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Internist update

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One quick note. Then I must get off to bed... fly out tomorrow.

Donnalee heard from our internist. She called her, and left a

message for the internist to call about something along the lines

of " test results " .

When my internist called, she asked Donnalee what the results were.

Donnalee told her that there were no results. She went on to clarify

that no testing had even occurred yet. Our internist - who told us

she was ordering them 3 weeks ago - was not aware they had not

occurred yet.


Anyway, the next day, after feeling better about our internist,

Donnalee calls her office. She speaks with the internist's husband,

who is also the office manager. He says that they've been working on

getting the testing arranged for 3 days, and it is just not that


Donnalee let him slide, but told me her afterthought was " Well what

were you doing for the first 2 and 1/2 weeks?! "

Anyway, doubtful we'll get testing done before I leave for CA - and

no - that one is not " professional training " - that one is a trip for

my wife to get to see her family - while I'm still able to travel.

This will be the infamous trip where I will try a wheelchair for the

first time. It's not that I need one mind you :-) Just that it

seems the logical choice to assure my family a better chance of

getting to enjoy a full day at Disneyland. Donnalee thinks they'll

use it to get me to the beach and stuff as well - but I have other

plans. I still fully intend to walk - cane or not - as much as

possible. Blessing though is that my wife's grandfather's wheelchair

is still out there, so access is no problem. And, with how

unpredictable my body is, I could be fine most days (though not

likely for even just 8 hours at Disney) or not. Best to have it

available anyway.

Well, I had hoped when we got back from this trip, I could quit

traveling for a while. However, looks like testing will not be done -

so... Will need to go to Tulsa and Columbia, MO for more testing

when we return. At least those are closer than Mayo (though I may be

getting called back up there when - IF - my neuro up there reads my

last email :o)

Well, keeping it short. It's been a rough week.

Looking forward to chatting when I get home.


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Greetings Pablito!

You go on trying to maintain walking. Until it becomes dangerous for you

and your family. If a cane suffices, use it. But come prepared. As you

seem to understand just how unpredictable your body can be, you should be

ready for your family to get the wheelchair.

Also as a note. Navigating on beach sand is VERY hard for someone that can

suddenly loose balance. You may want to consider hiking poles to help your

balance. They can be purchased with 'baskets', which are essentially a

large round disk above the point of the pole. These act as 'snow (or sand)

shoes' for the pole. And for you! It's an idea that might help.

When I go out, I always carry my hiking poles, and sometimes wish I had a

wheelchair. Anything that stresses my cerebellum (watching a movie, being

in a busy, loud resturant, or going on a long ride) renders my ability to

walk difficult at best.

Just a thought.



B. Fisher

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