Guest guest Posted August 17, 2006 Report Share Posted August 17, 2006 Rose, You asked what I've been doing in another e-mail. Well just about the same as I have been. I like to establish with a disability attorney and it seems like that is hard to find the time to do that. Kathy or Reba seems like they always want to take the van to go to that place, or this place, and I know that I have to make it clear to them that I have to do this to get this out of the way and have it done. Reba has been donating blood plasma twice a week just to get extra money. Unlike a whole blood donating center in the north end of the metro area where they don't pay a client for donating blood, the one that Reba goes to does. I don't know how much she gets a week in doing this donating at this time. I used to do this myself long time ago. From 1981 till 1991 I donated blood plasma. I remember the staff told me back then at this donating place, that the color of "good blood plasma" is the color of regular beer (not that dark kind). "Bad blood plasma" that is loaded down with alot of cholestrol is the color of cream of chicken soup. Yeckkkkyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped doing this in 1991 because I was told a person cannot donate blood plasma that is taking alergry medcine. By the way, when they poke your finger to check your protein & iron levels, this HURT MORE than when they put the needle in your arm. I have "bomb crater" or "astroid crater" depressions in the inside of my arms where the elbow bends back & forth from those needle insertations of that donating. Long time ago in a e-mail I wrote about that tornado that came into the Wichita Falls, Texas way back then in April, 1979. Well I just say some things from my memory. We were living in a apartment in the northeastern part of this metro area. We were about half a mile from Sheppard A.F.B. which was my last assigned military base that I was in the military. This tornado started way down in the southwestern area and advanced to the east central area. Where this ended at in the east central area was about 6 miles from where we lived at. Our power went out at 6:05 p.m. that night. It was raining hard and we had hail the size of peas or a little larger in the storm. So all we had to deal with the most was the lost of electricity. There was people who said they seen 2 tornadoes combined to form 1 large one. Some thought they seen 3 tornadoes combined to form 1 large one. I don't know myself. On the southside of a 4 lane street was a cementary. The storm blew over some of the gravestone markers. On the northside was a small trailer park. Some trailers disentengated and blew way that nothing was left except the concrete slab these trailers were sitting on. An engine from a car, pickup truck or something else was taken out of the vehicle completely, yet the sparkplug wires was still attached to the engine. A family had it's house reduced down to half the height of the house walls. The refridgator was taken out of the house, and a refridgator from someone else's house landed in about the same spot as the old refridgator. A family was planning on buying a new dishwasher before this tornado took place. Out in from their damaged house was a BRAND NEW DISHWASHER, UNDAMAGED, AND IN THE SHIPPING CRATE!!!! That e-mail that I wrote previously recentley that is, I mentioned about Dillard's Department Store that was damaged. Dillard's is like Sears, or back in those days here in Michigan we had Hudson's Department Stores now called Marshall Field's. This Dillard's was a 2 story department store and the western part of this store on the second floor was were the bedroom furniture was. See this tornado blew apart the wall and the roof in the western part of the store but did not take away the furniture!!!! This store was what they call an "anchor" in a mall and was also on the western edge of this mall itself. I remember when I was stationed there at Sheppard that Kathy and I went to that first "Star Wars" movie at this mall. Whether this mall exists today, I don't know. It was Sikes Center Mall. Maybe I should not say something, maybe it's okay. But just do it anyway. Keep in mind, that a person is more likely to survive a tornado in a basement on the westside of the basement (they are saying that now unlike years ago on the eastside of basement). A lady Kathy & I knew down there not too far from where we lived at knew another lady that we didn't know. This second lady got her two kids in the bathtub with herself with a mattress on top of them when this tornado came through this area. She was taken up in this tornado after or while her roof of her house blew away. They found her body in a tree 10 miles away. Her kids survive this tornado. Bye, Rose wrote: , you have a phenomenal memory for all those details about the Wichita Falls tornado! What kind of work did you do in the Air Force? I'll bet they wasted your talents. Do you remember the Palm Sunday tornadoes that came through the Midwest in 1965? We had 13 people die in my little hometown of less than 2,000. I knew all but 2 of them. A house in the country that we had lived in 4 years earlier was totally destroyed. It had no basement. Luckily no one was living there at the time. Well, I haven't eaten breakfast yet and it's almost 1pm! Talk to you later. Ramblin' Rose Moderator From: GARY WOOLARD <garyjwoolard (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Connie & DianeDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 15:17:06 -0700 (PDT) Hello out there! Well I thought of answer replys to both of you in this e-mail as just consolidation way. I was born in Detroit, Michigan. I grew up there and Livonia (suburb in Detroit area), Michigan. Diane, I don't know a whole lot about Lansing except for going around there on I-96 freeway. Sometimes we stopped at Cedar Street exit to go to Arbby's or Burger King or something of the sort on the way to the Detroit area or comming back from there. We've been living in the Grand Rapids after I got out of the U.S. Air Force in May, 1979. We live in the Wyoming area of this metro area since June, 1994. Years & years ago they had a rodeo going here, and perhaps that's why they named the city Wyoming. This city