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It could be CF, some people aren't diagnosed until late, even as adults.

She should have a sweat test and genetic tests. Neither is very difficult or

involved. If she does have CF this is a great group, lots of info and we

can try and answer any questions you may have,



Mom of age 19 wcf

and Nick age 21 nocf

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> hi i am new to the group i have an 11 year old daughter that has


> having all kinds of stomach problems since she was 8. i have taken

> her to the ai dupont childrens hospital for the last 3 years and


> they haven't done anything i found a gastro doc that is closer to


> and he is telling me that he thinks it is cystic fibrosis. am i

> confused i thought that cystic fibrosis was usually found in


> children am i wrong. what can i expect? i am so overwhelmed with

> every thing.


> thanks for your time

> ginni

Hi Ginni

My daughter was 12 when she was diagnosed as a result of recurrent

chest problems. She has no digestive symptoms at this stage. I

hope you see someone as soon as possible who can give you a definite

diagnosis, the waiting and wondering is very overwhelming.

Also congratulations Torsten, Silke and Fiona on the birth of


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WELCOME GINNI. I hope you ha ve allot of answers & I know you'll love the


LOVE & HUGS, grandmomBEV

Re: newbie

> hi i am new to the group i have an 11 year old daughter that has


> having all kinds of stomach problems since she was 8. i have taken

> her to the ai dupont childrens hospital for the last 3 years and


> they haven't done anything i found a gastro doc that is closer to


> and he is telling me that he thinks it is cystic fibrosis. am i

> confused i thought that cystic fibrosis was usually found in


> children am i wrong. what can i expect? i am so overwhelmed with

> every thing.


> thanks for your time

> ginni

Hi Ginni

My daughter was 12 when she was diagnosed as a result of recurrent

chest problems. She has no digestive symptoms at this stage. I

hope you see someone as soon as possible who can give you a definite

diagnosis, the waiting and wondering is very overwhelming.

Also congratulations Torsten, Silke and Fiona on the birth of



The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.



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Hi Ginni,

My daughter was 8 yrs old and she was all digestive issues at the time also.

She was diagnosed at Columbia Presby in NYC and it was our second major

hospital that we went to.



> hi i am new to the group i have an 11 year old daughter that has been

> having all kinds of stomach problems since she was 8. i have taken

> her to the ai dupont childrens hospital for the last 3 years and well

> they haven't done anything i found a gastro doc that is closer to us

> and he is telling me that he thinks it is cystic fibrosis. am i

> confused i thought that cystic fibrosis was usually found in younger

> children am i wrong. what can i expect? i am so overwhelmed with

> every thing.


> thanks for your time

> ginni





> -------------------------------------------

> The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

> be construed as medical advice.





> ------------------------------------




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My son was diagnosed at 27 months of age. I was told from the time he was 6

months old that there was no way that he could have cf because we had no family

history. I have meet a lot of people on these groups who had no idea there

11, 12, 13 year old and older had cf until out of the blue some smart Dr.

finally decides to test them because their symptoms are " classic " as was the


with my son. One woman I spoke to a few times had her daughter tested at 17

because her grandson had a pos. CF test, and low and behold that was her

daughters prob. to. Unfortunatly for us some of the Dr. out there are not to

willing to test our children for things even though we think they should be. I


to fight with 3 pediatrician, countless ER dr. and and numerous other medical

personal to finally get my son tested. And all it took was for one ER Dr. to

finally look at my son and all his symptoms and the problems he was having

(poor weight gain, constant diarrhea, " asthma " and the final trip to the ER

prior to our diagnosis was for rectal prolapse (his intestines came out his


I hope you find a good DR. and make sure they push to have her sweat tested

and gene tested. It is very important if she is thought to have Cf.


mom of tristan 6ncf, zack 2pwcf, Ki'a 7 monthsncf

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  • 2 months later...

Hi! Great to meet you too! I've had CP since 1993 so we've had it

about the same length of time. My CP is definately progressing, but

all my docs agree that it's progressing slowly & think I'll live for

a long time. I just have to deal with the fact that I won't live the

life I want. I finally had to give up working (which was hard since

I worked so hard to become an RN) & go on disability in 2001. But

when I start having a pity party, getting on this forum helps. I

feel fortunate most of the time that I'm not as sick as some of the

others here. But I feel bad for them. I don't think anyone can

really understand this illness unless they've experienced it

themselves, & I can't say I totally understand what some of the

others who's CP is more advanced than mine feel. But the sicker I

get, the more I understand them. I do have good days, & when I do, I

totally enjoy them.

Keep in touch, ok?


