Guest guest Posted September 16, 2006 Report Share Posted September 16, 2006 Oh, my, so many of the messages on this site sound like what my 18- year-old son has been living through for the last few years! My son hasn't been diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis, but I'm starting to think that may be his condition. I would love any advice on following up on this and pinning down a diagnosis. Here's my son's story, in brief: Four years ago, he was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (inflammation of the intestines). He was treated for that, but then developed central diabetes insipidus (the disorder in which the pituitary stops making the hormone needed to conserve water). He also suffered severe night sweats, fatigue, and insomnia. After that came several bowel obstructions, resolved finally by removing part of his intestine. He was recovering well from the surgery, then suddenly developed severe pain just above the belly button (near the surgery site). That pain is crippling and remains until this day, along with persistent nausea, reflux, and occasional vomiting. Meanwhile, his other pituitary hormones began to disappear (both cortisol and testosterone currently are being replaced) and neuropathic pain started appearing in other parts of his body--usually where he had previously suffered an injury of some sort. Those pains tend to emerge for a few days and then (luckily) disappear again. The abdominal pain also changes in intensity and quality, but some pain is always there. Then came severe urinary retention, extreme sensitivity to light, and (most peculiar in some ways) a complete absence of sweating--which makes it difficult to regulate body temperature. Also severe nasal congestion (actually, that dates back to the very beginning, but has been less obnoxious than the other symptoms). There probably are some other symptoms I'm forgetting at this point! Medications have had limited effect. The one med that seems to make a difference, we've noticed, is prednisone. He takes a low dose to replace his cortisol but if we raise the dose to respond to a physical stress it seems to help dramatically with his nasal stuffiness and urinary retention. At first we had a difficult time getting the doctors to take many of these symptoms seriously. Now they acknowledge the symptoms but seem either mystified or send us to other specialists. Throughout, my husband and I have insisted that there had to be some unifying thread--that our son's immune system seemed simply to be running amok. How else would one explain a teenager with so many odd conditions? Today, a lot of pieces suddenly came together for me: I went back to the original pathology report on the Crohn's disease and noticed that they identified an " epithelioid granuloma " as well as another area of " granulomatous inflammation " in the colon. I remember the GI was very excited at the time because he said that it's unusual to find clear evidence of granulomas and they conclusively establish Crohn's disease. But I rechecked some medical literature today and discovered that epithelioid granulomas are characteristic of two diseases: sarcoidosis and Crohn's. And, in fact, they are more commonly found with sarcoidosis than Crohn's. Also, I can find no published cases of Crohn's combined with diabetes insipidus--but DI does occur with neurosarcoidosis. Neurosarc also seems to have the effects on other pituitary hormones and hypothalamic function (all of the weird autonomic stuff like the loss of sweating)--none of which is common in Crohn's disease. And neurosarcoidosis seems to be one of the few inflammatory diseases that causes such severe neuropathic pain. Then I came to this forum and found quite a number of messages talking about symptoms that sound so much like my son's! What do you think? Does neurosarcoidosis sound like a promising avenue for us to pursue? What would be the best tests for diagnosis? On diagnosis: (1) My son was tested once for serum ACE levels, which were normal then. But I realized that he had been taking heavy doses of prednisone for two months when that test was done, and was also taking methotrexate. He was on both of those for his " Crohn's " disease. One irony, I think, is that he has been on doses of immunosuppressants off and on for years, but never at doses high enough to stop the sarcoidosis. But maybe just high enough to push the ACE levels into normal. (2) He has had peculiar looking MRIs of the pituitary/hypothalamus for several years, and the latest one reports a " probable microadenoma. " A neurosurgeon is going to look at the MRIs next week, to give an opinion on what the images might mean. These reports keep coming back with findings like, " there is something unusual here, but it's not a classic tumor or other pattern. It might be normal, but then again maybe not. Check again in 6 months. " Have any of you also had " peculiar, it's not a classic pattern " MRIs? (3) I'm reluctant to have any kind of biopsy done, because of the neuropathic pain--a biopsy almost certainly would generate intense pain in whatever area was biopsied. Bad enough to be living with the ongoing after effects of the abdominal surgery! But maybe that's necessary for a diagnosis? So, given those caveats, any suggestions on diagnosis or things to ask doctors? I'm hoping maybe the neurosurgeon will have experience with sarcoidosis (maybe from doing biopsies?) and will recognize the pattern. Or maybe we could retest for ACE now; my son has been on fewer immunosuppressants during the last two months. Sorry to blather on! I'm just curious if any of you have advice for us. And I do look forward to getting to know other members of the group. If my son does have neurosarcoidosis, it sounds like he has a lot in common with some other group members. I look forward to sharing info on treatments, coping tips, etc. Debby (Columbus, Ohio, USA) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2006 Report Share Posted September 16, 2006 I came to this forum and found quite a number of messages talking about symptoms that sound so much like my son's! What