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Keeping B/P up

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I'm going to respond to the part of your memo that talks about raising B/P

when standing. You don't list the current medicines that Ralph is on so what

I say may not be relevant. We had a period of time where it was difficult to

get Peg's B/P up high enough to take care of her B/P needs when she was

standing. That period of time coincided with a time when a local neuro took

Peg off Florinef / Fludrocortisone (sp?) because he became overly worried

about some high B/P spikes that Peg had experienced. After several weeks it

was almost impossible to keep Peg's B/P up sufficiently using the other

approaches such as liquids and midodrine and extra salt. After about 6

months we got to our neuro expert in the States who stated that in his

experience it was almost impossible to keep the B/P up over a long period of

time without the use of florinef. He immediately added florinef back to

Peg's medicine list and over several weeks we were able to get her B/P under

better control and were also able to keep it up so most times she could

stand without getting excessively dizzy.


Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 11:46:20 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Subject: Ralph's in the Hospital Still

Hi All,

Ralph is still in the hospital, they are having a extremely hard time in

raising his blood pressure when he is standing. Anything that anyone can

recommend. I am so tired of trying to tell these different people at the

hospital about ShyDrager. One of the nurses said it was wrote down Shy

Dragon. I could scream. They have him on all the normal stuff and had been

working somewhat, since June, but it is not now. They are trying another

medicine. Please send prayers! Shirley and Ralph

" I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our

wings have trouble remembering how to fly "

CareWife@...,OmegaMom45@... , AOL Instant Messenger -

OmegaMom44, Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger - ses835



*** Peg & Jim

*** # 29 Cruz Heights

*** Ipan-Talofofo, Guam 96930-4736

*** USA


*** Note: Guam is 15 hours ahead of

*** Eastern Standard Time (EST).

*** 14 ahead of EDT.


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