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Hi ,

Olivia's never had a tube but she did have to have a bunch of

dental work done last spring, 4 crowns and 2 fillings (she was only

4.5years) and her dentist wanted her done in the hospital since she

had to be NPO overnight. They had to admit her the night before for

the D-10 IV. Everything went very well and I'm glad that they did

it that way. It took away a lot of the worry for me.

Good Luck!!

Leah, mom to 9 years and Olivia 4 years (5 in 11days!),

19lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI, lots of meds


> Ok - so I never post and now I can't stop - -


> tte went to the Othodontist(sp) - - and a lot of work needs


> be done - she needs to have 6 teeth pulled 2 baby & 4 permanant -

> now for my question - - should I have this done at the oral


> office - or should I actually try and have it done in the Hosp -


> remember we have NO tube - - see now all the worry comes into

play -

> but Im worried about her not being able to handle it - has anyone


> done this in the Hosp.

> Thanks


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My daughter Kyersten just had 8 baby teeth pulled out at the hopsital by an

oral surgeon. Her teeth were all rotting and she had an infection in her gums.

Because her mouth is so small my oral surgeon had called in a special doctor

to put the tube down her throat. He also said that his instruments were to big

for her mouth and if she had had her teeth pulled out at the dentist and them

put her to sleep she probably wouldn't have woken up! So I would do it in

the hospital just for safety reasons.

P.S. when she was done with surgery her lips were swollen 3x's there normal

size and were all bloody she just looked like she got hit with a truck. It was

the worst , but it all went away and now she is much happier and even eats

better even though she has no top or bottom teeth in the front.


Kyersten (RSS) 4 yrs. 22 lbs. & Mackenzie 6 weeks 10 lbs

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Jackie - thanks - I think you are right about having it done in the

hospital - was this inpatient or did she have the surgery and then go

home the same day...I certainly worry about the recover




> My daughter Kyersten just had 8 baby teeth pulled out at the

hopsital by an

> oral surgeon. Her teeth were all rotting and she had an infection

in her gums.

> Because her mouth is so small my oral surgeon had called in a

special doctor

> to put the tube down her throat. He also said that his instruments

were to big

> for her mouth and if she had had her teeth pulled out at the

dentist and them

> put her to sleep she probably wouldn't have woken up! So I would

do it in

> the hospital just for safety reasons.


> P.S. when she was done with surgery her lips were swollen 3x's

there normal

> size and were all bloody she just looked like she got hit with a

truck. It was

> the worst , but it all went away and now she is much happier and

even eats

> better even though she has no top or bottom teeth in the front.


> Jackie


> Kyersten (RSS) 4 yrs. 22 lbs. & Mackenzie 6 weeks 10 lbs




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It was an outpatient surgery. She stayed in a recovery room for about and hour

or two then we went home with a couple of prescriptions for pain (which she only

took once) and some antibiotics because she had an infection in her gums. She

did really good considering. I think I took it worse than she did. Our doctor

was very good though he called every day to check on her.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask


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she was not allowed to eat anything but popsickles, pudding, ice cream, pretty

much just very soft stuff for the first 4 days then we gradually tried harder

stuff we just went by what we thought would be easy for her. I forgot to mention

that besides getting her 8 teeth pulled she got silver caps on all 8 of her

molars the only white teeth she has in her mouth is her canine teeth she looks

like a little vampire and I'm hoping she isn't made fun of when she starts

school. Anyway she pretty much wanted to eat Mcs the next day but we of

course didn't let her. It's funny how resilient they are to pain. After about 6

days she was eating pretty normal and she actually gained 2 pounds in 6 weeks,

we think because her teeth were hurting her she wasn't eating very well or

because of the infection that was going on in her gums. She was actually telling

us that she was hungry which was crazy to us she never said that!

OH... she also drooled a lot the first couple of day because her lips were so

swollen and it was mostly blood that would come out and we had to pat her lips

with a wet cloth every so often because of all the dry blood on her lips. It is

not an easy thing to watch you child in pain and there's absolutly nothing you

can do. When we took her home after surgery I felt so guilty for having her

surgery done even though I know it needed to be done and I cried the whole day

(it didn't help that I was 9 months pregnant at the time so I was an emotional

wreck)I hope that your child has a way better experience then us!!!

Any more questions or anything please write back.


Kyersten 4 yrs. 22 lbs and Mackenzie 6 wks. 10 lbs.

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  • 2 years later...
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, I'm confused. Okay, I'm always confused, but a little more this time. Do you mean you are going to be toothless? Or getting damaged teeth out? If toothless, will you be getting dentures? Does Medicare cover dentures? Just trying to get info, for my future needs.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: Shingle vaccineDate: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 20:28:45 -0700 (PDT)

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Rose Yes I will be a true hillbilly with no teeth left! I have a top plate but I got it when I was working & got the immediate denture. After the swelling went down the darn thing would fly out of my mouth if I coughed and didn't get my hand up to my mouth in time. LOL I was crossing the street & coughed & I had to chase my plate because it was heading for the sewer! I called Medicare & the only time they will pay for the dental surgery is if you are having them removed to prepare the jaw for radiation or if you are going to have a kidney transplant. Explain that one to me. They don't cover dentures either. I couldn't afford the supplemental medical insurance. I was quoted a price of $199 a month on top of the $97 I pay

to medicare. No way unless I want to live in a cardboard box. LOL And when I mentioned "chemo" she said call her back when the treatments were over. So pretty much we're screwed in the dental department. grannylunatic@...

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, I'll bet you can really entertain your grandkids with that trick! Wish I could do it. My Uncle Bill died at 26, when I was about 4, but I can still rmember how he would ride his upper dentures out on his tongue for us kids.

, if you live close enough to a medical center, you might check there. My parents both got their dentures through the Ind. Univ. Dental School, including pulling the teeth left (or in my dad's case, cutting the pieces left out of his gums). It was a very small amount. Now that was years ago, so I don't know what it would cost today, but I'm sure it's much less than if you go through a regular dentist. I used to get my dental care there, including checkups & cleaning. I had 2 wisdom teeth removed, for $5 each. It's a hassle getting in the first time; people usually have to wait for several hours. But once I was accepted as a patient, it was just like going to a private dentist. They don't accept everyone, but you would be a great teaching case, since the students could learn what Prednisone does to teeth. I was very satisfied with my own care, as well as my parents'. Actually, an oral surgeon removed my wisdom teeth, with about 5 dental students watching.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: teethDate: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 22:47:00 -0700 (PDT) Find a local pizza place, movie theater, and more….then map the best route!

Rose Yes I will be a true hillbilly with no teeth left! I have a top plate but I got it when I was working & got the immediate denture. After the swelling went down the darn thing would fly out of my mouth if I coughed and didn't get my hand up to my mouth in time. LOL I was crossing the street & coughed & I had to chase my plate because it was heading for the sewer! I called Medicare & the only time they will pay for the dental surgery is if you are having them removed to prepare the jaw for radiation or if you are going to have a kidney transplant. Explain that one to me. They don't cover dentures either. I couldn't afford the supplemental medical insurance. I was quoted a price of $199 a month on top of the $97 I pay

to medicare. No way unless I want to live in a cardboard box. LOL And when I mentioned "chemo" she said call her back when the treatments were over. So pretty much we're screwed in the dental department. grannylunatic (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

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to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

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