Guest guest Posted June 28, 2001 Report Share Posted June 28, 2001 Hi all: Since the BPD/DS is based largely on the BPD (no DS), I thought it might be useful to see if the plain (Scopinaro) BPD had a larger body of literature surrounding it than does the BPD/DS. I think that much of the literature regarding the plain BPD can probably be used to formulate arguments regarding the BPD/DS, especially given that it's the malabsorbtive component that everybody seems to freak out about. Also, I'm reposting the list that somebody acquired from the ASBS, along with two BPD/DS references they missed. I compiled my list from MEDLINE.COM, which is a free site, although you have to " join " in order to use it. I've included both pro and con articles, because if you are going to convince somebody in the field, you'd better know where his arguments are going to come from and be able to rebut them. Tom This is the list that was posted earlier: (Welch, Yasui et al. 1992; Hess 1994; Baltasar, Bou et al. 1995; Lagace, Marceau et al. 1995; Baltasar, del Rio et al. 1997; ez Castro, Baltasar et al. 1997; Hess and Hess 1998; Marceau, Hould et al. 1998; Rabkin 1998; MacPherson 1999; Balsiger, Murr et al. 2000) Balsiger, B. M., M. M. Murr, et al. (2000). " Bariatric surgery. Surgery for weight control in patients with morbid obesity. " Med Clin North Am 84(2): 477-89. Baltasar, A., J. del Rio, et al. (1997). " Preliminary results of the duodenal switch. " Obes Surg 7(6): 500-4. Baltasar, M., R. Bou, et al. (1995). " 'Hybrid' bariatric surgery: bilio-pancreatic diversion and duodenal switch- preliminary experience. " Obes Surg 5(4): 419-423. Hess, D. S. (1994). " Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch procedure. " Obes Surg 4: 106 (Abstract). Hess, D. S. and D. W. Hess (1998). " Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch. " Obes Surg 8(3): 267-82. Lagace, M., P. Marceau, et al. (1995). " Biliopancreatic Diversion with a New Type of Gastrectomy: Some Previous Conclusions Revisited. " Obes Surg 5(4): 411-418. MacPherson, B. H. (1999). " Iron absorption and the duodenal switch operation [editorial]. " Obes Surg 9(3): 221-2. Marceau, P., F. S. Hould, et al. (1998). " Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. " World J Surg 22(9): 947-54. ez Castro, R., A. Baltasar, et al. (1997). " [Gastric emptying in patients with morbid obesity treated with a duodenal switch (letter)]. " Rev Esp Enferm Dig (Spain) 89(5): 413-4. Rabkin, R. A. (1998). " Distal gastric bypass/duodenal switch procedure, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion in a community practice. " Obes Surg 8(1): 53-9. Welch, N. T., A. Yasui, et al. (1992). " Effect of duodenal switch procedure on gastric acid production, intragastric pH, gastric emptying and gastrointestinal hormones. " Am J Surg 163: 37-45. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** These were left off the previous list: Marceau P, Biron S, Bourque RA, et al. Biliopancreatic Diversion with a New Type of Gastrectomy Obes Surg (England), Feb 1993, 3(1) p29-35 Lagace M, Marceau P, Marceau S, et al. Biliopancreatic Diversion with a New Type of Gastrectomy: Some Previous Conclusions Revisited Obes Surg (England), Nov 1995, 5(4) p411-418 -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Here's a list of what I could find on the BPD (no DS), excluding animal studies. Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Esposito M, et al. Orally-administered Serum Ranitidine Concentration after Biliopancreatic Diversion for Obesity Obes Surg (England), Sep 1991, 1(3) p293-294 Adami GF, Cordera R, Campostano A, et al. Serum leptin and weight loss in severely obese patients undergoing biliopancreatic diversion. