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Getting sick people to stay away

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rule at our house.....if you and your kids are sick, have a sniffle nose or anything that MAY travel to others....please do not come and visit. lets talk on the phone instead. this goes for family and friends. if they do not understand or get their feelings hurt or are offended tough. the health of my child our first priority and i strongly feel people should be able to respect that.


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Question for people with step children or children of family that

expose your child to illness:

I have a step daughter who is four. She lives with her mother and

visits with us on the weekends. Abigail has caught two viruses from

her that has put Abby in the hospital. Does anyone else deal with a

situation like this? I can't seem to get through to people that she

can not come into such direct contact with illness w/o winding up in

the hospital.

Any wisdom welcome!

Thx Myst

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Just a thought that struck me. Can your husband explain to his ex-wife?

She might be feeling that you are trying to keep his daughter away

from him. I think the idea you had about him visiting with his

daughter out of the house might help ease that situation. You and he

are both going to have to be clear with the ex just what the situation

is. If the daughter shows up ill you both may have to say to her mom,

" This is not a good time for this visit " and turn her around home.

You are also going to have to explain this to the little girl so she

doesn't think it is something bad she has done. If she gets sick when

she is already with you, you may need to set up the sick area and the

well area and make sure they don't play together or touch each others

toys. If you keep contact between them to a minimum and keep the

adults washing their hands often ( you never know what she will have

touched or sneezed on that has germs ) you might be able to squeak by.

I don't know of anything that will make people think about what they

do affecting other people.

Do you get the little girl every week end? Maybe she could come over

on the " off weekend " if ther is one. Maybe if she is ill on the

weekend you could have her over during the week for a treat to make up

the time when she is well again.

I hope some of this made sense.

My mom had a low white blood count in the last months of her life. We

could not visit for about 3 weeks straight as one of the four of us

was sick that entire time. I didn't realize how much of the time we

spent ill untill that restriction came into place for us.

You are right though it is hard to make people understand.


I can't seem to get through to people that she

> can not come into such direct contact with illness w/o winding up in

> the hospital.

> Thx Myst

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Most our friends and family know to stay away if they are ill, BUT

recently we had a friend who should have known better who came at the end of

their hand, foot, and mouth disease, and needless to say, Zipporrah got it

and gave it to the whole family. We all did fine getting through it except

Zipporrah who had a very small episode of increased right-sided weakness.

But, even so, it is really unbelievable that people don't think before

exposing sickly kids to viruses. It is a never-ending struggle that we all

have to deal with. I say it is NEVER rude to tell people to not come if

they are ill. Our kids come first!

Darla: mommy to

Asenath (4) Mito, CNS Vasculitis, strokes, migraines, seizures, G-tube,

hypotonicity, disautonomy,SID, dev. delays, asthma, chronic vomiting...

Zipporrah (10 mon.) Mito, strokes, SID, GERD, 100% G-tube fed, asthma, trach

issues, disautonomy, hypo & hypertonicity, migraines, possible seizures,

dumping syndrome...

Luke (16), Leah (14), Rachael (12), Isaac (10), Tirzah (7), Kezia (3), &

Marquis (2) (some with Mito symptoms)

Getting sick people to stay away


> Question for people with step children or children of family that

> expose your child to illness:


> I have a step daughter who is four. She lives with her mother and

> visits with us on the weekends. Abigail has caught two viruses from

> her that has put Abby in the hospital. Does anyone else deal with a

> situation like this? I can't seem to get through to people that she

> can not come into such direct contact with illness w/o winding up in

> the hospital.


> Any wisdom welcome!


> Thx Myst





> Please contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.


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