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FW: FSR Sarcoidosis Update (August 2007)

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For those of you who have missed our previous messages about the FSR (Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research) website, here is the Aug. newsletter. This gives you a good idea of the work & progress being accomplished by FSR. You can subscribe to the newsletter yourself, as well as reading the entire website, at www.stopsarcoidosis.org.Ramblin' Rose


From: FSR

Reply-To: info@...

To: mamadogrose@...

Subject: FSR Sarcoidosis Update (August 2007)

Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 16:03:54 -0400 (EDT)

You received this email as a registered subscriber to

the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research monthly

e-newsletter. To ensure that you continue to

receive emails from us, add

info@... to your address book today. You may unsubscribe

http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?p=un & m=1100777634382 & ea=mamadogrose%40hotmail.com & se=2340 & t=1101747108669 & lang=en & reason=F if you no longer wish to receive our emails.


August 2007

Support Team Sarcoidosis!

This month we are delighted to announce our new

partnership with the Respiratory Health Association of

Metropolitan Chicago (formerly the ALA of Chicago)

and several other community health organizations to

raise awareness of and financial support for lung

diseases through the first annual 'Hike for Lung

Health' fundraising walk to be held in Chicago on

September 23rd.

, daughter of famed NBA player Bill

, has agreed to join FSR President

as Co-Captain of FSR Team


They have set a goal of raising $10,000.00 to support

critical research and education initiatives at the


We think this walk provides a unique opportunity to

join with other patients to bring attention to this

disease and to raise important funds for sarcoidosis

research. We hope we can count on your support

as a walker or as a sponsor of our Team Captains.

Read the article below for additional details about how

to participate or Click Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm).


New This Month

Chicago Lung Health Walk Planned

Translated Research Findings - Biomarkers

FSR Announces New T-shirt

Researcher Feedback Requested - Biospecimen Survey

Sarcoidosis Clinical Trials

FSR Upcoming Events


Ask the Sarcoidosis Expert

Although I was diagnosed two years ago, I have

been having new problems recently and I feel very

isolated. How can I find someone to talk to who

understands my symptoms?

Sarcoidosis is a multi-system disorder. Symptoms

typically depend on which organs the disease affects

and often the physical symptoms are life-altering. In

addition, about one-third of all patients experience

non-specific symptoms that include fever, fatigue,

night sweats and an overall feeling of ill-health, forcing

many patients to limit activities they once enjoyed.

Unfortunately, patients report these symptoms

are the most likely to be dismissed by their doctors

and sometimes their family and friends.

It is probably no surprise that long term illness can

cause emotional problems along with the physical

ones. Research shows that more than half of people

with sarcoidosis symptoms also show signs of

clinical depression. Among the most likely to be

depressed are people who have severe disease, who

have limited access to medical care, or who have

trouble paying for their medical care. Being a woman

is also a risk factor. Persistent feelings of sadness,

emptiness and anxiety are all signs of depression that

you should discuss with your doctor.

Talking with and learning from others who have had

similar experiences may also help you face the

challenges of coping with sarcoidosis. FSR has two

programs that can help put you in contact with other

sarcoidosis patients.

Read on... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.6quyugbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fsarcoidosis%2Ffaq.htm


* Chicago Lung Health Walk Planned

On September 23rd, patients and their families

registered for 'Team Sarcoidosis' will join walkers

representing teams for a range of lung

diseases at a fundraising walk along Chicago's


To identify our 'Team Sarcoidosis' (which

we hope will be among the largest) our walkers will

receive a special thank you gift from FSR and

additional prizes will be awarded to walkers who raise

the largest amount in pledges.

How to Help:

* Register (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.qw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fhikeforlunghealth2007.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2Fsearch%2FsearchTeamPart.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D472886EF426048F7928161EA2C8628DF%26team%3D2023114) as a Team Sarcoidosis (fee is


* Sponsor Team Captains

(http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.d9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D472886EF426048F7928161EA2C8628DF%26supId%3D183232616),

(http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.e9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D99C35CC303A14B80A58E4D1F3AF23455%26supId%3D183257536) or another walker (any

donation amount).