of Wyoming has a population about 100,000 I believe. The entire metro area has a population around 600,000. This is the second largest populated area in Michigan next to the Detroit metro area. Like I said in one of those e-mails I sent out yesterday (I believe I did, memory isn't all there you know), this heat is all over the country this year in a bad way. The other day, two people were found dead because of having a heat stroke in this area. Yeah I can't handle the heat like I use too. Of course I was alot younger years ago when I was in the USAF. About all the cars I ever had no air conditioning in them or it didn't work. My "air conditioning" was having the windows open when driving or sitting in the car. I remember driving down there at Wichita Falls back in about 1978 and I thought the air temperature was about 105 degrees. On the radio they said it was 115 degrees! There's sad memories of Wichita Falls, and this is because of that large tornado that came through that area on April 10, 1979. It was at least an F-4 perhaps an F-5 level status that it was. An F-5 is the worst level or damage wise that a tornado can get. We had this happen along with two dust storms there, and the remains of a hurricane that came directly north up to the area of Wichita Falls. It could snow there say at the beginning of a week in the month of Janurary and by the end of the week it would be in the 70's. I noticed two different times a large increased in temperatures. It was 15 degrees above zero and that same day the temperature rose up to 70. Another time it was 35 degrees above zero and that same day it went up to 85 degrees. It's like have the heat on in the morning, air conditioning on in late afternoon that last situation. This one thing here about being in the area of tornados. Get to a shelter that is below ground if all possible. From what I remember, alot of homes down in the southwest don't have basements. If your in a area where a tornado is comming, don't waste time and just go to a shelter. In that tornado that came to Wichita Falls, TX that day long ago, this tornado was 2 perhaps 3 that combine into one large one. The tornado itself was a half mile wide with damage going out up to a mile & a half. It lasted for 10 miles. At the time it was the 5th worst in U.S. history. It flatten tombstones, level mobile homes to the concrete slab, torned off the western 2nd story level of Dillards Department Store (but expose the bedroom furniture dept. in plain sight to motorists), reduced 3 story apartment buildings to 1 & half story level. Forty four people died that day in that storm. Enough said about this I guess for now. Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Check the weather nationwide with MSN Search: Try it now! __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 , those tornado stories are amazing and I know that they are true. One of these days I'll share my experience with the 1965 Palm Sunday tornado. I can relate to the plasma thing too. When my kids were all young, money was really tight for awhile & my husband went to the plasma center twice a week to sell plasma. You can go often like that because they re-infuse your blood cells. Anyway, that was gas money. Well, gotta go, . Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: tornadoesDate: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 14:26:25 -0700 (PDT) Rose, You asked what I've been doing in another e-mail. Well just about the same as I have been. I like to establish with a disability attorney and it seems like that is hard to find the time to do that. Kathy or Reba seems like they always want to take the van to go to that place, or this place, and I know that I have to make it clear to them that I have to do this to get this out of the way and have it done. Reba has been donating blood plasma twice a week just to get extra money. Unlike a whole blood donating center in the north end of the metro area where they don't pay a client for donating blood, the one that Reba goes to does. I don't know how much she gets a week in doing this donating at this time. I used to do this myself long time ago. From 1981 till 1991 I donated blood plasma. I remember the staff told me back then at this donating place, that the color of "good blood plasma" is the color of regular beer (not that dark kind). "Bad blood plasma" that is loaded down with alot of cholestrol is the color of cream of chicken soup. Yeckkkkyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped doing this in 1991 because I was told a person cannot donate blood plasma that is taking alergry medcine. By the way, when they poke your finger to check your protein & iron levels, this HURT MORE than when they put the needle in your arm. I have "bomb crater" or "astroid crater" depressions in the inside of my arms where the elbow bends back & forth from those needle insertations of that donating. Long time ago in a e-mail I wrote about that tornado that came into the Wichita Falls, Texas way back then in April, 1979. Well I just say some things from my memory. We were living in a apartment in the northeastern part of this metro area. We were about half a mile from Sheppard A.F.B. which was my last assigned military base that I was in the military. This tornado started way down in the southwestern area and advanced to the east central area. Where this ended at in the east central area was about 6 miles from where we lived at. Our power went out at 6:05 p.m. that night. It was raining hard and we had hail the size of peas or a little larger in the storm. So all we had to deal with the most was the lost of electricity. There was people who said they seen 2 tornadoes combined to form 1 large one. Some thought they seen 3 tornadoes combined to form 1 large one. I don't know myself. On the southside of a 4 lane street was a cementary. The storm blew over some of the gravestone markers. On the northside was a small trailer park. Some trailers disentengated and blew way that nothing was left except the concrete slab these trailers were sitting on. An engine from a car, pickup truck or something else was taken out of the vehicle completely, yet the sparkplug wires was still attached to the engine. A family had it's house reduced