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Subject: Pam (Aterial Fib)

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Hi Shirley…from what I am reading, I am assuming that you are

dealing with low blood pressure and fainting. went through this perhaps a year ago, while she could

still use a walker. Often she

would faint 4 or 5 or more times a day.

I had to be with her constantly, especially at night. Just going the 10 feet into the

bathroom, she passed out. Several

trips to the emergency room with cut head, arms legs, etc. The Docs, first put her on

Florinef. First one, then two,

then three at bedtime. Little

results. BP readings like 50/35 or

to low to register. Then they put

her on proamatine. 2 pills 3 X a

day. Well, she stopped fainting,

but her BP would be 210/80 or 90 or more.

Stayed there for a few hours, then went down again and gradually back to

low, until she took them again.

Finally, last Jan, saw a cardiologist at Vanderbilt, and he said

we were nuts. That the meds doses

and times were terrible. He discontinued

the proamatine, put her on one florinef at bedtime, and one first thing in the

AM, with a BIG glass of water drunk as quickly as she could. And several more glasses of water

during the day. She has not

fainted once since then. Still

gets low BP on occasion, but never has passed out. The water, in large quantities, quickly seems to be the


Just to provide some more info.

Thanks Pam,

They have him on IV fluids, etc. They are trying another medication

to help raise it.

He has been in there a week now.

Also trying to

get his Aterial Fib calmed down. Do you know anything about AF or

know of anyone on the list that is dealing with it as one of the

symptons of ShyDrager?

Thanks a bunch! Leaving for

the hospital.

Check back later!


> Hi Shirley, A

couple of suggestions. Rather than

explaining Shy-


> over and over maybe you could print off several copies of


article from

> the web.

> http://www.ahealthyme.com/article/gale/100084049

> Maybe tape one over his bed or attach it to his chart.


> Review these articles on managing orthostatic hypotension

and see

if all of

> there might be something in them that hasn't already been






> http://ww2.med.jhu.edu/peds/cfs.html

> http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mecfs/general/nmh2.html


> Is he being well hydrated? Water works better than anything in


> blood pressure.


> Hugs,

> Pam

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