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Re: Eye Exam Benificial or Not

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Hi :

Leah, age 6, also has nystagmus. And one of her eyes were crossed a

little bit. She had one surgery for the crossing but may need another

for the nystagmus. Something to do with the muscles. She has a small

optic nerve. What we notice with the nystagmus is she holds her eyes

steady by bringing them up toward her eyelids and then she would some

times hold her chin down, too. That has gotten better since the first

surgery. We go to a pediatric eye doctor. They understand this alot

more than a regular eye doctor. We always needed to go the eye doctor

every 6 months to check out Leah's eyes. Now we go once a year. I

think they want to see if they Nystagmus gets worse. The eye doctor

stated that he wanted to wait a while before doing surgery on Leah. But

things have changed that she may need more surgery to correct the

nystagmus. It might not hurt to get it check out somemore. Leah loves

to look at books so I'm very cautious about her eyes.


mom to Leah

davidrich31843 wrote:

>I have been following the questions dealing with eye exams over the

>last few days and just have a question or 2.


>Connor is just over 12 months old. He developed Nystagmus at arround

>6 months. We had him checked at a Eye Doctor who said that the eye

>itself was fine, optic nerve etc and to come back for a follow up at

>11 months. The just before we were gojng to take him Connor went

>rapidly downhill had an MRI done and Mito was strongly suspected.


>His current condition is that unless he is medicated durring the day

>(Valium)he has movement abnormalities, pulls horrible

>expressions,screams, has a severe hearing loss (not sure if it has

>got worse) etc,etc. Most of the time he appears to be in his own

>little world and is not interative with us unless we physically

>tickle him or something like that and then only sometimes. In the

>past before his episode and with the Nystagmus although he could not

>see far he definately could see as he was always fixated on persons

>faces, lights and followed movements. Since the episode if he sees

>at all I would say it is very minimal.


>The question is

>- should we take him back to the eye doctor for a follow up. If so

>what would be the benifit of this, is there anything apart from

>confirmation of the eyes having deteriated that can be gained from

>such a test.

>- And how would you test it, as if he's not medicated or sleeping it

>would be impossible to control him.











>Please contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.


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