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord (England), Aug 1998, 22(8) p822-4 Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Meneghelli A, et al. Binge eating in obesity: a longitudinal study following biliopancreatic diversion. Int J Eat Disord (United States), Dec 1996, 20(4) p405-13 Adami G, Gandolfo P, Meneghelli A, et al. Food- and weight-related attitudes in obese persons: a longitudinal study over two years following biliopancreatic diversion. J Psychosom Res (England), Jul 1996, 41(1) p31-8 Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Cocchi FH, et al. Binge eating following biliopancreatic diversion for obesity. Appetite (England), Oct 1995, 25(2) p177-88 Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Campostano A, et al. Eating disorder inventory in the assessment of psychosocial status in the obese patients prior to and at long-term following biliopancreatic diversion for obesity. Int J Eat Disord (United States), Apr 1994, 15(3) p265-74 Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Dapueto R, et al. Eating behavior following biliopancreatic diversion for obesity: study with a three-factor eating questionnaire. Int J Eat Disord (United States), Jul 1993, 14 (1) p81-6 Adami GF, Campostano A, Gandolfo P, et al. Body composition and energy expenditure in obese patients prior to and following biliopancreatic diversion for obesity. Eur Surg Res (Switzerland), Jul-Aug 1996, 28(4) p295-8 Adami GF, Compostano A, Bessarione D, et al. Resting Energy Expenditure in Long-Term Postobese Subjects after Weight Normalization by Dieting or Biliopancreatic Diversion Obes Surg (England), Nov 1993, 3(4) p397-399 PL, Velanovich V, Kaufman CR, et al. Late Perforation of the Distal Roux-en-Y Anastomosis in a Patient with Biliopancreatic Diversion Obes Surg (England), Aug 1992, 2(3) p269-270 Antal SC, Prevention and Reversal of Liver Damage following Biliopancreatic Diversion for Obesity Obes Surg (England), Aug 1994, 4(3) p285-290 Bajardi G, Ricevuto G, Mastrandrea G, et al. [Laparocele. A late complication of bariatric surgery] Minerva Chir (Italy), Apr 15 1993, 48(7) p337-40 Bajardi G, Ricevuto G, Mastrandrea G, et al. [Postoperative venous thromboembolism in bariatric surgery] Minerva Chir (Italy), May 31 1993, 48(10) p539-42 Bajardi G, Ricevuto G, Mastrandrea G, et al. Surgical treatment of morbid obesity with biliopancreatic diversion and gastric banding: report on an 8-year experience involving 235 cases. Ann Chir (France), Feb 2000, 125(2) p155-62 Bajardi G, Latteri M, Ricevuto G, et al. Biliopancreatic Diversion: early complications Obes Surg (England), May 1992, 2(2) p177-180 Bertolotto M, Gianetta E, Rollandi GA, et al. Imaging of patients with pancreaticobiliary diversion for obesity: post-operative anatomy and findings in small bowel obstruction. Br J Radiol (England), Aug 1996, 69(824) p708-6 Brolin RE, Leung M, Survey of vitamin and mineral supplementation after gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion for morbid obesity. Obes Surg (England), Apr 1999, 9(2) p150-4 Buscemi S, Verga S, Maneri R, et al. Influences of obesity and weight loss on thyroid hormones. A 3-3.5-year follow-up study on obese subjects with surgical bilio-pancreatic by-pass. J Endocrinol Invest (Italy), May 1997, 20(5) p276-81 Cassinelli GB, Fenaroli P, [The surgical therapy of morbid obesity: our experience] G Chir (Italy), Jun-Jul 1991, 12(6-7) p371-4 Chapin BL, Le Mar HJ, Knodel DH, et al. Secondary hyperparathyroidism following biliopancreatic diversion. Arch Surg (United States), Oct 1996, 131(10) p1048-52; discussion 1053 Clare MW, Equal Biliopancreatic and Alimentary Limbs: An Analysis of 106 Cases over 5 Years Obes Surg (England), Aug 1993, 3(3) p289-295 Cossu ML, Ruggiu M, Fais E, et al. Bowel obstruction after biliopancreatic diversion: a deceptive complication. Obes Surg (Canada), Oct 2000, 10(5) p470-3 Cossu ML, Coppola M, Fais E, et al. [Preliminary results of biliopancreatic diversion in the treatment of morbid obesity. Clinical considerations on 69 patients with a 3-year follow-up] Minerva Chir (Italy), Apr 2000, 55(4) p211-9 Cossu ML, Caccia S, Coppola M, et al. Orally administered ranitidine plasma concentrations before and after biliopancreatic diversion in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg (England), Feb 1999, 9(1) p36-9 Clare WM, An Analysis of 37 Reversals on 504 Biliopancreatic Surgeries over 12 Years, Obes Surg (England), May 1993, 3(2) p169- 173 De Lucia LM, Zadini F, Fisler JS, et al. Gastric bypass with biliopancreatic diversion. Gastroenterol Clin North Am (United States), Sep 1987, 16(3) p505-6 de Marinis L, Mancini A, Valle D, et al. Plasma leptin levels after biliopancreatic diversion: dissociation with body mass index. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (United States), Jul 1999, 84(7) p2386-9 Desirello G, Crovato F, Scopinaro N [biliopancreatic diversion: an experimental clinical model of the relation between zinc and the skin] Ann Dermatol Venereol (France), 1990, 117(10) p729-30 Di Carlo C, Palomba S, De Fazio M, et al. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in obese women after biliopancreatic diversion. Fertil Steril (United States), Nov 1999, 72(5) p905-9 Fenaroli P, Piazzalunga D, Guffanti Pesenti G, et al. [surgical treatment of major obesity by biliopancreatic bypass: our experience] J Chir (Paris) (France), Mar 1993, 130(3) p125-9 Fox SR, The Use of the Biliopancreatic Diversion as a Treatment for Failed Gastric Partitioning in the Morbidly Obese, Obes Surg (England), Mar 1991, 1(1) p89-93 Friedman D, Cuneo S, Valenzano M, et al. Pregnancies in an 18-Year Follow-up after Biliopancreatic Diversion Obes Surg (England), Aug 1995, 5(3) p308-313 Friedman D, Cuneo S, Valenzano M, et al. [Pregnancy after surgical therapy of obesity. Bibliographic review and our experience with biliopancreatic diversion] Minerva Ginecol (Italy), Sep 1996, 48(9) p333-44 Gaggiotti G, Catassi C, Sgattoni C, et al. Modifications of Intestinal Permeability Test Induced by Biliopancreatic Diversion: Preliminary Results, Obes Surg (England), Nov 1995, 5(4) p424-426 Gianetta E, Friedman D, Adami GF, et al. Etiological factors of protein malnutrition after biliopancreatic diversion. Gastroenterol Clin North Am (United States), Sep 1987, 16(3) p503-4 Grassi N, Pantuso G, Salanitro L, et al. [use of mechanical staplers in biliopancreatic diversion intervention] Minerva Chir (Italy), Sep 1994, 49(9) p779-81 Grimm IS, Schindler W, Haluszka O Steatohepatitis and fatal hepatic failure after biliopancreatic diversion. Am J Gastroenterol (United States), Jun 1992, 87(6) p775-9 Ishizuka Y, Bamba T, Hosoda S, [Effect of pancreatico-biliary diversion on endogenous CCK secretion, pancreatic enzyme synthesis, and amylase release] Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi (Japan), Mar 1990, 87(3) p830-9 Langdon DE, Leffingwell T, Rank D Hepatic failure after biliopancreatic diversion. Am J Gastroenterol (United States), Feb 1993, 88(2) p321 Luc L. Biliopancreatic Diversion: 170 patients in a 7-year follow- up Obes Surg (England), May 1993, 3(2) p179-180 Marceau P, Biron S, St s R, et al. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Gastrectomy as Surgical Treatment of Morbid Obesity Obes Surg (England), Dec 1991, 1(4) p381-387 Marceau S, Biron S, Lagace M, et al. Biliopancreatic Diversion, with Distal Gastrectomy, 250 cm and 50 cm Limbs: Long-term Results Obes Surg (England), Aug 1995, 5(3) p302-307 Marinari GM, Camerini G, Cella F, et al. Short-term changes in serum leptin concentration following biliopancreatic diversion. Obes Surg (Canada), Oct 2000, 10(5) p442-4 Michielson D, Van Hee R, Hendrickx L Complications of Biliopancreatic Diversion Surgery as Proposed by Scopinaro in the Treatment of Morbid Obesity, Obes Surg (England), Oct 1996, 6(5) p416-420 Noya G, Cossu ML, Iannuccelli M, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion with pylorus-preserving technique: a new method for the surgical control of hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes II? Panminerva Med (Italy), Mar 1997, 39(1) p35-40 Nanni G, Balduzzi GF, Capoluongo R, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion: clinical experience. Obes Surg (England), Feb 1997, 7(1) p26-9 Noya G, Cossu ML, Coppola M, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion preserving the stomach and pylorus in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes