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Re: Misc. answers & comments

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Yeah, Connie, I knew that. I thought they retired it after it malfunctioned & set some guy's hair on fire. I named my computer Sparky a few years ago because it kept doing weird things that my computer geek friends had never seen. I said it was probably going to blow up in my face one day, which it hasn't, but it keeps doing weird things. But hey, it's still going after 6+ years.

You know what--I just realized that it's been 7 years since NS sneaked up on me & wiped out the hearing in my right ear. Of course, at the time no one realized it was NS. NS, hinky computer . . . . . coincidence? I think not.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: Misc. answers & commentsDate: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 20:21:59 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Rose,Do you happen to know who "ol sparky" is in Florida?Gracious girl, it's the electric chair at raifordprison. Me thinks it's time to rename the computer. (forgive me i'm feeling mischievious - but that reallyis that things name) Connie--- Rose <mamadogrose (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:---------------------------------I've been reading the mail but couldn't respond for acouple of days; ol' Sparky was having one of his fits.Finally got him scanned & plucked (couple of viruses) & now I can type! Before when I tried to typeanything, weird stuff would come up on the screen & Iwould lose my email. Seems okay now though. Soinstead of individual messages, y'all are getting onebig one!Ron, I agree with everyone else about the toe jam. You know that you should be checking those suckersevery day, don't you? Use a mirror if you aren'tagile enough to see the bottoms of your feet. Otay? Otay!, you go girl! You are right, that kind ofnews perks everybody up! You deserve good things inyour life. And you'll get free vet care. Angie & Diane, good to meet another camper from CampBaughman! I just saw him in July. A few months ago Itried to get everybody who sees him to coordinate ourvisits so we could have a party, but couldn't get itdone. Diane, if Cincinnati is a tad far for you to gofor regular visits, see if you can make it for aconsultation visit. Baughman is willing to work withyour local doctors, as long as they have any sense. Angie, where is Lancaster?Tracie, does a person have to be "normal" to help withthe "normal" chats? I might not be eligible. I'mgoing to try very hard to make the faith chat on Wed.,and I'll try really hard to make the "normal" chat onThurs. The only catch there is that my cousin Lulu iscoming from San Diego with at least 2 of her kids, andshe might be getting in Thurs. evening. If so, Idoubt I'll make it to the chat. But I am putting asticky note on the computer right now to remindmyself!Quint, my memory must have failed me about the grits & ants. I'm sorry, Godfather. Please don't punish me! Wayne, welcome to the group! We are always glad whenpeople find us; just wish it was for another reason. Do you mind a few questions? Where do you live? Areyou working? How long have you had symptoms? Howwere you diagnosed & do you feel comfortable with yourhealth care providers? How is the NS affecting younow? Do you have good family support? Are you a Cubsfan? (slipped that one in to see if you were stillawake!) Don't worry if responses are a little slow;we are all sick ourselves & sometimes it takes awhileto answer.Hey to Marla, Connie, Barb, , , ,, Matt & anybody I left out!A big cyber hug to Darlene & family! So glad that youare doing better. Hope you are back with us soon. Ramblin' RoseModerator---------------------------------Get real-time traffic reports with Windows Live LocalSearch __________________________________________________

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Rose, I think your right. I wasn't being horrible I

just recognized the name. The last person that sat in

sparky was a very bad, very cruel, very big man. His

nickname was " tiny " . They believe his size is what

caused the problem if I remember right.

Gross, enough of the morbid stuff. Be careful with

that computer girlfriend. I had a little portable one

eye stove thingermadiddy one time that whaled me good.

I had to call Univ of Fl Shands in Gainesville to ask

if they thought I had fried my pacemaker. My family

did not see the humor in this little episode at all.

After I got over the electrocution I thought it was

funny. Found out I had the souped up model pacemaker

that could handle 350 jewels. AvMed would have killed

me if I had messed up that thing, they told me it

would buy a house. (I'm an expensive cyborg)

Take care and make sure the only sparks you see are

coming from fireworks sparklers.....Connie

--- Rose mamadogrose@...> wrote:


Yeah, Connie, I knew that. I thought they retired it

after it malfunctioned & set some guy's hair on fire.

I named my computer Sparky a few years ago because it

kept doing weird things that my computer geek friends

had never seen. I said it was probably going to blow

up in my face one day, which it hasn't, but it keeps

doing weird things. But hey, it's still going after

6+ years.

You know what--I just realized that it's been 7 years

since NS sneaked up on me & wiped out the hearing in

my right ear. Of course, at the time no one realized

it was NS. NS, hinky computer . . . . . coincidence?

I think not.

Ramblin' Rose



Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis

To: Neurosarcoidosis

Subject: Re: Misc. answers &


Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 20:21:59 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Rose,

Do you happen to know who " ol sparky " is in Florida?

Gracious girl, it's the electric chair at raiford

prison. Me thinks it's time to rename the computer.

(forgive me i'm feeling mischievious - but that really

is that things name) Connie

--- Rose mamadogrose@...> wrote:


I've been reading the mail but couldn't respond for a

couple of days; ol' Sparky was having one of his fits.

Finally got him scanned & plucked (couple of viruses)

& now I can type! Before when I tried to type

anything, weird stuff would come up on the screen & I

would lose my email. Seems okay now though. So

instead of individual messages, y'all are getting one

big one!

Ron, I agree with everyone else about the toe jam.

You know that you should be checking those suckers

every day, don't you? Use a mirror if you aren't

agile enough to see the bottoms of your feet. Otay?


, you go girl! You are right, that kind of

news perks everybody up! You deserve good things in

your life. And you'll get free vet care.

Angie & Diane, good to meet another camper from Camp

Baughman! I just saw him in July. A few months ago I

tried to get everybody who sees him to coordinate our

visits so we could have a party, but couldn't get it

done. Diane, if Cincinnati is a tad far for you to go

for regular visits, see if you can make it for a

consultation visit. Baughman is willing to work with

your local doctors, as long as they have any sense.

Angie, where is Lancaster?

Tracie, does a person have to be " normal " to help with

the " normal " chats? I might not be eligible. I'm

going to try very hard to make the faith chat on Wed.,

and I'll try really hard to make the " normal " chat on

Thurs. The only catch there is that my cousin Lulu is

coming from San Diego with at least 2 of her kids, and

she might be getting in Thurs. evening. If so, I

doubt I'll make it to the chat. But I am putting a

sticky note on the computer right now to remind


Quint, my memory must have failed me about the grits &

ants. I'm sorry, Godfather. Please don't punish me!

Wayne, welcome to the group! We are always glad when

people find us; just wish it was for another reason.

Do you mind a few questions? Where do you live? Are

you working? How long have you had symptoms? How

were you diagnosed & do you feel comfortable with your

health care providers? How is the NS affecting you

now? Do you have good family support? Are you a Cubs

fan? (slipped that one in to see if you were still

awake!) Don't worry if responses are a little slow;

we are all sick ourselves & sometimes it takes awhile

to answer.

Hey to Marla, Connie, Barb, , , ,

, Matt & anybody I left out!

A big cyber hug to Darlene & family! So glad that you

are doing better. Hope you are back with us soon.

Ramblin' Rose



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