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Hi Deanna,

Just wanted to welcome you to the group. I am going through my

trial by fire right now and do not have any encouraging words to

say. I am dealing with most of the frustrations that you

mentioned: misdiagnoses (I am back to being told that it may be

" colon spasms " that are causing my obstructed biliary ducts),

lack of pain control (I have an " agenda " ) and look of disbelief

when I say I cannot live like this anymore. So you are right when

you say that this group is perfect for information, support, venting

and other good stuff.


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As some of you know, I am a newbee to the group, too. I was led to

this group after joining another group called support. My initial

search turned up nothing on pancreatitis and I started my own group.

Later that same day, I found the support group so I deleted the other

one. Finally I was led to this one, to which I am thankful.

I have had CP for about 4 years now. It has totally changed my life.

Work is a real big issue. I feel so bad most of the time that I

force myself to get out and do work, mostly out of guilt, I think. I

found it comforting to find that so many others share the same

effects I have from CP. Not being able to eat, feeling nauseated all

the time, in pain most of the time, back pain, and that lack of

energy feeling.

The scary thing is that it has nearly taken my life numerous times in

the last 4 years. The source of my CP stems from high triglycerides.

I don't drink, although even fighting through this depression, I

found more of a desire to drink than I ever had in my life. I have a

wife and three kids, and its had a profound effect on thier lives as

well, which ultimatly is the source of my guilt.

I had my own computer business which was thriving until my first

attack. Today it is barely there, and in much debt. I'm working

part time driving a school bus, which doesn't help my CP any.

Trying to support my family now has become a conflict with my health,

or lack thereof. But I don't know what else to do. All together,

I've spent nearly a year in the hospital, with nearly half that time

in ICU because of CP. The debt in that along has me feeling like the

guy in titanic looking up from the depths of the water. It's getting

harder to find the good days.

I've read quite a few of the posts, and I am curious about the

enzymes. I was on them for a little while in the hospital but they

ruled that out for treatment.

My duodinum has been scorched by the acids and is crimped now, which

means food takes longer to pass through. For a long time I could

count on vomiting every 18 hours like clockwork. It truly was

similar to " old faithful. " They were going to pull a few feet of

intestine out and bypass the area but then as time went on I was

throwing up less and less.

They did want to take out the gull bladder around that time but

decided against it when the throwing up stopped. The drains they had

in had sufficiently got rid of pockets of fluid as well.

A couple of months ago, I had the appendix burst, as I mentioned

earlier in a different post, and mentioned to the surgeon that at one

time they wanted to remove it, in hopes of if that was still

something worth doing, do it know while you have me open. That

didn't happen. I suspect that it was clearly a fight against time

since the appendix did burst, and was about two days old by then.

In a few weeks, I'll have my blood drawn again to see where the

triglycerides are. The last check had them at near 800, 10x less

than when I was in the hospital.

I so much want to thank everyone for sharing. When the doctors and

the specialist scratch there heads and then begin grasping at straws

like " Fish Oil, " I was frustrated. The fish oil may still have a

positive effect, as at first the triglycerides went down, but then

they came back up.

The thoughtful posts from everyone at least let me know I am not

alone. From the pain, to the collateral family damage by not being

able to understand. I don't feel alone any more, and that helps

knowing that.

> Hi! Great to meet you too! I've had CP since 1993 so we've had it

> about the same length of time. My CP is definately progressing,


> all my docs agree that it's progressing slowly & think I'll live


> a long time. I just have to deal with the fact that I won't live


> life I want. I finally had to give up working (which was hard


> I worked so hard to become an RN) & go on disability in 2001. But

> when I start having a pity party, getting on this forum helps. I

> feel fortunate most of the time that I'm not as sick as some of the

> others here. But I feel bad for them. I don't think anyone can

> really understand this illness unless they've experienced it

> themselves, & I can't say I totally understand what some of the

> others who's CP is more advanced than mine feel. But the sicker I

> get, the more I understand them. I do have good days, & when I do,


> totally enjoy them.


> Keep in touch, ok?


> D

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  • 7 months later...
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Welcome and congrats on your surgery! I am currently in Minnesota (hubby is in

the Army) but AZ is my home town and it is where I had my surgery. Did you have

your surgery there and if you did, who was your surgeon? Your story sounds alot

like mine, I am now nearly 3 years out and will have my baby this next

Wednesday. My husband and I tried for awhile before I had my surgery, and

finally got pregnant about a month after my 2 year anniversary. I wish you much

luck on your journey!



