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Jay-regression begining to subside- MD diagnoised SAD

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I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why in the world do you keep him in

this school? They sound like monsters.I know where I live I can chose to

send my child to any public school I am willing to transport her to based on

what I feel like her needs are. If he is not having to be restrained at home

I'd be ready to kick some butt over all the restraining they are doing at

this place.

Jay-regression begining to subside- MD diagnoised SAD

> Just a quick up date, after staying home a week on

> advice from the doctor, Jay is doing better, I didnt

> realize corn was in table salt, so we have eliminated

> that, corn is definitely an issue for him, looking

> back over the last four years, the doctor felt there

> was enough evidence to diagnosis SAD- season affect

> disorder and and has prescribed a fullspectrum light

> for the classroom- our IEP meeting was postponed until

> April 2- I am sure it will be a nightmare, the school

> still doesnt understand that it could be possible to

> descalate when he is regressed rather than

> allowing him to become outrageously aggressive. They

> insist that he doesnt need a one on one, but still

> doesnt have consistent one on one when he regresses

> doing school work that fustrates him or when meds

> wane. We are asking for a functional behavior

> assement and behavior plan, a new evalution to

> identify a possibe learning delay, a technological

> assistance eval, a sensory dsyfuction eval, a

> consultant in this area familiar with the diet and

> PDD, more training for staff regarding autism, I met

> with them last week with an advocate present - the

> teacher, two counselors, two 'aides', the special ed

> director, the BOCES special ed program director and

> the trust program director. The said at the meeting

> that they knew Jay could write when he wanted to

> because in the morning he would dilly with an

> assignment for 40min, after lunch when told he had to

> finish same assignment to earn computor it took five

> minutes, when the advocate an I asked to change

> computor time to immediately follow assignment, they

> said 'Why would we do that? " (remember these

> assignments often lead to regression, then aggression,

> then restraint!) I was ALMOST speachless- finally,

> their special ed director relented and agreed that

> that could be done, and finally they agreed for just

> this week-- until the meeting --that one counsellor

> would sit with Jay and read to him when he begins to

> regress (as I have been asking all along) -- however

> in reality that has not happened this week, because

> they have not consistently had the man power to do

> that. He has been restrained three times. If it

> worked, they would agree to a 1/1 aide. They called

> the preventative worker, the one I have insisted the

> county provide for the last 6 years, and told her I

> kept Jay home for a week, forgot to mention that I had

> the doctor's permission, she told me they told her

> that they felt their program was designed to manage

> these issues and I was making it harder for Jay to

> adjust this way. This same counsellor who shared this

> with her, is the one who refuses to acknowledge the

> validity of the diet and the relationship between

> regression, aggression, and PDD/NOS w/ autistic like

> symptoms! The same person who has not arranged a

> meeting with Jays psychiatrist like she was supposed

> to for the last month!! At the meeting last week I

> discovered our school district special ed director was

> lead to believe that I was still restraining Jay!! Jay

> was arguing with them that I didnt allow restraint

> face down, only face up- Jay hasn't been restrained at

> home scince he came home from the hospital and I made

> it a priority in this house that every day would be a

> restraint free day for jay and that is his number one

> goal each day- even before the diet over a year ago!!

> Thsi meeting should be very interesting. The advocate

> has promised to attend with me.


> __________________________________________________


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Just a quick up date, after staying home a week on

advice from the doctor, Jay is doing better, I didnt

realize corn was in table salt, so we have eliminated

that, corn is definitely an issue for him, looking

back over the last four years, the doctor felt there

was enough evidence to diagnosis SAD- season affect

disorder and and has prescribed a fullspectrum light

for the classroom- our IEP meeting was postponed until

April 2- I am sure it will be a nightmare, the school

still doesnt understand that it could be possible to

descalate when he is regressed rather than

allowing him to become outrageously aggressive. They

insist that he doesnt need a one on one, but still

doesnt have consistent one on one when he regresses

doing school work that fustrates him or when meds

wane. We are asking for a functional behavior

assement and behavior plan, a new evalution to

identify a possibe learning delay, a technological

assistance eval, a sensory dsyfuction eval, a

consultant in this area familiar with the diet and

PDD, more training for staff regarding autism, I met

with them last week with an advocate present - the

teacher, two counselors, two 'aides', the special ed

director, the BOCES special ed program director and

the trust program director. The said at the meeting

that they knew Jay could write when he wanted to

because in the morning he would dilly with an

assignment for 40min, after lunch when told he had to

finish same assignment to earn computor it took five

minutes, when the advocate an I asked to change

computor time to immediately follow assignment, they

said 'Why would we do that? " (remember these

assignments often lead to regression, then aggression,

then restraint!) I was ALMOST speachless- finally,

their special ed director relented and agreed that

that could be done, and finally they agreed for just

this week-- until the meeting --that one counsellor

would sit with Jay and read to him when he begins to

regress (as I have been asking all along) -- however

in reality that has not happened this week, because

they have not consistently had the man power to do

that. He has been restrained three times. If it

worked, they would agree to a 1/1 aide. They called

the preventative worker, the one I have insisted the

county provide for the last 6 years, and told her I

kept Jay home for a week, forgot to mention that I had

the doctor's permission, she told me they told her

that they felt their program was designed to manage

these issues and I was making it harder for Jay to

adjust this way. This same counsellor who shared this

with her, is the one who refuses to acknowledge the

validity of the diet and the relationship between

regression, aggression, and PDD/NOS w/ autistic like

symptoms! The same person who has not arranged a

meeting with Jays psychiatrist like she was supposed

to for the last month!! At the meeting last week I

discovered our school district special ed director was

lead to believe that I was still restraining Jay!! Jay

was arguing with them that I didnt allow restraint

face down, only face up- Jay hasn't been restrained at

home scince he came home from the hospital and I made

it a priority in this house that every day would be a

restraint free day for jay and that is his number one

goal each day- even before the diet over a year ago!!

Thsi meeting should be very interesting. The advocate

has promised to attend with me.


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, thank you for verbalizing what my heart has

been aching to scream, but this is the only school

program available with-in driving range trained to

manange aggressive behaviors- it is a day treatment

program in an elementary school- the hospital

recomended it last year. Its an hour drive for him on

the bus every morning. I don't think I could manage

his behaviors sucessfully and maintain my sanity if he

was home 24 seven- and I am certain he wouldnt learn

as much. If this doesnt resolve it's self soon, I may

need to home school, but I dont know how and work full

time. All his prime time learning windows happen

while I am at work. He went months and months and

months without restaint- its just that he became

intollerant of corn and he severly regresses

feb/march/ early april every year!! So we keep

working on the school, when he's not regressed he has

an incredible relationship with his teacher- (not the

counsellor who usually doesnt have that much to do

with him because she works in two programs)- and

during the summer school, he absolutely loves school,

last summer his teacher there- who will be returning

this summer, did The sign of the Beaver, only the

school is out in the woods so the class dirt biked

into the woods every day , built a minuture cabin and

recreated the book reading it there. Jay had never

even read outloud in a group of children before last

summer! Every friday they go to our state park and

picnic, hike, bike and swim! And it is six weeks of

pure bliss for us! Amazingly- the same program

directors run that program!

--- renee schlotzhauer renee1dat@...>


> I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why in the

> world do you keep him in

> this school?


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Remember that Jay is entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education

(FAPE). If he is expelled form school, they MUST provide a FAPE for him.

Even if it means sending a teacher to your home to teach him. Or paying for

him to attend a private school. It's the law!


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