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Re: Need some info

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In a message dated 11/7/01 6:48:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, nant8@...


<< Has anybody been on this high of

predisone dose and what did it do to you. >>

, I'm so sorry that you are having such a time of it... Are you flaring

really bad..? How long have you been like this?

I have never been on that high of dose of pred, but I never had a lot of

things flaring really bad at the same time. I think you will get some

answers from others in the group.. Just know I'm thinking of you and keep us

updated as to what they are doing for you. We don't want you in the

hospital, but if they can clear it up there then that is where you belong...

Sending lots of healing hugs

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In a message dated 11/7/01 6:48:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, nant8@...


<< Has anybody been on this high of

predisone dose and what did it do to you. >>

, I'm so sorry that you are having such a time of it... Are you flaring

really bad..? How long have you been like this?

I have never been on that high of dose of pred, but I never had a lot of

things flaring really bad at the same time. I think you will get some

answers from others in the group.. Just know I'm thinking of you and keep us

updated as to what they are doing for you. We don't want you in the

hospital, but if they can clear it up there then that is where you belong...

Sending lots of healing hugs

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Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.

The only times I am on really high doses of Pred. is when I am hospitalized with breathing problems. The worst side effects I had at this dose were mood swings and I could not sleep at all.

How long are the Docs going to keep you on the high dose of Pred.?


----- Original Message -----

I need some info. I am having nose,throat, eyes and ear involvment right now. They put me on 250 mg of predisone and I am on metho (whatever its called( and so far no change. It justseems to be going crazy. Has anybody gone through this? If no better by Monday then he said some test in the hospital. Has anybody been on this high of predisone dose and what did it do to you. Please tell me I am not the only one and that its just a mild ordeal and everything will be okay. haha I have faith and I know it will get better but when.Thanks for listening see ya, DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.

The only times I am on really high doses of Pred. is when I am hospitalized with breathing problems. The worst side effects I had at this dose were mood swings and I could not sleep at all.

How long are the Docs going to keep you on the high dose of Pred.?


----- Original Message -----

I need some info. I am having nose,throat, eyes and ear involvment right now. They put me on 250 mg of predisone and I am on metho (whatever its called( and so far no change. It justseems to be going crazy. Has anybody gone through this? If no better by Monday then he said some test in the hospital. Has anybody been on this high of predisone dose and what did it do to you. Please tell me I am not the only one and that its just a mild ordeal and everything will be okay. haha I have faith and I know it will get better but when.Thanks for listening see ya, DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Any advice??? I am also a newlywed, and feeling

> sorry for my new husband having to put up with me!

> M

Hi Marlene. Is this your first post here? I was off of yahoo a while and

I have a poor memory, so pardon me if you've heard all this before. About

what your husband has to put up with: I think that the more traditional a

marriage, the more a learning experience it is. My husband e.g. had a lot

to learn about hormones from the start, so he too had to put up with a

lot (and with a smile too! I trained him well.). This was 15 years before

I developed Graves.

I'm glad you found this list, though we tend to be anti-RAI here. Don't

kick yourself too hard over your decision. You made it with the

information you had. Others on this list have too. The important thing is

to work on proper hormone replacement. Being too hypo (or too hyper for

that matter) can exacerbate thyroid eye problems. The pros here will help

you with learn about your HRT options, testing and interpreting tests,

supplements such as omega 3 (and calcium) which are really important, and


Let's hope that this is the worst of any " sickness " you'll have to face

together and that it's " in health " from now on.

Take care, Fay


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Hi, and Thank You for answering.

I have gone to the eye doctor for some baseline tests, and next weekend she

is going to put somw plugs in my eyes to help with the tearing and dryness.

The doctor also suffers from lupus, so she undestands the discomfort. I go to

the endo on the 21st for my first set of blood tests since the RAI. I will get

copies so I can gain more information on them.

This disease really bites. I do not feel like myself, but feel like I need

to " act " like myself around everyone! You are correct in saying since we

don't look sick, people just do not realize how we feel.

Thanks, again for being there.


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Hi M -

Sorry you've had to deal with all of this in such a short time!

You say you had RAI fairly recently ago. It's not uncommon to feel worse

after RAI before you feel better. After having the RAI, there is an inital

blasting effect on the thyroid that can make you feel more hyper. Then, as

the thyroid tissue dies, the thyroid hormone that was stored in the tissue

is released, which can also contribute to you feeling more hyper! Eye

symptoms are often exacerbated after RAI, which unfortuantely a lot of

doctors don't tell patients. What you can do now is be aware of your

symtpoms and watch for indications that you are going hypo. When are you

scheduled to have labwork done again? You should at least be having labs

about 4-6 weeks at the most to see where you are. Are you on any replacement

hormone yet? You will most likely go hypo now and you want to try to catch

this a quickly as possibly. Hypo will make you feel lousy and you will want

to get replacement hormone when this happens to stabilize your levels back

to " normal " . If you go to



there is an extensive list of both hyper and hypo symptoms. Get to know the

hypo ones and call you doctor for labs if you start having them. People

become hypo after RAI at different rates. Some it's only 2 weeks, some 6,

some it's months later. There's no way to predict. You have to be proactive

in contacting your doctor if you feel hypo. It might also be a good idea to

have your new hubby familiarize himself with the list of symptoms.