down to half the height of the house walls. The refridgator was taken out of the house, and a refridgator from someone else's house landed in about the same spot as the old refridgator. A family was planning on buying a new dishwasher before this tornado took place. Out in from their damaged house was a BRAND NEW DISHWASHER, UNDAMAGED, AND IN THE SHIPPING CRATE!!!! That e-mail that I wrote previously recentley that is, I mentioned about Dillard's Department Store that was damaged. Dillard's is like Sears, or back in those days here in Michigan we had Hudson's Department Stores now called Marshall Field's. This Dillard's was a 2 story department store and the western part of this store on the second floor was were the bedroom furniture was. See this tornado blew apart the wall and the roof in the western part of the store but did not take away the furniture!!!! This store was what they call an "anchor" in a mall and was also on the western edge of this mall itself. I remember when I was stationed there at Sheppard that Kathy and I went to that first "Star Wars" movie at this mall. Whether this mall exists today, I don't know. It was Sikes Center Mall. Maybe I should not say something, maybe it's okay. But just do it anyway. Keep in mind, that a person is more likely to survive a tornado in a basement on the westside of the basement (they are saying that now unlike years ago on the eastside of basement). A lady Kathy & I knew down there not too far from where we lived at knew another lady that we didn't know. This second lady got her two kids in the bathtub with herself with a mattress on top of them when this tornado came through this area. She was taken up in this tornado after or while her roof of her house blew away. They found her body in a tree 10 miles away. Her kids survive this tornado. Bye, Rose <mamadogrose (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: , you have a phenomenal memory for all those details about the Wichita Falls tornado! What kind of work did you do in the Air Force? I'll bet they wasted your talents. Do you remember the Palm Sunday tornadoes that came through the Midwest in 1965? We had 13 people die in my little hometown of less than 2,000. I knew all but 2 of them. A house in the country that we had lived in 4 years earlier was totally destroyed. It had no basement. Luckily no one was living there at the time. Well, I haven't eaten breakfast yet and it's almost 1pm! Talk to you later. Ramblin' Rose Moderator From: GARY WOOLARD <garyjwoolard (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Connie & DianeDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 15:17:06 -0700 (PDT) Hello out there! Well I thought of answer replys to both of you in this e-mail as just consolidation way. I was born in Detroit, Michigan. I grew up there and Livonia (suburb in Detroit area), Michigan. Diane, I don't know a whole lot about Lansing except for going around there on I-96 freeway. Sometimes we stopped at Cedar Street exit to go to Arbby's or Burger King or something of the sort on the way to the Detroit area or comming back from there. We've been living in the Grand Rapids after I got out of the U.S. Air Force in May, 1979. We live in the Wyoming area of this metro area since June, 1994. Years & years ago they had a rodeo going here, and perhaps that's why they named the city Wyoming. This city of Wyoming has a population about 100,000 I believe. The entire metro area has a population around 600,000. This is the second largest populated area in Michigan next to the Detroit metro area. Like I said in one of those e-mails I sent out yesterday (I believe I did, memory isn't all there you know), this heat is all over the country this year in a bad way. The other day, two people were found dead because of having a heat stroke in this area. Yeah I can't handle the heat like I use too. Of course I was alot younger years ago when I was in the USAF. About all the cars I ever had no air conditioning in them or it didn't work. My "air conditioning" was having the windows open when driving or sitting in the car. I remember driving down there at Wichita Falls back in about 1978 and I thought the air temperature was about 105 degrees. On the radio they said it was 115 degrees! There's sad memories of Wichita Falls, and this is because of that large tornado that came through that area on April 10, 1979. It was at least an F-4 perhaps an F-5 level status that it was. An F-5 is the worst level or damage wise that a tornado can get. We had this happen along with two dust storms there, and the remains of a hurricane that came directly north up to the area of Wichita Falls. It could snow there say at the beginning of a week in the month of Janurary and by the end of the week it would be in the 70's. I noticed two different times a large increased in temperatures. It was 15 degrees above zero and that same day the temperature rose up to 70. Another time it was 35 degrees above zero and that same day it went up to 85 degrees. It's like have the heat on in the morning, air conditioning on in late afternoon that last situation. This one thing here about being in the area of tornados. Get to a shelter that is below ground if all possible. From what I remember, alot of homes down in the southwest don't have basements. If your in a area where a tornado is comming, don't waste time and just go to a shelter. In that tornado that came to Wichita Falls, TX that day long ago, this tornado was 2 perhaps 3 that combine into one large one. The tornado itself was a half mile wide with damage going out up to a mile & a half. It lasted for 10 miles. At the time it was the 5th worst in U.S. history. It flatten tombstones, level mobile homes to the concrete slab, torned off the western 2nd story level of Dillards Department Store (but expose the bedroom furniture dept. in plain sight to motorists), reduced 3 story apartment buildings to 1 & half story level. Forty four people died that day in that storm. Enough said about this I guess for now. Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Check the weather nationwide with MSN Search: Try it now! __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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