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Re: Lyrica

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I've been on Cymbalta for 6 weeks now & I love it.The only way I can describe it is it's like my feet were frozen and now I came move my toes almost like normal!!!!! I'm not as big of a bioch either! LOLgrannylunatic@...

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Hi Rose,

Thanks for

the information, my biggest problem is my head, I get this pain that feels like

I will be breaking out in a zoster at any time, just burning, intense pain, L

side of face, check and temple, and then I do have lesions in the hair all over

but they only burn on the L side, strangest thing, and my arm, hip and thigh

and toes on the L side, I think I’ve had a little set back, I’ve

done a lot of sleeping this weekend, the pain is just wearing me down, going

outside with the temps in the single digit kill me. I can’t really

take anything for it, as I don’t do well with pain meds. Thanks

again for the info it’s so nice having you back, hope you are feeling

better. I hope everyone has a blessed day today.



" Faith

sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible "

From: Neurosarcoidosis [mailto:Neurosarcoidosis ] On Behalf Of Rose

Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007

9:20 PM

To: Neurosarcoidosis

Subject: Lyrica

I've been

on Lyrica for almost 2 years. The only problem I've had is drowsiness

when I took it twice a day, so I cut it back to just bedtime. It has made

a difference in the neuropathic pain in my feet. Marla, I'm with Barb--I

don't know why the ins. co. would make such a deal out of it. Now when I

was on Cymbalta, I needed prior auth., but that only took a couple of



quite cold here in central Indiana

too. Of course, I'm loving it, except my feet. If I'm going to be

out doing errands, etc., in this cold weather, I use my little handwarmers from

Walmart. They are usually in the hunting dept, but they have them at the

checkout here. There are 2 packs of 2 for $1.25. Footwarmers are

available, but I've found that the handwarmers are cheaper & stay warm

longer. I put them in my shoe, under the arch of my foot. When I

get home, I put on an extra pair of socks (thick, insulated men's sox) with the

warmer between them, over my toes. It's uncomfortable to walk on them;

that's why I put them on top. Most of the time at home, to save

money, I use homemade rice socks, small ones that I can heat up & tuck

inside my extra socks. Keeping my feet elevated still makes a big

difference. Just straight out on a stool doesn't help as much as being up

a foot or two higher. I try to keep my tootsies warm & elevated and

that reduces the amount of medication I need.

that's my

story & I'm sticking to it!

Ramblin' Rose


From: Barb <wauwau75 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>

Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis

To: Neurosarcoidosis

Subject: Re: appreciation

Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 12:49:21 +0700 (ICT)


If the name of the drug is Lyrica, I take and have for

about a year now. It has had some nasty side effects but you know how we are we

just keep going through those side effects. On the very last page of adverse

reactions (that would of course be page quebillion and one), you know the side

effect that .000001% of the people got. I got it, I had a bad cellulitis in my

leg. That was treated three times. Now I have a bright red non raised rash over

the whole lower leg all the time. I have some swelling and have had some

weight gain. I still get the muscle tremors just like I did with neurontin.

(you know the tremors that give your husband a black eye in the middle of the

night.) And whoever knows if it really helps the pain, maybe it does.

Anyway that has been my experience with Lyrica. It is a

normal medication so unless your insurance has to approve all your meds I don't

know why they would this one. Then again perhaps I have butted in and am

reporting on the wrong drug.

God bless you,

Barb J.


I want to

thank everyone who responded to my letter, as well as those who are

holding me in their thoughts & prayers. I made a little poster for my

kitchen wall called " Good Things DO Happen! " I've been writing

down stuff like docs giving me free samples, being able to sled with my grandkids,

etc. I'm also adding the NS family, just to see it several times a day

& remind me.

Like I

said, I've lived with depression for at least 25 years, but this is the first

time I've thought abot suicide so often and so analytically. I know how

terrible the effect is on loved ones, whicvh is why I wanted to make sure there

was so suspicion of it at all. Really the best thing I could come up with

was running my car off a cliff, because I wouldn't kill someone else, was

pretty likely to accomplish my goal, and it would be believable aftewr my

collision with the telephone awhile back, just " spaced out. "

But there aren't any cliffs around here--maybe something else to put on my

poster--so I was forced to keep on keeping on. Now my cousin Lulu is here

from San Diego

.. You oldtimers probably remember me talking about her; she comes to

visit every summer and is truly an angel for my mom & me. Her husband

is in Chicago for some Navy training, she flew

out to see him, then rented a car & drove down here (central Indiana ) for a short

visit. Something else for the poster. I think I could fill that

page up pretty fast if I looked around enough.