type II: results in the first 10 cases. Obes Surg (England), Feb 1998, 8(1) p67-72 Noya G, Cossu ML, Coppola M, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion for treatment of morbid obesity: experience in 50 cases. Obes Surg (England), Feb 1998, 8(1) p61-6 Primavera A, Brusa G, Novello P, et al. Wernicke-Korsakoff Encephalopathy Following Biliopancreatic Diversion, Obes Surg (England), May 1993, 3(2) p175-177 Quaranta L, Nascimbeni G, Semeraro F, et al. Severe corneoconjunctival xerosis after biliopancreatic bypass for obesity (Scopinaro's operation). Am J Ophthalmol (United States), Dec 15 1994, 118(6) p817-8 Salanitro L, Pantuso G, Grassi N, et al. [Care of the patient after biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) surgery] Minerva Chir (Italy), Sep 1994, 49(9) p783-5 Scopinaro N, Marinari GM, Pretolesi F, et al. Energy and nitrogen absorption after biliopancreatic diversion. Obes Surg (Canada), Oct 2000, 10(5) p436-41 Scopinaro N, Why the Operation I Prefer is Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) Obes Surg (England), Sep 1991, 1(3) p307-309 Scopinaro N, Adami GF, Marinari GM, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion. World J Surg (United States), Sep 1998, 22(9) p936-46 Scopinaro N, Gianetta E, Adami GF, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion for obesity at eighteen years. Surgery (United States), Mar 1996, 119 (3) p261-8 Sileo F, Bonassi U, Bolognini C, et al. [biliopancreatic bypass in the treatment of severe obesity: long-term clinical, nutritional and metabolic evaluation] Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol (Italy), Jun 1995, 41(2) p149-55 Smets RM, Waeben M. Unusual combination of night blindness and optic neuropathy after biliopancreatic bypass. Bull Soc Belge Ophtalmol (Belgium), 1999, 271 p93-6 Stucki A, Grob JP, Chapuis G, et al. [biliopancreatic bypass and disorders of iron absorption] Schweiz Med Wochenschr (Switzerland), Dec 14 1991, 121(50) p1894-6 Tataranni PA, Mingrone G, Greco AV, et al. Glucose-induced thermogenesis in postobese women who have undergone biliopancreatic diversion. Am J Clin Nutr (United States), Sep 1994, 60(3) p320-6 Totte E, Hendrickx L, van Hee R, Biliopancreatic diversion for treatment of morbid obesity: experience in 180 consecutive cases. Obes Surg (England), Apr 1999, 9(2) p161-5 Tataranni PA, Mingrone G, Raguso CA, et al. Twenty-four-hour energy and nutrient balance in weight stable postobese patients after biliopancreatic diversion. Nutrition (United States), Apr 1996, 12 (4) p239-44 Vassallo C, Negri L, Della Valle A, et al. Biliopancreatic diversion with transitory gastroplasty preserving duodenal bulb: 3 years experience. Obes Surg (England), Feb 1997, 7(1) p30-3 Zoli A, Altomonte L, Serra A, et al. Undiagnosed polyarthritis with positive anti-Ro/SSA antibodies following a biliopancreatic bypass for morbid obesity. Clin Rheumatol (Belgium), Sep 1996, 15(5) p514-5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2001 Report Share Posted June 29, 2001 Hi...I went to and it looked like a site to order supplies....was I in the right place? Inrerested in reading some of those articles... Bobbi-jo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2001 Report Share Posted June 29, 2001 thank you.... :-) Bobbi-jo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2001 Report Share Posted June 29, 2001 > Hi...I went to and it looked > like a site to order supplies....was I in > the right place? Inrerested in reading > some of those articles... Hi Bobbi-jo: Sorry about that. I forgot that you have to start at MEDSCAPE.COM. Then look near the upper right hand corner of the page for the little search box. Right below it, it says " Also search Medline, " etc. Click on " Medline " and you'll be in the right place. Also, they don't have the full articles, just abstracts. But they are enough to tell you what the study was about as well as the findings. HTH Tom Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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