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curling toes

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My son has been in his shoes and dbb for almost 3 months now. We go

back to the dr on 2/10. I've noticed since he's been in the shoes

that he has a tendency to curl his toes when we take them off for

the hour. Is that a bad thing? Also, I noticed a lot of posts about

whether or not to wear anything on their feet after they don't have

to wear the shoes 23/7 and I have a question about that too. It

seems as if Nate is less likely to curl his toes with shoes on. With

that said, doesn't it seem more reasonable to keep something on his

feet to prevent him from curling his toes? (keep in mind that I

wouldn't be putting real shoes on at this point as he is only 4mo


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My son curled his toes too. He is unlateral left, but curled toes on

both feet. My ortho assured me it is very normal and he will

straighten them out in time. Well they did straighten out, but not

until he was 2 yrs and a couple of months old. It really had me

freaked out but at every appt the doctor said it was nothing and to

let it go. Of course I didn't let it go until her finally

straightened those toes out:)


> My son has been in his shoes and dbb for almost 3 months now. We


> back to the dr on 2/10. I've noticed since he's been in the shoes

> that he has a tendency to curl his toes when we take them off for

> the hour. Is that a bad thing? Also, I noticed a lot of posts


> whether or not to wear anything on their feet after they don't


> to wear the shoes 23/7 and I have a question about that too. It

> seems as if Nate is less likely to curl his toes with shoes on.


> that said, doesn't it seem more reasonable to keep something on


> feet to prevent him from curling his toes? (keep in mind that I

> wouldn't be putting real shoes on at this point as he is only 4mo

> old.)

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Jonah used to do this all the time when he was out of his FAB. It drove me

nuts... Surely it was a sign that something wasn't right.

It was like he was making a fist with his foot and he would curl those toes

soooo tight. It helped some when we would massage his feet. Pretty much the

whole hour out of the FAB, though, he'd have his foot balled up--even when he

was standing.

Well, it went away. It probably will for your son as well.

Hope this helps a little.


The Family

Naomi Hannah(02/21/01) Hannah(06/20/03, bilateral clubfoot, FAB 14/7)

mfolkemer_1999 mlfsmith@...> wrote:

My son has been in his shoes and dbb for almost 3 months now. We go

back to the dr on 2/10. I've noticed since he's been in the shoes

that he has a tendency to curl his toes when we take them off for

the hour. Is that a bad thing? Also, I noticed a lot of posts about

whether or not to wear anything on their feet after they don't have

to wear the shoes 23/7 and I have a question about that too. It

seems as if Nate is less likely to curl his toes with shoes on. With

that said, doesn't it seem more reasonable to keep something on his

feet to prevent him from curling his toes? (keep in mind that I

wouldn't be putting real shoes on at this point as he is only 4mo


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That definitely makes me feel better. It's so hard to get him to

stretch his toes out. I've been doing some stretching hoping that it

would resolve the curling.


> My son has been in his shoes and dbb for almost 3 months now. We


> back to the dr on 2/10. I've noticed since he's been in the shoes

> that he has a tendency to curl his toes when we take them off for

> the hour. Is that a bad thing? Also, I noticed a lot of posts


> whether or not to wear anything on their feet after they don't


> to wear the shoes 23/7 and I have a question about that too. It

> seems as if Nate is less likely to curl his toes with shoes on.


> that said, doesn't it seem more reasonable to keep something on


> feet to prevent him from curling his toes? (keep in mind that I

> wouldn't be putting real shoes on at this point as he is only 4mo

> old.)









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You may also want to try tickling his feet a bit during his time out,

Dr. Pirani suggested this during our daughters hour out. She would

spread her toes out when we tickled plus it is just fun tickling them


Michlelle & Grace

> >

> > My son has been in his shoes and dbb for almost 3 months now. We

> go

> > back to the dr on 2/10. I've noticed since he's been in the shoes

> > that he has a tendency to curl his toes when we take them off for

> > the hour. Is that a bad thing? Also, I noticed a lot of posts

> about

> > whether or not to wear anything on their feet after they don't

> have

> > to wear the shoes 23/7 and I have a question about that too. It

> > seems as if Nate is less likely to curl his toes with shoes on.

> With

> > that said, doesn't it seem more reasonable to keep something on

> his

> > feet to prevent him from curling his toes? (keep in mind that I

> > wouldn't be putting real shoes on at this point as he is only 4mo

> > old.)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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