Hello everyone,

I am fairly new post-op - 4 1/2 months. I chose to have surgery in

order to be healthier to get pregnant. I have been married for three

years and we are anxiously waiting for the chance to try and get

pregnant. I am here because I want to start my research early. I

want to know everything I need to be doing now as well as once I am

pregnant. Also, I have a long history of endometriosis, but my OB

does not feel that will impede my chances to conceive. She has been

treating me for seven years and was thrilled when I had the surgery.

My surgeon reccommends the one year wait-period, so that is what I

am planning on. Any advice I can soak up will be greatly appreciated!



Lap RNY 11/19/03


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There is really nothing different that you need to do. Make sure you can eat

well and get in all your vitamins before trying to conceive and when you are

ready go to the drug store, it would not hurt 6 months prior, and get yourself

800 mcg of folic acid and start that to help prevent birth defects. Once you

conceive you still take ALL your vitamins you were taking along with a prenatal

vitamin. Eat the best you can, try to snack on healhty snacks and not junk (

like me) and you should have no problems at all. We are really not much

different than anyone else, we just can't eat the same.

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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Thankss !

I am doing vitamins and water faithfully. I have actually been told

to cut back on b-12 because my levels came back almost 2x what they

should be. Is there a specific folic acid I should take? Do I need a

liquid or sub-lingual? Or can we absorb this one through a pill?

I am on oral contraceptives for now. But my periods have been coming

every two weeks since surgery. Is this normal? It is kind of


I look forward to absorbing lots of new info!!


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Hi !

I did have my surgery in Phoenix with Dr. Fang. He works with Dr.

Jaurez. I am a native of the state and grew up in the Phoenix area

and I now live in Tucson.

Minnesota huh? I could not handle the winters! As soon as it gets

below 75 I am reaching for the sweaters and blankets! How much

longer is your husband in the army? My brother in law is stationed

at Ft. Leanoard Wood with his wife and baby. Beautiful post, sad

little town...

Thanks for the welcome!


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I have heard of your surgeon, my surgery was done with Dr. Zahn because he is

the only one still accepting military insurance in the valley. I grew up in the

valley, Mesa, and though my hubby grew up in CA we both call AZ home and talk

about missing home every day, especially on days like yesterday because it

snowed!!! If we were at home we would be wearing shorts! Instead of here we

still have the heat going and wearing sweaters and coats, ugh! My hubby will be

a lifer in the military, one of those who has to be kicked out, LOL! He loves

serving his country and has put in nearly 18 years in the reserves and now is

working on his 20 years active duty, because he went active duty that is why we

had to move from AZ to MN, major change but worth it because he loves being in

the Army. I'm glad you found our group and are doing your research early! :)


Re: newbie

Hi !

I did have my surgery in Phoenix with Dr. Fang. He works with Dr.

Jaurez. I am a native of the state and grew up in the Phoenix area

and I now live in Tucson.

Minnesota huh? I could not handle the winters! As soon as it gets

below 75 I am reaching for the sweaters and blankets! How much

longer is your husband in the army? My brother in law is stationed

at Ft. Leanoard Wood with his wife and baby. Beautiful post, sad

little town...

Thanks for the welcome!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, Welcome to the group. Congratulations on your weight loss too. Isn't it a

wonderful feeling. As far as getting ready to concieve my only suggestion is

to make sure you are taking all your vitamins and calium and b-12's and alos

start yourself on 800 mcg of folic acid, it helps reduce some birth defects.

Oncw pregnant stay on all your vitamins PLUS the doc will give you a prenantal

with that. This group has had several on here who have gotten prego who had

PCOS so it is very possible :) I have gained 26 pounsd so far at 26 weeks along.

I am okay with it. is till feel awesome and much smaller than my previous

pregnancies. good luck to you in July :)

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

Age- 41

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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Welcome and congrats on your weight loss so far. As far as preparing yourself

for what you should do now to try and have a baby, my best advice would be to

eat right, take your vitamins and get yourself on some folic acid. As far as

weight gain, we are all different. Some women have actually continued to lose

weight and some of us have gained but as long as your doctor is okay with

everything then I wouldn't worry. Best of luck trying and hope to hear your good

news this summer.


RNY 10/16/02 -105lbs. pre-pregnancy

Katelyn 6/94

Miscarriage w/triplets 9/03

EDD#2 8/2/04


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Did you used to be on a PCOS group here on Yahoo? I

remember you mentioned you were getting ready to go through

the WLS, but I didn't hear much after that. I just recently

have decided to have the Gastric Bypass and joined this

group about a week or two ago so I can learn about what it

will be like to be pregnant after the surgery. I figure if

I learn now, it will help me to decide whether or not I want

a baby before or after the WLS. How have you been doing? I

am so glad to hear the WLS has been so successful for you!!

