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If WOMEN Ruled The Earth...

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" If WOMEN Ruled The Earth " ...

Wrinkles would be viewed as sexy --Cindy Gamble

men would have no peace of mind --Ray Bierbom

Oprah would be president --Amyn Amlani

Women would only need to work 3 out of every four

weeks on account of disability  --Amyn Amlani

Stop-signs would be made 4 feet wide and roads would

be triple in size to ease the burden of driving.

--Amyn Amlani

Theirbutts would never touch toliet water again, there

would be no such thing as a toliet seat that goes up

and down. --pepperanne

all men would be on their knees rule #1 --~Kat~

Men would have to give them half of everything they owned

if they got divorced.  No, wait....... --Jurel44

Their Daddy would pay for the wedding and their husbands

would pay for the rings.  No, wait..... --Jurel44

Dinner, dancing and a movie wouldn't cost them anything.

No, wait.... --! Jurel44

They would get to decide, yes or no, instead of having to

beg for it.  No, wait....... --Jurel44

ICBMs would have a radical change in shape! --presiniqi

there would be a lot less sports on tv.

There would be laws against nose picking, farting contests,

ball scratching, ass scratching and nude bars. --DM

PMS would become know world wide  as " Putting

Up  with  Men's  Shit. " --Roxie

Women would rule with their brains and not their sex

organs!!!! --winell

Wars would consist of talking bad about the other's bad

fashion tastes.  ( " I heard she wore red with pink! " )


Being under a size 8 would be punishable by fines. --Polikjum

Every 28 days; INTENSE NEGOTIATIONS!!! --401k

Vibrators would be sold in every store. -- Lloyd

Men would learn the " pleasure " of giving birth. -- Lloyd

Important decisions would be made without regard! to logic

or rationality --M.L.Heino

There would be a 24-hour cable network called The Crying Channel

(oh, wait.....Lifetime channel already exists) --M.L.Heino

Everything would have to match ( " That warhead and booster

rocket are just SOOO clashy, darling! " ) --M.L.Heino

Technical jargon would be replaced by the universally

understood term, " thingy " --M.L.Heino

one inch is six inches.  That is what my husband told me.

So at least let us make a new ruler!!!!!!!!!!!! --Marsha R.

The Superbowl would be ALL about the commercials--and the game

itself would be 60 seconds long... --RRRhonda9

Dieting would go out of fashion as thin would be SO last year...


Married men would wear  " invisible fence-type " collars rather

than easily removed wedding bands--and would get an electric

shock if they strayed... --RRRhonda9

Chocolate would be added as a food group in the dietary

pyramid... ! --RRRhonda9

Single men would wear those " shock " collars as well--and

would get a jolt of electricity every time they said, " I'll

call you " when they had no real intention of calling... --RRRhonda9

This entire list is silly--because women DO run the world...but

shhh...we LIKE men believing they're in charge... --RRRhonda9

Soap operas and romantic movies would be the only things

shown on TV -- Brewer

The Super Bowl would be the annual salad making championships.








we would get paychecks for being housewifes and vacation

away from home.... --jody smith

Toilets would have built in seats.

And if a man missed and hit the seat, an electric charge

would be sent through his body. Submitted by a GUY  --Jerry Hoke

All parking spaces would be pull through, so a woman would

never have to back in or out. Submitted by a GUY  --Jerry Hoke

The word " himbo " would be in the dictionary. Submitted

by a GUY  --Jerry Hoke

People would be judged not by looks, but by what they are

like inside...............................woa, look at the

pecs on that guy!!! Submitted by a GUY  --Jerry Hoke

Every 28 days, or so, war would break out, but only for 5 days.

Submitted by a GUY  --Jerry Hoke

there will be no remote controls.  --artemio madrid

soap operas will be shown on all channels,QVC will be shown on

intermissions. --artemio madrid

automatic toilet seat lifter sensor if husbands use the

bathroom. --artemio madrid

mother-in-laws wi! ll rule the husbands. --artemio madrid

men will have PMS. No ESPN --artemio madrid

Nagging, back seat driving and gossip will be included as games

in the olympics. --artemio madrid

if they don't want sex, men will have headaches. --artemio madrid

Men will have multiple orgasms. --artemio madrid

Lawns around the globe would NEVER get mowed! -- Lucas

Telephones would no longer be needed, because they will be

replaced with gossip. -- Lucas

Soap operas and romantic movies would be the only things

shown on TV -- Brewer

Men would be put thru parenting and husbanding school, till

they got 100%. --marie

Men would have feelings.--marie

Men would have an intuition , of ANY kind.--marie

The only licensed drivers would be women. --MARK A. GREENFIELD

Men Would have to take a maternity leave to wait on their wives

hand and foot after a baby came. --Scoobysnax2002

it would ! be like adam and eve in the rain forest --virgowomen

Life would be much more fun!!!!! I am woman and you men

obey...LOL! --DddysGAPch


-- C

women would probably be on the top of the corprate ladders.

--sugar sweet

PMS would stand for Pretty Much Saintly --SheRox67

Instead of CREDIT cards, women would be given GRANT cards

so they could spend as much as they want without paying

them back. -- Bradshaw

Everyone would feel loved. --KGraff4592

There would be a Weekly recognizion day for

those who have " cramps. --KGraff4592

More people would be on antidepressants and

realize why      --KGraff4592

No more abusive husbands they would all be castrated with

the first blow and much more jail time --KGraff4592

Divvorce with husbands who abuse would be

required to pay out more money just --KGraff4592

! for the abuse and the fact that a women never

truly gets over it. --KGraff4592

Abusive husbands would be required to go into

treatment for the rest of their lives --KGraff4592

More Chocolate Fridays --KGraff4592

Less worktime so they can spend with their

children --KGraff4592

Greater understanding of saying I am sorry --KGraff4592

Greater appreciation of the words I Love You --KGraff4592

Women would rule the world differently because men are

stupid and cant do anything right. --SMHSALUMNI1989

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