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Re: Female question-Ann

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Hi Ann,

Thank you for asking this question. I know this was in August, but I just

got to checking my emails.

I have suffered with this lower right side (sometimes left side) pain for

several years. I just feel like I am going to die when it comes! I was so

confused as to what it could be, as I am overweight (so it is hard for me to

palpate precisely) and wasn't sure if it was digestive, reprodutive, bladder

or what. It happens about every 6 weeks, but all my mito issues cycle

roughly every 6-7 weeks. I also notice it lasts anywhere from 1 week to

about a month. I don't' notice it getting worse when I press, and ususally

take Advil or Rx Valium to stop the pain and V is what I use for all

muscle cramps. So far, it works OK.

I did consider that it might be PCOS. I heard about PCOS on a TV show and

am looking into asking my OB/GYN about it. In the meantime, I am going to

do the simplest thing I saw of all the responses, I am going to try the

B-complex. I will post if it helps.

I have had frequent urination for 11+ years and it is running/ruining my

life! I don't know if the two are connected, but also appreciate all the

members of the various groups giving inf. so I too can check some things out

that I never heard of before. I have been tested for UTI, only had it once.

One doc also tried to tell me it was 'stress'. I nearly kicked his but, but

instead I just told him there would be no stress if there was no frequent

urination. ugh! I have suspected the pain and frequent U to be

mito-related, but only after your question did I realize how many have this


Sorry for rambling on....I hope you find a solution, and me too!

God bless,


[adultmito] Female question

> Dear Ladies,


> Have any of you suffered extreme pain in the lower abdomen, around the

> time of your ovulation? I had a severe intense pain over 3 hours, to the

> point I was ready for the ER.


> I had frequency to empty my bladder and the pain was on the right side,

> very low on my abdomen. So I thought I was having kidney stone trouble

> again...But the pain suddenly vanished...I still have the urge to empty my

> bladder every 10 minutes, but no more pain...


> Could this be a sign of mito?


> Any suggestions?


> Thanks...


> Ann



> Ann (mito), mom to (3 ys) - asthma, seizures, tremors, milk

> intolerance, reflux, ptosis, *speech has improved greatly, suspected mito

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I get ovulation pain like this. the last time i ovulated (when i

got pregnant in May) I actually almost went to the ER, as I thought

it was my appendix. I have had episodes like this since I was a

young teenager, and have actually been hospitalized twice on the

suspicion of appendicitis, however it always passes, and i have

figured out by charting my ovulation cycles that it always happens

the day of ovulation... so im certain this is what the cause is.

It hasnt impaired my fertility in any way (I have gotten pregnant

very quickly both times), and seems to be of no consequence, however

its probably worth asking for an ultrasound for as it can also be a

sign of an ovarian cyst (which can be extremely painful, and

sometimes dangerous if it bursts...)



> Hi Ann,


> Thank you for asking this question. I know this was in August,

but I just

> got to checking my emails.


> I have suffered with this lower right side (sometimes left side)

pain for

> several years. I just feel like I am going to die when it comes!

I was so

> confused as to what it could be, as I am overweight (so it is hard

for me to

> palpate precisely) and wasn't sure if it was digestive,

reprodutive, bladder

> or what. It happens about every 6 weeks, but all my mito issues


> roughly every 6-7 weeks. I also notice it lasts anywhere from 1

week to

> about a month. I don't' notice it getting worse when I press,

and ususally

> take Advil or Rx Valium to stop the pain and V is what I use for


> muscle cramps. So far, it works OK.


> I did consider that it might be PCOS. I heard about PCOS on a TV

show and

> am looking into asking my OB/GYN about it. In the meantime, I am

going to

> do the simplest thing I saw of all the responses, I am going to

try the

> B-complex. I will post if it helps.


> I have had frequent urination for 11+ years and it is

running/ruining my

> life! I don't know if the two are connected, but also appreciate

all the

> members of the various groups giving inf. so I too can check some

things out

> that I never heard of before. I have been tested for UTI, only

had it once.

> One doc also tried to tell me it was 'stress'. I nearly kicked

his but, but

> instead I just told him there would be no stress if there was no


> urination. ugh! I have suspected the pain and frequent U to be

> mito-related, but only after your question did I realize how many

have this

> issue.


> Sorry for rambling on....I hope you find a solution, and me too!


> God bless,

> Hazelpone




> [adultmito] Female question



> > Dear Ladies,

> >

> > Have any of you suffered extreme pain in the lower abdomen,

around the

> > time of your ovulation? I had a severe intense pain over 3

hours, to the

> > point I was ready for the ER.

> >

> > I had frequency to empty my bladder and the pain was on the

right side,

> > very low on my abdomen. So I thought I was having kidney stone


> > again...But the pain suddenly vanished...I still have the urge

to empty my

> > bladder every 10 minutes, but no more pain...

> >

> > Could this be a sign of mito?

> >

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> > Thanks...

> >

> > Ann

> >

> >

> > Ann (mito), mom to (3 ys) - asthma, seizures, tremors,


> > intolerance, reflux, ptosis, *speech has improved greatly,

suspected mito

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