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Note on stem cell research

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Hi all,

As of today, about 25,000 blastocysts ( fertilized eggs never put in a womb)

have been destroyed since President Bush banned their use in research. That

is about 2,500, 000 stem cells which could be living and growing more cells

to help cure sick people. If you have been reading the papers, only one

stem cell line is actually available to most researchers more than a year

after it was announced that there were 65 available lines. At least one

top researcher has left the country because of the ban and more are complaining

that they have no access to the lines. Most researchers feel that since

all the lines were grown on mouse substrates, they can NOT be used for human


In spite of rhetoric, the fact is that over 2,500,000 cells ARE dead

- flushed down the toilet - because of the ban. Is that "killing babies"?

It is certainly not saving lives which is the object of stem cell research.

The ban is stopping research which could possibly find a cure for MSA. Sorry

folks, but that makes me mad. Those cells could already be saving lives

of presently incurable diseases. Many diseases have actually been treated

by SCNT - Somatic cell nuclear transfer

- the transfer of a cell nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg

from which the nucleus has been removed.

This research would also be banned if the present anti cloning bill in the

US House of Representatives is passed by Congress. The Brownback Bill in

the Senate would also ban this research and cause the deaths of people with

currently treatable diseases. Ask your candidates for the House if they

are for "SCNT -Somatic cell nuclear

transfer - the transfer of a cell nucleus from a

somatic cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed.


Remember the life that might be saved could be someone you love.

Hugs to all, Bill Werre

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