message about the normal reading of an MRI, I too

went to Barrows last year with my MRI and report in hand. It stated

it was normal, but then just recently, I went to USC and the report

was that I have some type of mid-brain atrophy. Barrows never said

anything about this to me. Maybe this is normal for atypical PD. But

what the new reading did was move my appeal to social security for

disability benefits into the most likely " approved " column. I

appealed this decision with the help of a company of former social

security admin. and examiners. They were appalled my claim wasn't

approved on the first time through. But now, with more specific

info. social security looks like they will approve my claim -- a dark

victory. I also wonder why the five other neuros. and specialists I

went to with that same MRI didn't say anything about this to me. I

found out about it through the appeal company I mentioned. If I have

brain atrophy, I want to know it; do doctors assume a patient might

know this is normal for PD and PD like disorders? Finally, only USC

gave me a thorough exam--about 4 hours. The others were the typical

10-15 minute with the doctor exams.

> Nan in hot, dry Yuma AZ

> " normal " on xray



> Pam:

> I happened to glance through a few emails on the yahoo site the

other day, and saw one in which you were confused by a " normal "

reading on an x-ray of someone with MSA. When my mother was thought

to have PD and went to Barrow's in Phoenix, the docs there also told

her that her brain x-ray was " normal " --that is, normal for someone

with PD. Xrays only show so much, and for someone with a

neurodegenerative disorder, certain brain functions still are normal,

or within a normal range for that disorder. Someone else (or 50

someones!) have probably already responded, but in case not, that's

my 2 cents.




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Thanks for your response, and I hope you continue to get the care you

deserve. What you said about a layman finding out info. is so

true--sometimes the professionals are too much so, and they go through

everything to fast. And, now that I think of your point, the USC doctors

would know what is abnormal; I am 48, but I don't know how much atrophy

should be there. When the doctor called in 2 other doctors to look at the

MRI, that is when I started to wonder. Since I grew up in the 1960's, maybe

that atrophy is " normal " ! LTD refers to long term disability--sorry for the

confusion. My employer pays it out of the Arizona State Retirement system.

I had ten years as a community college prof. and that is the lucky number

for getting good long-term benefits if needed. Again, the benefits are a

dark victory, but I am fortunate to have them. I corresponded with a couple

who had nothing, and tried to help them with social security info.. They

were very scared and very poor since the man had lost his job. I'm amazed

at how many employers don't offer or don't make employees aware of the need

to sign up for long-term health benefits. I paid for them out of my check,

but I have received 2/3 of my salary since I lost my job--and over the years

I will receive much more than I paid in. I do wish I could get back to work,

but my balance, speech, lack of coordination, etc. make it impossible. I

still look forward to a cure and someday returning to a life of " the noble

workday routine. "

Best wishes and good luck,


" normal " on xray

> >

> >

> > Pam:

> > I happened to glance through a few emails on the yahoo site the

> other day, and saw one in which you were confused by a " normal "

> reading on an x-ray of someone with MSA. When my mother was thought

> to have PD and went to Barrow's in Phoenix, the docs there also told

> her that her brain x-ray was " normal " --that is, normal for someone

> with PD. Xrays only show so much, and for someone with a

> neurodegenerative disorder, certain brain functions still are normal,

> or within a normal range for that disorder. Someone else (or 50

> someones!) have probably already responded, but in case not, that's

> my 2 cents.

> >

> >

> >

> > If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

> > unsubscribe by sending a blank email to

> >

> > shydrager-unsubscribe@y...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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