* Make a

General Donation (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.f9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D2CA44F436A424D3496B63109AB46609F%26supId%3D0%26team%3D2023114) to Support Team


Learn More! - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm

* Translated Research Findings - Biomarkers

Each month, new information on studies and related

articles in popular and scientific publications is

offered as a resource to patients and professionals

seeking up-to-date information on sarcoidosis.

Currently available blood tests have not been able to

definitively provide doctors with a diagnosis of

sarcoidosis. Learn more about a recent Dutch study

to detect potential biomarkers in the blood serum of

sarcoidosis patients using a techinique called

surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization-time of

flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS).

Read on... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.aruyugbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fnews%2Fresearchnews.htm


* FSR Announces New T-shirt

Demonstrate your commitment to aiding in the fight to

stop this devastating disease by wearing T-shirts

featuring the Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis message of

FSR's annual education and awareness campaign!

This heavyweight cotton T-shirt features purple and

red embroidery on a white shirt and is available in a

range of adult sizes up to 2X.

Screen printed T-shirts in grey and black are also

on sale at a special discounted price, but only limited

quantities are available.

Order Now! - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.g9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fecommerce%2Fproducts2%2Ftshirts.htm

* Researcher Feedback Requested - Biospecimen Survey

Because of their strong reputation for connecting top

researchers with human biomaterials, in 2006, FSR

formed an alliance with the National

Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) to further

accelerate the collection of human tissues for

placement with disease researchers.

To facilitate this process, we have worked to

promote tissue donation among sarcoidosis

patients. Now, we are asking researchers to

complete an online sarcoidosis tissue survey

explaining which tissues are needed in research at

the present time and in the near future.

The survey will be available online through the

end of August. NDRI, in consultation with FSR, will

then compile and analyze the data to assist in new

tissue procurements.

Researchers who are interested in receiving

sarcoidosis tissues can review the Online

Biospecimen Catalogue (OBC) available through the


site (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.i9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ndriresource.org). Patients who would like more

information about tissue donation should Click Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.etgsslbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fdonate%2Ftissue.htm).

Complete the Survey - Researchers Only - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.h9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sarcoidosis.speedsurvey.com


* Sarcoidosis Clinical Trials

Clinical studies (sometimes called trials or protocols)

are medical research studies in which people

participate as volunteers and are one way of

developing new treatments and medications for

diseases like sarcoidosis. Clinical studies can also

provide researchers information that may be an

important first step toward developing a treatment.

For example, research may show how the disease

progresses or how it affects other systems in the


The FSR Web site contains a listing of current

information on clinical research studies. Research

studies typically provide free care to those who

participate. In addition, studies at the National

Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, land are

free of charge to those who are eligible to participate

and willing to receive treatment at the center. In some

cases, travel expenses are reimbursed.

Before deciding to participate in a study, you

should carefully weigh any risks against possible


Find a Trial - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.j9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fresearch%2Fclinicaltrials.htm%23FIND_A_TRIAL

* FSR Upcoming Events

This month, FSR is pleased to offer information about

several important upcoming events planned by our

supporters. Visit the Current Events (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.lkxi9nbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fnews%2Fcurrentevents.htm) Section of the


site for more information on these and other future


* 'Keeping It Real' Radio Show - August 22

Dr. Marc Judson and will join patients

to discuss sarcoidosis with Reverend Al Sharpton and

Dr. Yael Varnado during this live broadcast. Click

Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.k9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.askdoctorv.com%2Findex.php%3Fselect%3Dlisten_now%23radio_schedule)

for stations and times or listen online via the Internet.

* Golf in the Darc for Sarc (Denver) - September


Organized by Kirk R. Mease, a neurosarcoidosis

patient and golf professional, The Golf in the Darc for

Sarc Glo Ball Tournament is an annual fundraiser to

benefit FSR.

* Hike for Lung Health (Chicago) - September


Join other sarcoidosis patients and their families to

walk as part of the official Team Sarcoidosis. Prizes

will be awarded to walkers who raise the largest

amount in pledges. Register Now (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm).