I know

that I'll still have ups & downs, but I believe I'm back on my path.

Someone warned about higher risk of suicide when you are feeling better, and

that's often true. People who are deeply depressed often don't have the

energy to act, and when they start to feel a little better, they may then do

something. I have some people now to be accountable to--my doctor, who

I'm seeing again tomorrow; Lulu; and you wonderful people!

The next

couple of days will be really hectic, with everyone trying to get over to see

Lulu, so if I'm absent don't start worrying about me. She'll be driving

back to Chicago

Friday afternoon, then I'll hit the ol' keyboard. I'm attempting to

attach a photo of my angelic cousin Lulu.

Ramblin' Rose


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  • 6 months later...


always interesting to see how different meds affect different people, I take Lyrica 

too, but it hypes

me up I take 50ms three times a day, and there are days I take an extra one for

pain, but if it’s too close to night then I’m a wake at night!  But

I do find it works great! 


" Faith

sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible "

From: Neurosarcoidosis [mailto:Neurosarcoidosis ] On Behalf Of Rose

Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007

10:17 PM

To: Neurosarcoidosis

Subject: RE:

Team Sarcoidosis Walk


that is such wonderful news! Just don't push yourself too hard on the

walk; if you need a scooter, wheelchair, whatever, it's okay. I'm going

to take my portable stool along, so I can sit & elevate my feet when I need

to. I'll probably also take an extra half dose of Lyrica the night

before! Don't worry, I'm not taking more than I should. I was

originally taking 150mg twice a day, but the morning dose was making me too

sleepy all day, & taking it all at night still knocked me out the next

day. So I just take the 150 at night & occasionally add 75mg when my

feet are hurting too much to sleep.

I am so

anxious to meet you at the Indy conf. Take care of yourself.

Ramblin' Rose


A merry heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22

From: " rjbasso (AT) verizon (DOT) net " <rjbasso (AT) verizon (DOT) net>

Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis

To: Neurosarcoidosis

Subject: Team Sarcoidosis


Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 21:56:38 -0000

I am utterly astonished two friends

each donated $50.00 each for me

to walk my mile.

And one of the servers at a restaurant we go to w

ants to walk with me.

This is blowing me away, these people are not rich.

You know how this darn disease effects your sense of self worth and

all the other stuff.

I am in training for this walk because I will do it if I have to

crawl, no I can't do that cuz I would not be able to get up from the

crawling position.

When you meet me you will understand the signifigance of my wanting

to do this walk.

Rhe longest I have walked in 5 years was from the front door of our

supermarket to the meat counter at the back of the store, and I only

did that one time.

I am so excited by the response to my walk donation invitation.

I am so pumosaed up for this. I have so many good things in the near

future. Seeing Dr.Baughman, and the Indy Conference. The only thing

that is not nice is going to small claims court because of some

problems with my fall on the bus steps.It's a long story but the

president and vice president told me I would not be allowed on the

bus because of my falling while trying to board the bus after I had

hurt my Right shoulder when my scooter tipped over the night before.

When it tipped I hit my right shoulder on the curb.

Our bus had high twelve inch steps, They were difficult for me but I

could make it up them until my shoulder started to freeze and I

couldn't grab onto the rail on the dashboard on the bus when I was

trying to get back on it at 9PM. The officials of the senior center

came to our room the next morning and told bob and I that we would

not be allowed to ride the bus for the rest of the trip because I was

to much of risk (supposedly this was told to them by the bus driver

when he reported what had happened on his bus). After we got back we

went to the senior center to ask when we would receive the money they

said would be refunded to us. This began a series of lies on their

part, they now deny every saying anything like this to us.

No one asked if we had money or a credit card, we were just abandoned

in a hotel 5 hours from our home. I am not worried about the outcome,

we know what they said and so do they, the rest is in the hands of

the MAN upstairs. If they want to lie under oath that's their problem.

Any way, on to a happier note. did I tell you my bone marrow is

beginning to produce red blood cells, No IV's for the last two weeks

and I don't have to go back until October to be rechecked. I can tell

if it is going down by the palpitations and the consistancy of my

blood when I check my blood sugar.

Hope everyone will have a nice weekend. I look forward to reading the

digest each morning. I sure wish we lived closer to each other.

Judy in PA

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