do you think? Does neurosarcoidosis sound like a promising avenue for us to pursue? What would be the best tests for diagnosis? Wow-- it is very possible that he has NS. Does he have any abnormalities on chest xrays? More than 80% of everyone who gets sarcoidosis ends up with lung (pulmonary) involvement. If he has any evidence of lymph or lung involvement,- those are easy places to biopsy. Personally, I hate the idea of biopsies of the brain. Hitting the right spot without doing a number on other areas that the brain involves is just to risky. also, the pathologist would still have the granuloma sample from his colon stuff- so they could re-exam it to see if it fits the sarcoidosis picture. Wegeners granulomatas is another avenue to look at. the treatment for these conditions is very similar. However, it does sound like your son may be a good candidate for Remicade. The good news is that Remicade is FDA approved for Crohn's. It would help tremendously with boht the Crohn's and the body pains. As for the tests-- in our ARCHIVES and LINKS we have multiple articles that will give you the tests necessary for a diagnosis. NS is a diagnosis of exclusion-- when everything else is ruled out-- this is what we have. (A positive biopsy in another part of the body is helpful.) He should have TNF-a and TNF-b studies done-- this is Tumor Necrosing Factor a & b, a specific protein found in the blood. It is supposed to clear out the white cells after they've done their thing-- but with us, it doesn't work out that way. It is possible that since he's been on prednisone, that the tests for inflammation will be low-- even with very acute systemic inflammation. The website: SARCOIDOSISSHARMA is excellant and does give you a good insight into the tests necessary for diagnosis. So far, we have no specific tests for NS. Neuropsych testing can show if parts of the brain aren't getting signals they way they should, EEGs, EMG's, CT's, MRI's with and wo contrast are important-- although they may show abnormalities, but not necessarily that is it NS. They just haven't done enough in the way of studies to know exactly what to look for. We all present in such different ways. I have pulmonary, neuro, systemic and cardiac sarcoidosis. Yet my brain CT's and MRI's are clear. This is because for me, it presents as "vasculitis" inflammation of the blood vessels, and whereever those vessels swell in my brain- is where I am deficient in being able to do the related tasks. (This is where neuropsych testing comes in). also, get your son off all dairy products- if he's not already. Go organic, fresh fruits and veges, and stay away from processed foods. Processed foods are so high in sodium and preservatives, and reak havoc on people with crohns. I imagine he has a bugger of a time keeping his electrolyte levels in balance with all that's going on-- and I'm sure that plays into his pain also. If potassium and calcium is low-- then body pains and such as the intestinal spasms and cramps- would be horrible. also with the Diabetes Insipidous - his sodium levels are probably compromised also. Naturally, your muscles and ligaments would be in such spasm-- my heart goes out to him. I am not a doctor-- so this is just from my personal experience and living with chronic illness for the last 27 yrs, 17 of those years with sarcoidosis. So, I'm sending out ideas that come to my mind-- from what I've had to put together for my own illness. It is in our LINKS and ARCHIVES that you'll find so much more info-- and please- print out what you need, take it to the MD's and ask questions. You will be teaching them-- and prayfully they'll be willing to learn. You and your son are very welcome to come into the site and ask whatever questions-- we're here to help each other thru a tough path-- but it can be handled. Would you let us know where you're located, so that we can stear you towards an MD that can help. Sincerely, Tracie NS Co-owner/moderator Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 17, 2006 Report Share Posted September 17, 2006 and Tracie, Thanks very much for your replies! I will be reading through the archives and links, soaking up more knowledge. We live in Columbus, Ohio, USA, and I would love to have recommendations on good doctors. We are willing to travel a far distance for good help. In fact, we've already been to the Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic-Rochester at earlier stages of this saga. So my son already has records at both of those clinics and we could return if someone knows of a good doctor at one of those places. Thanks again for all of your help, Debby Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 18, 2006 Report Share Posted September 18, 2006 Sorry to hear your son has susffered so much. I spoke to my internist today and asked whether prednisone would affect ACE levels. She said yes it would. I also have abnormal MRIs. They show hot spots which indicate inflammation, although nothing specific. I have not shown any problem with my lungs. So far my neurosarcoidosis is just that, specifically neuro in nature. Only my cranial nerves have been affected as far as we know. Tomorrow I go for a gallium scan which should show if inflammation is happening in other parts of the body. I am on high doses of prednisone which will probably mask the disease for this test as well but they say it must be done before they can put me on Remicade. - > > and Tracie, > > Thanks very much for your replies! I will be reading through the > archives and links, soaking up more knowledge. We live in Columbus, > Ohio, USA, and I would love to have recommendations on good doctors. > We are willing to travel a far distance for good help. In fact, we've > already been to the Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic-Rochester at > earlier stages of this saga. So my son already has records at both of > those clinics and we could return if someone knows of a good doctor at > one of those places. Thanks again for all of your help, Debby > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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