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Hi Rosie,

Your child's teacher has plenty of nerve " pushing for medication. "

He/she is not a doctor and has no business suggesting that your son

be medicated let alone " prescribe " a specific medication. Perhaps

he/she should hang a shingle outside his/her classroom and open up a

side practice.

The teacher's vast ignorance is demonstrated by his/her complete lack

of understanding of the working of methylphenidate (Ritalin). " Taking

the edge off " generally refers to medications that rely on sedative

properties. This is a common misperception about the mechanisms of

Ritalin and other PSYCHOSTIMULANT medications. These medications are

central nervous system stimulants, not depressants. This is the

basis for the term " paradoxical effect. " Why should a central

nervous system stimulant reduce hyperactivity and increase attending


The theory is that children with true, neurologically based ADHD have

central nervous systems that are chronically underaroused. It is

theorized that these children, therefore, need to increase their

intake of stimulation to bring their central nervous sytem arousal up

to normal levels. Psychostimulant medications work by increasing

central nervous system arousal, thus the child does not need to

provide that level of arousal through hyperactive behaviors. Now

able to sit still with normal CNS arousal, they are better able to

attend. Moreover, while the overactivity associated with ADHD and

Austism are topographically similar, they are probably not

neurologically similar which is why psychostimulant medications have

generally not been effective in treating children with ASD.

Your child's teacher's job is to provide a description of your

child's behaviors and discuss educational strategies to address

them. Recommending medically based interventions is highly


Jay Goldwein


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Have you tried antifungal therapy (Nystatin for example)? Reducing sugar and

that might help. Have you removed phenols/salicylates (Feingold diet)? That

might help too. Especially the artificial colors/preservatives. These are

alternatives you could explore. If you haven't done so, get a DAN doctor if

possible and tell the school that you are pursuing testing through him/her.

Ritalin helped keep my daughter in a regular classroom, so I'm not anti Ritalin.

You just have to decide the pros and cons. I honestly think for some kids it is

necessary while you figure out what exactly is bothering them. Going on Ritalin

reduced my girl's allergies and removed a subtle depression. But I'd always

recommend that people remove the offensive foods first.


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Just because we do not share the same point of view as you do about

Ritalin use, does not give you the right to post such a rude statement

saying " we are not intelligent enough to see through this information " !

Excuse me, but I am a very intelligent person, you do not know me!

I happen to feel the exact opposite about the Ritalin controversy

as you do, but I will NOT result to using insults as you have done...

that was just not called for!

I have personally witnessed the damaging effects of Ritalin with

my nephew who has ADHD and has been on the drug for several years.

I do NOT feel it is a safe drug and no amount of rude posts will change my mind!

Nobody was saying that the teachers are the ones prescribing the

meds. (I do not know where you got that information), we are simply

stating that it is the teachers who are harrassing us into using

these meds. to make their lives easier, they do not care about the

long term effects on the children.

And, these teachers DO have the power to go to the school psychiatrist

and convince him to prescribe the meds. and if the parents refuse,

they can and have done many times in the past, accuse the parents

of child abuse and many parents have lost their children because

of it! THIS is enough to scare ME! But, you will never see that

part of the school system because you already use the drug. But,

those of us who wish not to use it, should have the right to refuse

without having to worry about losing our children...it IS a real

concern, it HAS happened many times before!!

And, as for the doctors educating themselves about the condition,

don't hold your breath!! Just because a doctor is behind something

does NOT make it good or safe!! Remember these are the same doctors

who are forcing these poisoned vaccinations on our children and

are CAUSING the disorders in the first place!! So, BIG surprise

when they prescribe the WRONG meds!

You say, " Are you ready to fight the " Ritalin war " when the people behind

>it also believe there is no such thing as autism?? " There are

MANY people against Ritalin who know autism is real and to insinuate

that just because I am against Ritalin, means that I do not believe

in autism is ridiculous! Of course I believe in autism, my son is

autistic but that doesn't mean I can not be against Ritalin!!

I AM educated in this subject, not just by reading articles but

by witnessing the effects AND living it through my nephew!!

You state,

" If you are fighting the " Ritalin war, " you are in the wrong battle. "

This is YOUR opinion, I do not feel that way; so, YES, I WILL

continue to fight the Ritalin war. Thank you for your opinions...there

would be no " war " if we all felt the same way.



On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 20:51:36

and Amy Metger wrote:

>Ok, here is the post. I wasn't going to do this, but I feel I have good

>points to make.


> " Rosie,


>I agree with you...Ritalin is bad news and can cause severe health

>problems. Check out


>These teachers don't want to learn ways to help the child (such as diet,

>therapy, etc.) because that is too much work. They just want an easy way

>to " control " the child and make them complacent, but it is just not safe!

>Stick to your guns, fight the Ritalin war!! This stuff needs to be off

>the market...the sooner, the better!!


>Debbiey M "


>First of all, saying " This stuff needs to be off the market...the sooner

>the better!! " In my opinion is not what said, " We are all doing the

>best we can to do the very best for our

>children and that does not lead to the same road for all of us. " Which,

>ironically, is what I am advocating.


