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Vision and Problems with the Cerebellum

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Over in the InterNAF group this same topic came up for discussion. Since

MSA also includes imparement of the cerebellum, this information definitely

applies here.

So, even though we might have problems seeing, it is not generally a problem

with the eyes ar the nerves. My neuro-ophthlamologist explained that with

all the tests they did, I *should* be able to see better than I can. My eye

can be corrected to 20/20. My brain can not. Why? Nystagmus is one

problem. I also have problems looking up or to my left.

Basically the signal and coordination of the signals and activity is getting

lost on the way to the visual centers of the brain. It's in the

Olivo-Ponto-Cerebellar (OPC or OPCA) area that things get garbled.

This article is of interest in how the cerebellum is involed in the process

of vision:


If anyone is considering going to an n-o, the following page might help

prepare you:


This is a really neat (though deep) article. I enjoyed it as it explains

why they did so MANY tests. I actually *loved* my n-o exam. There were a

lot of interesting tests. I asked lots of questions. They were very

patient answering them. I 'flunked' a lot of the tests. But many tests

assume both eyes work. I only 'see' with one. The other has a large scar

at the focal point. I see colors and shapes with it. Enough to warn me

when something approaches. But not enough to even read the large 'E' on the

chart. So, it was not a surprise to them or me.

But I was surprised that so much was examined with the n-o examination. I

spent most of a day wandering from one exam area to the next. I was

wondering if they would do a full physical exam next!! :) It was fun.

Hope that helps.



B. Fisher

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Greetings Bill (and everyone else here) !

Sorry, I got lost in the midst of things. Work continues to go well. Yet

anytime companies talk about layoffs things get frantic. Yes, I worry about

layoffs. I am not a likely target. But if I lost my job, I would no longer

be able to find work, and would loose LTD at the same time. Due to my

disability, I *must* work from home. Even a trip across town is starting to

make me nauseous. And it tires me.

So driving to work is out. Only a precious few companies would hire someone

as Work From Home. In this field it makes no nevermind. Provide adequate

internet connection and there is no reason not to be able to work as

quickly, and sometimes more than the person in an office. I don't get all

the interruptions here that someone does in an office. But most managers

want to see the body.

It's not just travel. It's interruptions. It takes time for me to ramp

toward a problem. Toss too many interruptions my way at the same time and I

seem to 'freeze'. I simply overload. Walking away helps. Literally. Push

too hard and it requires a nap.

Work from home ... well, works! Fortunately my customers, peers and

management think I do a good job - regardless of my situation. Yet loosing

a job would be devastating. Sure a date with a lawyer and court definitely

would be something I could win. But who has the time and money for that

type of venture? A better scenario would be for them to recommend LTD,

which I could probably take now, but I honestly enjoy my work.

Yes, I worry when layoffs start. So far nothing ominous is in sight. I

will continue to pray for that.

Over doing it? Yes. Remember I mentioned that people start to scramble?

Well, several managers did. And gleefully glommed (like this technical

management jargon?) onto me to help their efforts. Three big projects at

once wore me out. I have one more this week to complete. How's the saying

go: No rest for the weary! I'm happy to help. I just let managers decide

what tradeoffs are necessary. Some of the work might even be used one day.

:) At the same time, I admitted to myself that I did not have the time or

energy to follow the mail list. :(

I also struggle with some depression. Being home bound is more limiting

than I would like. I go out to eat with my wife, but frankly not happily.

Unfortunately, I've had to ask to go home before we even get seated due to

noise and confusion around me. I just HATE seeing her look of

disappointment and worry. God, I honestly wish this was not something that

also limited my family! You hear?? He does, it just hurts so much.

Mostly, I don't want to hurt my family.

Oh, my wife offers to take me on a short ride, just to get me out of the

office. Oh, she has an idea that I no longer like riding in the car. How

can I explain the discomfort to someone that does not know it? Most of the

time I now ride with my eyes closed. I explain that having too many things

in motion around me is uncomfortable. But how can I explain to someone that

does not feel how awful that ride can be that I come home exhausted. I try

to for her. But I need to be certain it also won't impact my ability to do

my work.

Why not just head out on LTD? I would if it was a post-tax benefit. But my

company provides LTD as a pre-tax benefit. It's already only 70% of my pay.

Taxes eating into that would devastate my ability to provide for my family.

:( Ask me after my kids are through school in several years. Ask me then.

Okay, I admit. I probably won't last that long. But as long as I can, I

hope to do so.

There are times I simply HATE this. But then I realize the only thing I can

control is how I act and react. I choose to be as positive and constructive

as possible. And there are still ways to help others at church and in my

community. I just need to put on my thinking cap and LISTEN. It's not a

cap to help me to think. It's a cap to remind me NOT to think. Just

listen. Answers will come.

Bill you will be happy to know and I started talking about " what's

where " and looking into lots of other issues. Now, rather than later. She

finally accepts. I did not push as long as my symptoms progressed at a

moderate rate.

I found a couple programs to help with this: Quicken Lawyer 2003 and

Personal RecordKeeper 5. They've received good reviews. I bought them, and

figure if nothing else, these should help us organize our time with a

lawyer. Even if all it does is help organize our thinking the first hour we

save will pay for it. It's just as likely they will just bless some of the

less important documents. Great! We can then work on the important ones at

that point. You can find out more about it at:


Oh, I now struggle with more significant edema. Some days it hurts too much

to put on my shoes. Not often. But getting more troublesome recently. I

feel fine, though I do get more light headed when I stand. Some might

wonder how I can tell !! :^)

Otherwise, I am doing well, and continue to enjoy my time with family,

friends and church (when I can make the latter two).



B. Fisher

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By the way, if you want I can refer you to NOLO for an additional $10

savings coupon:


I would then like to see if they would let me donate the coupons to the

SDS/MSA organization:


It could be a service provided to those without means to afford this without

some discount.



B. Fisher

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