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VOL. 7, ISSUE 49

December 5, 2006

Dear Subscriber,

Gene therapy is an active area of cancer research, with hundreds of clinical trials in progress. Learn more about this evolving field, including how gene therapy may treat cancer and where it stands today. Also this week, learn how carbohydrate loading can give a boost to your endurance event, see why unscheduled playtime is important for kids, and read why you may not want to dab your dry nose with petroleum jelly. Plus, our entertainment menu featuring an elegant rack of lamb can help you cook up an enjoyable evening for your guests.

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The staff at MayoClinic.com



HDL cholesterol: How to boost your 'good' cholesterol

Your cholesterol levels are an important measure of heart health. When it comes to HDL cholesterol, the higher the better.

Triglycerides: Why do they matter?

Triglycerides are an important measure of heart health. If you have high triglycerides, healthy lifestyle choices are key.

Lowering cholesterol: Could your diet use some TLC?

Lowering cholesterol often takes dietary changes. The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet can help.

For more information about these topics, visit the Cholesterol Center.

Books Newsletters

Good news for understanding and managing diabetes! The best weapon against diabetes is knowledge. The good news is that doctors now understand this disease — and how to manage it — better than ever before. In this new book, you'll find the very latest medical guidance from Mayo Clinic, where we not only treat diabetic patients, but are on the forefront of diabetes research. Order Mayo Clinic on Managing Diabetes today and receive a bonus gift — 20 Healthy Recipes for People with Diabetes.


Gene therapy: Cancer research topic proves challenging, but promising

Hundreds of clinical trials exploring gene therapy for cancer are being conducted. Is this the future of cancer treatment?

Cancer treatment: Get involved in your cancer treatment decisions

Your doctor wants you to be involved in decisions about your cancer treatment. So how do you decide? Follow this guide.

Carbohydrate loading: Can your diet boost your athletic performance?

Carbohydrate loading can give you an extra edge during an endurance event. Here's how it works.

Are your kids overscheduled? Make playtime a priority

How much time do your kids spend being kids? A Mayo Clinic pediatrics specialist explains how playtime affects a child's development.

MRI: Viewing your brain and other soft tissues

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) creates cross-sectional pictures of your body. Knowing what to expect during the test can help you feel more comfortable.

Featured Tools

Video: MRI

What happens when you have an MRI? Watch the video and find out what it's like.

Symptom Checker

Use this Symptom Checker to pinpoint possible causes of your symptoms.

Books Newsletters

Attention Women! Take advantage of our special offer to receive a copy of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource, America's most popular women's health newsletter, along with two bonus special health reports on weight control and arthritis with our compliments!

Healthy Recipes: Entertaining Evening

Fresh tomato soup with crispy herb toasts

Roasted rack of lamb with parsley crust

Sugar snap peas with fresh marjoram

Orange slices with citrus syrup

For more recipes, visit our Healthy Recipes Center.

Ask A Specialist

Mayo Clinic specialists answer questions from readers

Poinsettia plants: Are they poisonous?

Petroleum jelly: Safe for a dry nose?

Croup treatment: Does high humidity relieve symptoms?

Rheumatoid arthritis: Can it affect the eyes?

Menopause and high blood pressure: What's the connection?

Submit your own question to our specialists.

Health Digest

A wrap-up of this week's other new and updated information

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Pet allergy

Dry skin


For more of our reliable health information and tools, visit us at MayoClinic.com.

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Copyright 2006 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905. All rights reserved.

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