Toll Free: 866-358-KISS

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Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research | 122 South Michigan Avenue | Suite 1700 | Chicago | IL | 60603

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Guest guest

This is a great site!Rose wrote: For those of you who have missed our previous messages about the FSR (Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research) website, here is the Aug. newsletter. This gives you a good idea of the work & progress being accomplished by FSR. You can subscribe to the newsletter yourself, as well as reading the entire website, at www.stopsarcoidosis.org.Ramblin' Rose Moderator From: FSR Reply-To: info (AT) stopsarcoidosis (DOT) org To: mamadogrose (AT) hotmail (DOT) com Subject: FSR Sarcoidosis Update (August 2007) Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 16:03:54 -0400 (EDT) You received this email as a registered subscriber to the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research monthly e-newsletter. To ensure that you continue to receive emails from us, add info (AT) stopsarcoidosis (DOT) org to your address book today. You may unsubscribe http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?p=un & m=1100777634382 & ea=mamadogrose%40hotmail.com & se=2340 & t=1101747108669 & lang=en & reason=F if you no longer wish to receive our emails.

------------------------------------------------------------ August 2007 Support Team Sarcoidosis! This month we are delighted to announce our new partnership with the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago (formerly the ALA of Chicago) and several other community health organizations to raise awareness of and financial support for lung diseases through the first annual 'Hike for Lung Health' fundraising walk to be held in Chicago on September 23rd. , daughter of famed NBA player Bill , has agreed to join FSR President as Co-Captain of FSR Team Sarcoidosis. They have set a goal of raising $10,000.00 to support critical research and education initiatives at the

Foundation. We think this walk provides a unique opportunity to join with other patients to bring attention to this disease and to raise important funds for sarcoidosis research. We hope we can count on your support as a walker or as a sponsor of our Team Captains. Read the article below for additional details about how to participate or Click Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New This Month Chicago Lung Health Walk Planned Translated Research Findings - Biomarkers FSR Announces New T-shirt Researcher Feedback Requested - Biospecimen Survey

Sarcoidosis Clinical Trials FSR Upcoming Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ask the Sarcoidosis Expert Although I was diagnosed two years ago, I have been having new problems recently and I feel very isolated. How can I find someone to talk to who understands my symptoms? Sarcoidosis is a multi-system disorder. Symptoms typically depend on which organs the disease affects and often the physical symptoms are life-altering. In addition, about one-third of all patients experience non-specific symptoms that include fever, fatigue, night sweats and an overall feeling of ill-health, forcing many patients to limit activities they once enjoyed. Unfortunately, patients report these symptoms are the most

likely to be dismissed by their doctors and sometimes their family and friends. It is probably no surprise that long term illness can cause emotional problems along with the physical ones. Research shows that more than half of people with sarcoidosis symptoms also show signs of clinical depression. Among the most likely to be depressed are people who have severe disease, who have limited access to medical care, or who have trouble paying for their medical care. Being a woman is also a risk factor. Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness and anxiety are all signs of depression that you should discuss with your doctor. Talking with and learning from others who have had similar experiences may also help you face the challenges of coping with sarcoidosis. FSR has two

programs that can help put you in contact with other sarcoidosis patients. Read on... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.6quyugbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fsarcoidosis%2Ffaq.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Chicago Lung Health Walk Planned On September 23rd, patients and their families registered for 'Team Sarcoidosis' will join walkers representing teams for a range of lung diseases at a fundraising walk along Chicago's lakefront. To identify our 'Team Sarcoidosis' (which we hope will be among the largest) our walkers will receive a special thank you gift from FSR and additional prizes will be awarded to walkers who raise the

largest amount in pledges. How to Help: * Register (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.qw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fhikeforlunghealth2007.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2Fsearch%2FsearchTeamPart.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D472886EF426048F7928161EA2C8628DF%26team%3D2023114) as a Team Sarcoidosis (fee is $10). * Sponsor Team Captains (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.d9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D472886EF426048F7928161EA2C8628DF%26supId%3D183232616),

