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he has gained weight!!!

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I have not been on the list in a long time... busy, but I lurk

once in a while to find answers-- thank you for being such a great

resource. I was so excited last week when we went to the doctors

office, that I had to post. is 3years and 3 monthes, dxed

PDD. He has been gfcf for just over a year now. He has been 30 lbs.

since he was 18 mos. old, as he was still 6 monthes ago at our last

checkup. Last week he was almost naked, with no shoes on, and now he

weighs 34 lbs.!!!! I am so thankful for this diet and the other

things we've done. I think that his gut is healing and he is

absorbing nutrients better now. He is no longer delayed in any

respect except his language, it's about three monthes behind. He no

longer qualifies for ST. His teacher said that he's appropriate in

all respects. He does have a very stubborn streak though, and

doesn't take well to being told no, but he's just turned three.

Thank you all for the support, and information!


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In a message dated 4/25/01 7:08:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, lita@...


> I'm so happy for you Dawn. I have a five year old who's been forty pounds

> for two years now. He started out a big and healthy boy, but all of a

> sudden quit growing. We've only been gfcf for a couple of months, he's

> doing better in all other aspects so hopefully he too, will start putting

> on some weight.


> Lolita





My 5.5 year is only 35 pounds. He is not really diagnosed in spectrum but I

believe he could be Asperger's. He responded so well to private speech at

age 3 and I didn't know any better but now I realize there is more to it. I

notice a renewed difficulty with eye contact sometimes and responding to his

name. Anyway, point is that my ped. wouldn't even listen to my concerns

about his weight. They would say, he is growing and within his percentile.

Thing is that he was 50th percentile til after 12mos and then dropped alot

til at one point he was 10th. Now 25th percentile but he has not gone over

35 pounds in 2 years either. He will drop weight and then get to 35 and then

drop weight again. I am extremely hopeful that we are finally on the right

track and he will gain weight sucessfully at least to come closer to his

height of 42 inches. He even knows he is feeling better. I have explained to

him that wheat(easier then saying gluten) and diary are making him sick and

he understands. He is responding so well. Says he feels better. Is going

to the bathroom every day instead of only once a week! His palor is looking

alittle better as he is eating more food. I can't wait to start his digestive

enzymes to help him further and the magnasium as well.


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I'm so happy for you Dawn. I have a five year old who's been forty pounds

for two years now. He started out a big and healthy boy, but all of a

sudden quit growing. We've only been gfcf for a couple of months, he's

doing better in all other aspects so hopefully he too, will start putting

on some weight.


>I am so thankful for this diet and the other

>things we've done. I think that his gut is healing and he is

>absorbing nutrients better now.

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Yes, Debbie, I know. I've been there. Mine is within percentile, but hasn't

grown. Kirby will be six in September. His color is off, his lips pale. Dr.

thought he had asthma (due to lack of oxygen when upset, his lips turn

blue) but allergy testing came back clean (supposedly not allergic to

anything?). Before gfcf he complained constantly of stomach, throat and

bone (mainly leg) pains. He would wake up crying, through the night and

also in the morning.He didn't have the normal amount of energy or stamina.

Now his pains are gone. He happily obliges the restrictions of the diet and

says he is getting strong now. And I, naturally, feel so much better too.

I'm just hoping that I now will see some signs of growth.

He's having a difficult time learning to read (actually just learning his

alphabet), so I may be looking at some kind of ASD. And he often has that

spacey look. I think most of my eight kids have some kind of ASD, I wonder

how much mercury they have in them.

You know we both had the opportunity to wait till the drs became concerned.

But I figure by then, the damage to them might be irreversible.


>They would say, he is growing and within his percentile.

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