Since I have yet to have the surgery, I can't help you with

your question, but just wanted to say hello. I wish you the

best in getting pg. Did your PCOS go away? I am really

hoping to have relief of its symptoms after I have the

surgery. Welcome and good luck in your pg attempts!!


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It is very normal to be scared of gaining the weight back. We all went thru

hell to get it off. they say if you only gain what is normal for a pregnancy

that it is easier to get it off after the baby comes. i did not make it to goaol

so I know I have alot to go yet but I will do it. i do not know calorie wise

what to eat but i know they want you to eat your 3 meals a day with a couple

healthy snacks in the middle of that. it's hard though cause the first

trimester you get alot of cravings and munchies, like PMS but worse, lol...I


gained 30 pounds in my 26 weeks and i am sad about that but I can live with it.


just don't want to gain more than 40 but I have a feeling I may go slightly

over that.

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

Age- 41

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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, I'm not a doctor but I was afraid when I got pregnant 3 months out of

surgery. I lost 50 with my 1st post op pregnancy, because it was so soon

after my surgery. With my 2nd pregnancy, 3 years after surgery, I gained 40

and lost 35 afterwards without even trying. That is normal for anyone who

doesn't even have the surgery. So if you gain, remember, all women gain,

surgery or not. Just take your prenatal vitamins and worry about the baby,

not your weight gain.


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Hi, Congratulations on your pregnancy. i too strayed a bit and never made it

to goal ( YET). i am 27 weeks along and have gained 30 pounds. I feel 9 months

though and the doc said my baby is measuring big. My last baby ws 9#4, so who

knows. I was scard about gaining the weight and it is kinda depressing but I

keep tellingmyself I WILL GET IT OFF AFTER, I went thru too much to blow it

now. I am my baby are healthy, we eat well, take all our vitamins and go about

this pregnancy just like any Non-GBS person would. You will do fine I am sure.

It is scary at first but from reading allt he things that get posted here your

ealize everything is going to be okay.

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

Age- 41

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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Congrats on your pregnancy, but I wanted to assure you that most don't gain TONS

of weight after weight loss surgery. I was 305 when I had surgery. I was 192

when I got pregnant and at a standstill for over six months with my weight loss

at that time. I'm now hanging around 185 and have not gone over 191 since being

pregnant. Usually staying around 185-190. I have only gotten larger in my belly

area (and maybe some in the boob department) but no hip growth or other.

Stick to your vitamins like you are supposed to making sure that the amounts you

are taking are what you should be for pregnancy. I take two to three chewable

flintstones (this is what my surgeon put me on but only two at a time...after

surgery) every day.

Eat that protein and get in fresh vegis. Basically just eat healthy and even if

you don't gain you can almost bet as long as you are doing vitamins and healthy

eatting that baby will take what he/she needs from you. My baby is doing really

well...growing great...despite no weight gain for me. I'm now 29w 3d pregnant

and he's my first after WLS.

I highly doubt you'll gain back all your weight. Or even half of it!




Hi everyone!

I am new to the group and just found out officially that I am pregnant today.

I took 8, yes I said 8!, home tests but took the blood test this morning.

This will be my third child and this was totally UNPLANNED!! I had my WLS in


2002 and am down from 380 to 236. I had kind of gone off the boat to lose

weight and then a few weeks ago was ready to get serious again, started


our harder and eating better so I can get to my goal weight of 199, you know

the magic number of being under 200! Then I found out I was pregnant. I am


about the pregnancy, just unprepared and scared that 1. The baby won't be

healthy b/c of the WLS and 2. I am going to gain back all of my weight and


be able to get into my 14 -16 again! I know that sounds so selfish! Any

support would be greatly appreciated.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi !!!

Welcome to the group! My name is Trish, I am 30 years old and 11

months post RNY! I am also pregnant with my 1st. There are a lot of

women on here who have the same concern.. but most of them feel okay

with the weight they gain, and most report losing it really quickly

after the baby comes! I have gained 4 pounds so far and am 5 months

along! Congrats again!


> Hi everyone! My name is , I am 24 years old, 11 1/2 months

> post of from VBG, and found out that I am 6 1/2 weeks pregnant


> my first baby. I am extremely happy, just a bit nervous about


> weight back on after I've worked so hard to lose 160 pounds. I


> it'll be well worth it to have a healthy baby, just wanted to know

> about some of you, how you handled it and maybe get some advice


> you all. Thanks in advance for any help!



