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I know that a lot of you are snowed in, so this is a perfect time to check-in, let us know how you are doing. I'm mostly just hanging out in my chair in a bundle of blankets, but I did go out for the paper this morning & took this picture of the snow on one of my bushes. Made me hungry for lemon meringue pie!

Ramblin' Rose

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Rose this is Sharon checking in. We had about 5 to 6 inches of snow on the ground, and last night we got another 6 inches. We are going good, and Tom had a dental appointment in Milwaukee. Milwaukee did not get the snow we did. Sharon Rose wrote: I know that a lot of you are snowed in, so this is a perfect time to check-in, let us know how you are doing. I'm mostly just hanging out in my chair in a bundle of blankets, but I did go out for the paper this morning & took this picture of the snow on one of my bushes. Made me hungry for lemon meringue pie! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Turn searches into helpful donations. Make your search count. Sharon L. Schuckman and Deuce sharupac@... http://sharupa.blogspot.com/

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Dear Rose,

I so wish I could see your picture of the snow!! I can never get the

pictures to download. ville has SNOW!! Only about two inches but

it is still beautiful. This year the snow has gone north or south of us

and we only get a dusting! As you can tell..I love snow!! When we

lived in colorado we hot tubbed in 22 inches of snow...getting back

into the house was not fun!

I have been just trying to stay warm. I go for Remicade treatmeat on

Monday. The iritis & Blepharitis seem to be improving but joint pain is

stll bad. I did get some of the MSM and it seem to help some. 3 Years

ago I had to have my thumb join removed and pins and screw and a bone

graft done and now it looks like I am going to have to have it done on

the left side. I am so down about the possibility of more surgery. As

so many of us know it is hard when you live alone. There are certain

things you need help with that only a commited spouse would do. It

makes me so glad I was there to help my husband during those times. A

friend of mine is a Dr and has a pain clinic so he had been doing

injections-about seven last monday - but they are not helping. In

addition I am wearing a cast on my right foot to try to heal the

tendons. So it is just so much easier to just stay home and under lots

& lots of blankets. And I am dreaming of getting well enough to go on

vacation to Calif!!

Take care everyone and stay warm!


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Ruth, I'll post a couple in the Photos section, in the Temporary album.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: check-inDate: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 23:40:09 -0000

Dear Rose,I so wish I could see your picture of the snow!! I can never get thepictures to download. ville has SNOW!! Only about two inches butit is still beautiful. This year the snow has gone north or south of usand we only get a dusting! As you can tell..I love snow!! When welived in colorado we hot tubbed in 22 inches of snow...getting backinto the house was not fun!I have been just trying to stay warm. I go for Remicade treatmeat onMonday. The iritis & Blepharitis seem to be improving but joint pain isstll bad. I did get some of the MSM and it seem to help some. 3 Yearsago I had to have my thumb join removed and pins and screw and a bonegraft done and now it looks like I am going to have to have it done onthe left side. I am so down about the possibility of more surgery. Asso many of us know it is hard when you live alone. There are certainthings you need help with that only a commited spouse would do. Itmakes me so glad I was there to help my husband during those times. Afriend of mine is a Dr and has a pain clinic so he had been doinginjections-about seven last monday - but they are not helping. Inaddition I am wearing a cast on my right foot to try to heal thetendons. So it is just so much easier to just stay home and under lots & lots of blankets. And I am dreaming of getting well enough to go onvacation to Calif!!Take care everyone and stay warm!Ruth

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