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moan and groan

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Headaches may be a good thing-- it means we still have a brain.

Actually, i have to share this-- my mother-in-law is the biggest grandest, most profound piece of denial I've ever seen. All the while her 9 kids were growing up, she never recalls them getting injured, or has any recollection of the bad times with the kids.

7 of the nine are alchoholics, and most all have issues with bipolar manic depressives. Her "wisdom" to my niece- her granddaughter, when asked how she deals with depression-- was to be told to "Always keep your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you."

I wanted to slap her. Hard.

This last weekend, my niece (other side of family) was down with her twins, and she made the comment that she "understood" the forgetfulness, the dementia, the exhaustion of what I was going thru. Heck, she's forgetten why she was "at the grocery store too."

Once again, I wanted to slap her. (And hers may be close, the twins are only 11 mo olds.)

It doesn't matter if it is the headaches we're dealing with, or the fatigue, exhaustion, chronic severe sarc induced arthritis, the dementia, forgetting how to spell words that always came easy to us, or the piles of chaos and confusion that have accumulated, because we can't figure out what to do with those piles-- it's that this disease has disrupted every part of our life and livelyhood.

To realize that others are dealing with various components of this disease does not diminish what you are experiencing. Your pain is to you as important as the next level of disease is to anyone of us.

That's where we eventually learn some compassion for each other. Whether you're just getting a diagnosis or are wheelchair bound-- we share a common journey. and no one here is going to say hey- you've only got a headache from this-- go away.

What I wish for all of us, is that the path we have to go down starts to have less potholes for us to go thru. and if we get to a place where the potholes are cauldrons of boiling oil, that someone else can tell you that it'll be ok-- we've built a bridge together to get over the rough stuff.

I do hope your test comes out well, and that there is answer to your headaches. In the meantime, take some deep breathes, and give yourself permission to rest.



NS Co-owner/moderator

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I agree; headaches can be the worst thing. I get these weird ones that

will wake me up from a dead sleep. So if yours are close to that, I can

commiserate. I hope it is better now. There is nothing worse than a

bad headache.

Terri G.

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Oh no they don't. They never considered that it might make you sick. Nor do they yet. The electrodes are glued on your head with something that smells awful. But the smell goes away quickly, then the head is wrapped (and they said mine was probably wrapped too tightly) tightly in tree layers of gauze and taped. That kind of sticks to the glue also. The "EEG machine" (2 X 3 in) is place on top of your head and a cable comes out to a connecting fannie pack that hold two batteries. First of all with my vertebrae being what the are, just the weight of it all was too much, cannot even wear a scarf so it is no wonder I had problems. I was so sick and throwing up all night that I am sure it looked as if I had seizures all night long.I had nothing of the symptoms that had necessitated the EEG in the first place. It was just a mess all the way around. Of course there will be nothing but artifact on it. Oh well. Barb

J.Rose wrote: Barb, sometimes it's the little things (the last straw) that bring us down. So don't apologize. A headache can be totally disabling; it's not a minor thing. I hope you are feeling better by now. Do you have to stay in the hospital for this 24-hr. EEG? Do they give you something for pain & sleep? Let's hope that the EEG gives you some answers. Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: neurosarcoidosis groups <neurosarcoidosis >Subject: moan and groanDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 22:31:41 -0700 (PDT) I am having a 24 hour EEG done today. I hate to moan and groan. But here goes. I have a headache. It reminds me of the day my mother had her bronchoscopy and was told she had inoperable lung cancer. She came back to her room and her roommate said to her, "Oh

honey I know what you're going through, I have a whiplash and my neck hurts really bad too " So to all of you dear, dear folks who have had your Remikade injections and all those other serious things that cause you to have fevers, nausea, vomiting, just awful things that make my heart go out to you. I HAVE A HEADACHE! God love each one of you. I hope you still have a sense of humor to put up with me. Barb J. Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail. Search from any web page with powerful protection. Get the FREE Windows Live Toolbar Today! __________________________________________________

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Barb, I feel for you going through the EEG with the bad headache. I get them too and I know how severe the pain can be. They get so bad they make you nauseas (sp?}. Debbiemosaicgirl1 wrote: Barb,I agree; headaches can be the worst thing. I get these weird ones thatwill wake me up from a dead sleep. So if yours are close to that, I cancommiserate. I hope it is better now. There is nothing worse than abad headache.Terri G.~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- FAITH CHATS: WEDNESDAY 9PM EST. 8PM CENTRAL. 6PM PST SUNDAY 12 MIDNIGHT EST. 11PM CENTRAL. 9PM PSTOPEN CHATS: THURSDAY 9PM EST. 8PM CENTRAL. 6PM PSTSUNDAY 4PM EST. 3PM CENTRAL. 1PM PSTCHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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