(http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.e9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D99C35CC303A14B80A58E4D1F3AF23455%26supId%3D183257536) or another walker (any donation amount). * Make a General Donation (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.f9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2FdonorReg%2FdonorPledge.asp%3Fievent%3D235615%26lis%3D1%26kntae235615%3D2CA44F436A424D3496B63109AB46609F%26supId%3D0%26team%3D2023114) to Support Team Sarcoidosis. Learn More! -

http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm * Translated Research Findings - Biomarkers Each month, new information on studies and related articles in popular and scientific publications is offered as a resource to patients and professionals seeking up-to-date information on sarcoidosis. Currently available blood tests have not been able to definitively provide doctors with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Learn more about a recent Dutch study to detect potential biomarkers in the blood serum of sarcoidosis patients using a techinique called surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). Read on... -

http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.aruyugbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fnews%2Fresearchnews.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * FSR Announces New T-shirt Demonstrate your commitment to aiding in the fight to stop this devastating disease by wearing T-shirts featuring the Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis message of FSR's annual education and awareness campaign! This heavyweight cotton T-shirt features purple and red embroidery on a white shirt and is available in a range of adult sizes up to 2X. Screen printed T-shirts in grey and black are also on sale at a special discounted price, but only limited quantities are available. Order Now! -

http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.g9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fecommerce%2Fproducts2%2Ftshirts.htm * Researcher Feedback Requested - Biospecimen Survey Because of their strong reputation for connecting top researchers with human biomaterials, in 2006, FSR formed an alliance with the National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) to further accelerate the collection of human tissues for placement with disease researchers. To facilitate this process, we have worked to promote tissue donation among sarcoidosis patients. Now, we are asking researchers to complete an online sarcoidosis tissue survey explaining which tissues are needed in research at the present time and in the near future.

The survey will be available online through the end of August. NDRI, in consultation with FSR, will then compile and analyze the data to assist in new tissue procurements. Researchers who are interested in receiving sarcoidosis tissues can review the Online Biospecimen Catalogue (OBC) available through the NDRI Web site (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.i9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ndriresource.org). Patients who would like more information about tissue donation should Click Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.etgsslbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fdonate%2Ftissue.htm). Complete the Survey - Researchers Only -

http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.h9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sarcoidosis.speedsurvey.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Sarcoidosis Clinical Trials Clinical studies (sometimes called trials or protocols) are medical research studies in which people participate as volunteers and are one way of developing new treatments and medications for diseases like sarcoidosis. Clinical studies can also provide researchers information that may be an important first step toward developing a treatment. For example, research may show how the disease progresses or how it affects other systems in the body. The FSR Web site contains a listing of current information on clinical

research studies. Research studies typically provide free care to those who participate. In addition, studies at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, land are free of charge to those who are eligible to participate and willing to receive treatment at the center. In some cases, travel expenses are reimbursed. Before deciding to participate in a study, you should carefully weigh any risks against possible benefits. Find a Trial - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.j9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fresearch%2Fclinicaltrials.htm%23FIND_A_TRIAL * FSR Upcoming Events This month, FSR is pleased to offer information about several important upcoming events

planned by our supporters. Visit the Current Events (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.lkxi9nbab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Fnews%2Fcurrentevents.htm) Section of the FSR Web site for more information on these and other future events. * 'Keeping It Real' Radio Show - August 22 Dr. Marc Judson and will join patients to discuss sarcoidosis with Reverend Al Sharpton and Dr. Yael Varnado during this live broadcast. Click Here (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.k9dcadcab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.askdoctorv.com%2Findex.php%3Fselect%3Dlisten_now%23radio_schedule) for stations and times or listen online via

the Internet. * Golf in the Darc for Sarc (Denver) - September 7 Organized by Kirk R. Mease, a neurosarcoidosis patient and golf professional, The Golf in the Darc for Sarc Glo Ball Tournament is an annual fundraiser to benefit FSR. * Hike for Lung Health (Chicago) - September 23 Join other sarcoidosis patients and their families to walk as part of the official Team Sarcoidosis. Prizes will be awarded to walkers who raise the largest amount in pledges. Register Now (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6zo6tccab.0.mw6bwccab.osolxfbab.2340 & ts=S0266 & p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stopsarcoidosis.org%2Flungwalk%2Findex.htm).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ info (AT) stopsarcoidosis (DOT) org http://www.stopsarcoidosis.org Toll Free: 866-358-KISS Forward email http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?m=1100777634382 & ea=mamadogrose%40hotmail.com & a=1101747108669 This email was sent to mamadogrose (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, by info (AT) stopsarcoidosis (DOT) org Update Profile/Email Address http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?p=oo & m=1100777634382 & ea=mamadogrose%40hotmail.com & se=2340 & t=1101747108669 & lang=en & reason=F Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe

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