Sometimes, when people get hypo, they don't realize how bad they are because

they feel too lousy to care, or feel to lousy to figure out what to do. It

can be very helpful to have an " outsider " watch for changes in your

symtpoms. And get copies of your lab results! See them for yourself, write

down what symptoms you were having at the time. This can help you later in

determining the " right " level for you.

Another important thing to do now is protect your eyes. Graves' opthomalogy

(thyroid eye disease or TED)can occur with Graves' thyroid disease and as I

said before, the RAI can worsen this. Getting Omega 3 from sources like

flaxseed oil can be a big help to your eyes. Standard dose is 1 tablespoon

of flax oil for every 100lbs. of body weight. It's good for mixing in

smoothies, other drinks, or using as a salad dressing. (Some people can take

it straight, I'm not that brave!) Smoking is bad for TED, so try to avoid

cigarette smoke if you can. Wear sunglasses anytime you go out. Our eyes can

be extra light sensitive and make the eyes hurt worse. Use an eye drop like

" Refresh " brand or " GenTeal " (I think that's the right spelling) for

dryness. Don't use brands that say " gets the read out " . That can hurt the

eyes more. It's also wise to make an appt. with an opthomalogist who deals

with TED to get a baseline done for your eyes. Then if you do develop

symptoms of the eye disease, you'll have something to compare with.

Finally, explain to your hubby that changes in thyroid levels do have an

effect on our moods and emotions. If you have preiods of " Graves' Rage " , let

him know that it's not really you, it's the thyroid talking. If you're hypo,

it can make you feel very depressed, lethargic, and not really care about

anything. Once again, it's the effect of the thyroid hormones (or lack of

them) and once you get levels stabilized on replacement hormone, you will

feel more " normal " . A lot of people have trouble understanding how the

thyroid affects emotional state. We don't really " look sick " so people don't

understand how bad we can really be feeling.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon!

need some info

> Hi,

> I was diagnosed with Graves May 9th, had RAI on June 11th. My eyes

> seem to get drying and more swolled daily..and now I am having the

> heart racing, palpitations daily again. I feel puffy, tired and hyper

> all at once, which doesn't do my mood any good!! All of this started

> up at the end of April when I went to the doctor about my

> sinus's ..again. Any advice??? I am also a newlywed, and feeling

> sorry for my new husband having to put up with me!

> M




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list do not have the endorsement


> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------




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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest


Last week or so I read some parents were looking into getting a type of cooling

vest or some other things for our children. I got so excited I called her

doctor because I actually thought she heard of it. Well guess what none of her

doctors have and now they are requesting some type of info so they can look into

it and then request if from the insurance company. Apparently the insurance

company hasnt heard of these things being used for kids either and while they

arent saying no to it they need more info from the doc. Now I know this can

help my daughter who gets such bad heat exaustion that it scares me...I mean it

really scares me to see her just laying there not moving jsut looking at me with

such a blank look. Anyway, I know you guys have given all this info before but

if you could be so kind as to repeat it please I would truly appreciate it.

mother to (who just turned four on 6/5, thank you god) Mito Complex


Thanks again and sorry to bother you.

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Hi , Congratulatins on the birthday of ! I can only imagine how hard

it must have been to get

her to this point and pray for many more birthdays.

I think this is a link to what people were posting about. I don't know if the

company might be able to give you the " medical support "

info you need, but maybe it would be a place to start?


Hope you can find something to help out your little one in the heat.

Best Wishes, Anita

> Hi,

> Last week or so I read some parents were looking into getting a type of

cooling vest or some other things for our children. I got so excited I called

her doctor because I actually thought she heard of it. Well guess what none of

her doctors have and now they are requesting some type of info so they can look

into it and then request if from the insurance company. Apparently the

insurance company hasnt heard of these things being used for kids either and

while they arent saying no to it they need more info from the doc. Now I know

this can help my daughter who gets such bad heat exaustion that it scares me...I

mean it really scares me to see her just laying there not moving jsut looking at

me with such a blank look. Anyway, I know you guys have given all this info

before but if you could be so kind as to repeat it please I would truly

appreciate it.


> mother to (who just turned four on 6/5, thank you god) Mito

Complex one.


> Thanks again and sorry to bother you.

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