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behavioral or autistic traits how do u draw a fine line?

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My son has severe autism so I thought I would give u my input. So my son whom we think has mito also, used to be so active and copy behaviorally the positions of like say tigger from winnie the pooh and jump all over the place. used to think at the time that he needed OT vestibular and proprioceptive imput. Maybe he did..maybe he was just copying. He also covers his ears because of severe overloaded auditory input. In fact when he had tubes in for 18 months.. at age 17 months.. he did not "hear us at all" , or appeared not too, yet he amazing things like he hated the range fan on and the dishwasher and could hear the electricity just where it comes into the house and new when a light bulb was ready to blow out.

Laughing is good vs crying and you do not know why.

It is just easier to handle. does he really hurt himself? My son was just amazing.. that at age 14 now.. he never bled or hurt anyone and jumped off the top of the refrigerator. If your son is hurting others than that should be a priority to work on. Maybe he is copying others in his environment including tv shows.

Guess my answer is to what age u should be concerned I would say at any age.

Really does sound like autistic behaviors.


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How old is Zach? Grace is two and is remarkably similar to Zach. We have now learned that some of her issues are due to Sensory Integration Disorder. For her, some things that would normally not bother someone are extremely irritating to her. On some other things she seems awed by something others find annoying. She has many things that she is obsessed with. For example she has one particular DVD that she will watch over and over all day long, if we let her. Also, she will crave certain foods (currently it is also cheese) and she will want to eat nothing but that particular food. She seems to have a set way of doing things, and will throw a raging fit if it does not go her way. She does not like being around people, unless she sees them a lot. It really bothers her for someone she does not know to talk to her.

She is going to OT once a week, trying to get her to get over some of these issues. Our current goal is to get her to be more social. We hope, in doing so, we can control some of her anxiety towards others. Also, it should cut down on some of the temper tantrums. I have been told that we should "ignore" her tantrums, but make sure she is doing them in a safe environment. Sometimes it actually takes picking her up from the hard floor (where she may be banging her head) and placing her on a pile of pillows. This way she can still throw her fit, we don't give in, and not hurt herself.

Best wishes.

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autistic characteristics are definately related to mito.

also gets annoyed by certain noises and also like Gracie finds other

annoying things interesting. She also in the past had poor judgement

and did dangerous things, though this has improved greatly. Could

the bread thing be related to blood sugar? Low blood sugar cause

craving of carbs. Just a thought. also has alot of fits and

has compulsive behaviors. She has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS.


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We were told Mito kids can't have "true" autism because that diagnosis comes by itself but he definitely displays lots of autistic behavior. He has complex

I have often wondered about this...It seems like it is usually just autistic symptoms that they could diagnose b/c autistic kids dont' have medical issues.

about the behavior...be careful with those kicks...our autistic child (who is not related to our mito child) kicked me in the face last week and displaced my septum (which will likely require surgery) and I now have post-concussion syndrome which a brain injury that can last months. I am thinking of investing in a boxers helmet!

deb...mom to three great kids and wife to one amazing guy!http://www.lifeofloveproject.org/http://www.heartliftersgallery.com/ Crazy Lizzies!! PURSES!

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Our son Connor is 7 and we have been struggling with autistic characteristics

for a long time. His temper tantrums are severe. He hurts himself mostly but

sometime others, for example, if you are too close to him during his tantrum you

will get a good strong kick in the stomach unless you can move fast. He has

always covered his ears which is just to much noise and sensory info coming at

him at once. He rocks back and forth alot, too. things have to be just so,

such as how he enters the bus for school, what he checks before sitting down

etc. We were told Mito kids can't have " true " autism because that diagnosis

comes by itself but he definitely displays lots of autistic behavior. He has

complex 111 and iv, cox deficiency with MNGIE. Nicki

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We were told Mito kids can't have "true" autism because that diagnosis comes by itself but he definitely displays lots of autistic behavior. He has complex 111 and iv, cox deficiency with MNGIE. Nicki Yes, that is correct- as Autism is still defined in the books as a psychological issue. If there is any underlying disease, abnormal MRI, seizures, disorder, they can only have "autistic traits". You may find however, that many biomedical treatments for autism help your child- as most everyone but the people who define the DSM criteria know that autism is a neurological disorder.


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many autistic children have physical , metabolic, and neurological issues- many doctors just choose to ignore them


I have often wondered about this...It seems like it is usually just autistic symptoms that they could diagnose b/c autistic kids dont' have medical issues.

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so far we haven't had anything that serious. My husband did get his ribs broken

twice but Connor mainly hurts himself. He smashes his head on the floor, the

wall, the table and has even knocked out his two front teeth, which after 3

years still haven't grown into adult teeth. No matter what happens, we will not

put him in a home. About that, we are adamant!

thanks for writing me back


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No matter what happens, we will not put him in a home. About that, we are adamant!

Our behavior therapy program called yesterday and wants him hospitalized and taken off all meds...but he's only five and can have no visitors...if I could stay with him I would consider it but this is just too extreme for someone his age.

deb...mom to three great kids and wife to one amazing guy!http://www.lifeofloveproject.org/http://www.heartliftersgallery.com/ Crazy Lizzies!! PURSES!

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