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There is a parents handbook in the files section that is full of good

advice and info. Here is some of my own.

Practical tips

Use toddler tube socks to cover the cast. Tuck the tops in over the

cast. It helps prevent against blowouts getting on the cast and

keeps toes warm.

If the cast gets dirty you can wash it with a little water or alcohol.

Prop baby’s knees with towels or receiving blankets, especially when

getting a new casts and for sleeping.

Most outfits work over the casts (size 0-3). Clothing with snap

crotches and no feet for when in the bar (size 0-3 through 12


For soaking off cast I always used a mixture of water and lemon

juice. Soaked a couple of towels in it then wrapped her legs with

the towels. Covered them in bread bags for an hour or so then gave

her a good bath and took the casts off.

Choose high chairs, swings ect with a tray that can be taken off for

when baby is in FAB.


DD †" dear daughter

DH †" dear husband

DS †" dear son

HTH †" hope this helps

TIA †" thanks in advance

LMAO †" laughing my a$$ off

IMO †" in my opinion

CF †" clubfoot

LOL †" laughing out loud

KWIM - know what I mean

BTW - by the way

DBB †" Denis brown bar

FAB †" foot abduction brace

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