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Bad morning

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I woke up this morning, sat up on the edge of the bed as I usually do

to make sure everything is in working order and that I'm not going to

have a dizzy spell....Well, I sat up and fell right back over. Yelled

for my mom, scared the poor woman to death........she comes in and

sits with me on the bed holding my hand till things balance out again.

I am thankful to say that this doesn't happen often and when it does I

am fortunate that the dizziness usually only lasts a few minutes. Its

just not a pleasant way to start the day, but I got through it knowing

you were all here for me when I need you. I also want to say how

thankful and blessed I am to be able to live with my parents, that

they are still able to help me to deal with things. My dad is going to

be 80 on the 16th(which is now I think...lol). Thank you everyone for

being here, its so nice to not be alone anymore.


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Kimber, tell your dad Happy Birthday from me (it's still the 16th where I live!). Do you know what causes the dizzy spells? Is it usually when you sit up or stand, which could be from a drop in b/p? Lots of meds can cause that. I hope I'm not telling you something you already know, but someone else might get some useful ideas from it. I'm glad your folks are there for you.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Bad morningDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:24:17 -0000

I woke up this morning, sat up on the edge of the bed as I usually do to make sure everything is in working order and that I'm not going to have a dizzy spell....Well, I sat up and fell right back over. Yelled for my mom, scared the poor woman to death........she comes in and sits with me on the bed holding my hand till things balance out again. I am thankful to say that this doesn't happen often and when it does I am fortunate that the dizziness usually only lasts a few minutes. Its just not a pleasant way to start the day, but I got through it knowing you were all here for me when I need you. I also want to say how thankful and blessed I am to be able to live with my parents, that they are still able to help me to deal with things. My dad is going to be 80 on the 16th(which is now I think...lol). Thank you everyone for being here, its so nice to not be alone anymore.Kimber

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I really don't know what causes them, I have thought they were just

another step in the sarc cycle. I will be perfectly fine and boom it

hits. I've never had it happen though when I first wake up, although

like I said I always sit for a minute before getting completely up. I

will tell my dad happy birthday from a new friend on my sarc group.

They are so glad I have all of you to talk with.

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Sorry you are ha ving the dizzy spell. You might take some good deep breaths before you try to sit up. Also try to sit up more slowly. This will help with the drop in blood pressure. When I was having the dizzy spells from the sarc monster I took Antivert which worked like a charm, you can buy it over the counter. I started out with 1/2 a tablet, which helped but not totally. My next dose I took the whole pill which got rid of the dizzyness. Wishing you dad a very happy birthday Judy in PA

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Yea, Rose, I agree , the dizzy spell is from getting up too fast with the b/p falling. I have had them myself. I see stars. You just have to relax, sit back down, wait for it to go away, and try again slowly this time. kimber31_1963 wrote: I woke up this morning, sat up on the edge of the bed as I usually do to make sure everything is in working order and that I'm not going to have a dizzy spell....Well, I sat up and fell right back over. Yelled for my mom, scared the poor woman to death........she comes in and sits with me on the bed holding my hand till things balance out again. I am thankful to say that this doesn't happen often and when it does I am fortunate that the dizziness usually only lasts a few minutes. Its just not a pleasant way to start

the day, but I got through it knowing you were all here for me when I need you. I also want to say how thankful and blessed I am to be able to live with my parents, that they are still able to help me to deal with things. My dad is going to be 80 on the 16th(which is now I think...lol). Thank you everyone for being here, its so nice to not be alone anymore.Kimber~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- FAITH CHATS: WEDNESDAY 9PM EST. 8PM CENTRAL. 6PM PST SUNDAY 12 MIDNIGHT EST. 11PM CENTRAL. 9PM PST OPEN CHATS: THURSDAY 9PM EST. 8PM CENTRAL. 6PM PST SUNDAY 4PM EST. 3PM CENTRAL. 1PM PSTCHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant


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