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Re: Vocal Cord Paralysis

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With the recent emails about V. C. Paralysis, thought I'd add my couple of

cents worth based on Ned's experiences.

About 3 years ago he had a terrible episode of vocal cord paralysis with

loud, noisy respirations that occurred one night about 6:30-7:00 p.m. when he

was sitting in his recliner. When the problems didn't " go away " within a few

minutes, we squaded him to the ER where the problems continued. The docs

recommended a trach and a ventilator to " rest " the vocal cords, but there was

no guarantee he would be able to come off the vent. Ned was also adamant

about not having a trach (even if the vent idea was not in the picture) and

the pulmonary docs (both the resident covering the ER and the head guy who

drove in from home!!!) were very understanding. As Ned was getting exhausted

(his respirations had been at over 30/minutes for about 3 hours and his heart

rate was running 140-150/minute) the docs tried several medications to break

the spasm -- and the drug that worked was Lidocaine-- it broke the spasm, his

resp and heart rate slowly returned to normal. Of course, Ned continues to

have various problems with choking and breathing -- he is on Oxygen and we

have a suction machine beside the bed-but he has not had further prolonged

episodes with vocal cord paralysis since that acute episode. Considering his

vocal cord and swallowing problems were Ned's earliest debilitating problems

12-13 years ago, we consider ourselves lucky there haven't been more trips to

the ER.

Hopefully, no one reading this post will have an acute episode of vc

paralysis, but having knowledge that Lidocaine (I believe it was given IV)

worked for Ned, might help someone else. Since this episode was 3 years ago,

there also might be something else newer on the market that might help --

anyone have suggestions?

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