>, you are actually incorrect stating that Ritalin is over

>prescribed. I'm sorry your daughter did not do well on it, that shows me

>that either your doc or psychiatrist was not well versed in the condition

>or else it just plain didn't work for her. Now you know and are on to

>more effective treatment.


>Did you know that childhood mania is almost identical to hyperactivity?

>However, the medications are entirely different. IF you give a Bipolar

>kid a stimulant, you will induce full blown psychosis w/ hallucinations

>and all (like my son), likewise, if you give and ADHD kid a mood

>stabilizer, the same thing can happen.

>Teachers are not prescribing stimulants, doctors are. If there are too

>many kids on drugs, then it is up to the doctors to educate themselves on

>the disorder. The side effects discussed on the site that was shared are

>only if THE CHILD WAS PRESCRIBED THE WRONG MED. Another thing...have you

>looked at the information this organization wants people to share? Come

>on, any intelligent person could see right through this.


>A recent study actually showed that, according to the math (and ADHD is

>rising, similarly to autism) in actuality, there are fewer kids (and

>people) on stimulants than there are people with diagnoses. The main

>problem is that the Church of Scientology (who is behind the whole " ADD

>fraud " thing) are the same ones who are saying that there is no such

>thing as a neurobiological disorder. Remember that autism is part of that

>group. Are you ready to fight the " Ritalin war " when the people behind

>it also believe there is no such thing as autism?? By the way, they

>think it is poor parenting. If you don't believe me, check out the site

>below and watch the program.



>Ritalin is a safe drug and a lot of people (myself included) depend on in

>to just get by day to day. Why be scared of the teachers? They are not

>going to be giving the drugs to your kids w/o your consent, they are not

>doctors and they most likely do not have access to highly controlled

>drugs. If you want to take it out on someone, take it out on the ill

>informed medical community.

>I'm sorry, but this post was not misinterpreted, it was very clear. If

>you are fighting the " Ritalin war, " you are in the wrong battle.

>Educate yourself before you make broad accusations, read this:



>Amy M

>Mom to Dylan (7 autism), Jonah (5 ADHD, ODD, Bipolar), and Connor (2)

>Oregon online autism support


>Bipolarbear Cubs online group


>The Mind's Eye http://www.geocities.com/babyvan_99

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  • 1 year later...

Hi , You always seem to be "in the know" on the latest trials? Who is your source? :)



-----Original Message-----From: TFPSteed@... Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:00 AMTo: shydrager Subject: ritalini heard that Dr. Chase at NiH is t rying ri talin for PD/MSA? anyone know det ai ls? in addi t ion to sinemet? nancy If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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I know that I have heard of it being used here on the list, but I do not

remember the details. If I remember correctly it was used for a specific

symptom - but again -having a senior moment and can't remember the details.


Take care, Bill Werre


TFPSteed@... wrote:

i heard that Dr. Chase at NiH is t rying ri talin for PD/MSA?

anyone know det ai ls? in addi t ion to sinemet? nancy

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unsubscribe by sending a blank email to


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Jean's father (in Phoenix) was taking it last I heard. I think she said it boosted his energy level. I'm sure she'll chime in when she sees this.

Take care,


-----Original Message-----From: Werre Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 9:07 AMTo: shydrager Subject: Re: ritalin,I know that I have heard of it being used here on the list, but I do not remember the details. If I remember correctly it was used for a specific symptom - but again -having a senior moment and can't remember the details. Sorry.Take care, Bill Werre=============================================TFPSteed@... wrote:

i heard that Dr. Chase at NiH is t rying ri talin for PD/MSA? anyone know det ai ls? in addi t ion to sinemet? nancyIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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My husband, Gordon, has been on Ritilin for about a year. His Dx is SDS/MSA.

It was diagnosed to help fight the excesive sleepiness & fatigue. He started

with a very low dose - one 10mg/ day and it did help for about 4-5 months

and then tapered off. Another 10mg pill was added with the same result -

helpful for some months (still not racing around the track :-) ) and then

tapered off. We go back to the neuro in Oct. and we will see if more is

added. I know dosage is still low.


> TFPSteed@... wrote:


>> i heard that Dr. Chase at NiH is t rying ri talin for

>> PD/MSA? anyone know det ai ls? in addi t ion to sinemet? nancy

>> If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

>> unsubscribe by sending a blank email to


>> shydrager-unsubscribe

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Found this is the list archives.



If you are planning to ask your doctor about Ritalin, also mention


This is a similar drug, most often used for people with Attention


Deficit. My father has been taking this for almost two years. His


had him try it after she had gone through the process of eliminating


Parkinson's drugs and was trying drugs that affect the other

neuro-transmitters. Cylert also stimulates norephinephrin (sorry if


spelled that incorrectly!). Before taking Cylert, my father was


through most of the day, but he's now able to stay awake except for an

occasional catnap. His neuro also says that these drugs can affect


production of dopamine -- she calls it " back door dopamine " --

because the

brain will convert the other chemicals into dopamine.

Let us know if it has some positive effects.

Jane K. in GA

--- End forwarded message ---

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