> 6 1/2 weeks pregnant

> VBG 7/16/03

> 359/198/175

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Hi Jen!

Welcome to the group! I am Trish and live in South Carolina. I will

be 1 year post-op on July 22nd! I have done wonderfully with this

pregnancy! It's my 1st. I am 21 weeks 4 days along... so just about 5

and a half months. Just take your vitamins and get in you fluids and

remember to eat and you will do wonderfully!

When's your due date? Or are you waiting to get the official word

from the OB???


LAP RNY 7/22/03

Open Abdominal 7/26/03

EDD 11/14/04

> Hi all!


> I am new to this group, so I wanted to take a minute to introduce


> and give you a brief background. My name is Jen, I'm 34, and I

live in

> Palo Alto, CA (on the peninsula south of San Francisco). I had

> laparoscopic RNY on March 14, 2003, so I'm about 16 months post-

op. I

> have gone from 261 (on a 5-foot body) to 156 and I'm hoping to lose

> another 20 pounds. I just found out today (via home pregnancy


> that I am pregnant!! My hubby & I have been trying for about 6

weeks to

> get pregnant. I have a 6-yr-old daughter named Kaitlyn.


> If we have a boy, we are going to name him Davin - Davin is


> middle name of my husband's best friend, and is my


> name. We don't know what we would name a girl, but Kaitlyn is


> for MoMo!


> I am a tad apprehensive about this pregnancy since having the


> but so many people - doctors, nurse practitioners, etc. - have


> to me that women carry out perfectly normal pregnancies after


> bypass surgery, so I'm pretty comfortable with it. Mostly, I am


> excited about this pregnancy!!


> I look forward to reading your posts and participating in all your

> conversations!!


> Hugs,

> Jen

> 261/156/135

> 2 weeks pregnant!!




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Thanks for the warm welcome! I haven't had any verification from my doc

yet, but based on an online calculator and the formula that my doc gave

me last time I was pregnant, I estimate my due date will be between 3/14

- 3/28/05. 3/14 would be kinda cool, because that's my wls birthday.



Trish wrote:

> Hi Jen!

> Welcome to the group! I am Trish and live in South Carolina. I will

> be 1 year post-op on July 22nd! I have done wonderfully with this

> pregnancy! It's my 1st. I am 21 weeks 4 days along... so just about 5

> and a half months. Just take your vitamins and get in you fluids and

> remember to eat and you will do wonderfully!

> When's your due date? Or are you waiting to get the official word

> from the OB???

> Trish

> LAP RNY 7/22/03

> Open Abdominal 7/26/03

> EDD 11/14/04

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Welcome & congrats!! I was also worried regarding a post-op

pregnancy, but my OB's, who have almost 50 years combined experience,

have reassured me & for the most part treat me like a non bariatric



RNY Jan 2002

EDD 12/20ish/04

> Hi all!


> I am new to this group, so I wanted to take a minute to introduce


> and give you a brief background. My name is Jen, I'm 34, and I live in

> Palo Alto, CA (on the peninsula south of San Francisco). I had

> laparoscopic RNY on March 14, 2003, so I'm about 16 months post-op. I

> have gone from 261 (on a 5-foot body) to 156 and I'm hoping to lose

> another 20 pounds. I just found out today (via home pregnancy test)

> that I am pregnant!!

> I am a tad apprehensive about this pregnancy since having the surgery,

> but so many people - doctors, nurse practitioners, etc. - have stressed

> to me that women carry out perfectly normal pregnancies after gastric

> bypass surgery, so I'm pretty comfortable with it. Mostly, I am very

> excited about this pregnancy!!


> I look forward to reading your posts and participating in all your

> conversations!!


> Hugs,

> Jen

> 261/156/135

> 2 weeks pregnant!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

, I was still nursing my 21 month old when I had my RNY, and

we kept nursing for four more months before she weaned herself. I'd

wait until the baby is not exclusively nursing (6-9 months of age) at




To: ossg-pregnant

Hi My Name is . Let me state that I have NOT had WLS as of

yet. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant. In short, I started the

process for surgery in Oct. of last year....did all sorts of tests

and then was scheduled for the final psych eval and found out I was

pregnant. Funny enough, they had started me on Glucophage for

Insulin Resistance and no one bothered to tell me that it makes you

more fertile. So, Surprise!!

I dont knw if this will be our last. I guess that was my initial

question, but after seeing the number of members I would guess that

it is not really that big of an issue!

My second question is this: Does anyone know how long after having a

child they advise WLS? Should you be done nursing before going?

Thanks for the input.

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