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Re: wave of sick feeling

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I often have a similar feeling, minus the headache. For me, I have

always assumed it comes from autonomic dysregulation. In this specific

case, my body doesn't seem to have a good " internal thermostat " so it

works too hard to make it itself hotter or colder as needed. Sometimes

it's too much, too sudden. There's a wave of heat that passes over me,

often along with sweat, and I feel like passing out (though I never

have). It's very tiring but if it hasn't lasted too long, I usually

recover fairly quickly. Don't know if this applies to me, it's just my

experience and my analysis of it. I have an inconclusive diagnosis of

mito, by the way, or a " clinical diagnosis " , whatever term feels right

at the moment.

Best, Shayna


> I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

> headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling


> comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.


> Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

> with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

> coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

> sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up


> get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.


> It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

> slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

> although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

> experience this or have any idea why it might occur?


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Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from autonomic

dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low energy and it can


be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus going on that is not

easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are feeling

incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty, and sometimes I


difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from 10 mins to

several hours.


In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

semandyred@... writes:

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

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Hi, regarding the heat or cold wave. My goodness it

is awful. I drive everybody in the house crazy with

the heat.I too feel like I am going to burn up, get

even more fatigued, have to go lie down.This

temperature thing seems to be associated with

Mito.Summers are the wose.It effects breathing, I am

afraid of heat stroke.

--- shaynapearl happyclam8@...> wrote:

> I often have a similar feeling, minus the headache.

> For me, I have

> always assumed it comes from autonomic

> dysregulation. In this specific

> case, my body doesn't seem to have a good " internal

> thermostat " so it

> works too hard to make it itself hotter or colder as

> needed. Sometimes

> it's too much, too sudden. There's a wave of heat

> that passes over me,

> often along with sweat, and I feel like passing out

> (though I never

> have). It's very tiring but if it hasn't lasted too

> long, I usually

> recover fairly quickly. Don't know if this applies

> to me, it's just my

> experience and my analysis of it. I have an

> inconclusive diagnosis of

> mito, by the way, or a " clinical diagnosis " ,

> whatever term feels right

> at the moment.

> Best, Shayna




> >

> > I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue,

> weakness, and

> > headaches. But several times a day I get this

> wave of sick feeling

> that

> > comes over me and I don't know where it comes from

> or why.

> >

> > Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to

> place it or pair it

> > with an activity or something I ate so that I can

> try and keep it from

> > coming but it is so random that I haven't been

> able to. I might be

> > sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will

> feel like throwing up

> and

> > get a headache, start sweating and just need to

> lie down.

> >

> > It usually lasts about five to ten minutes,

> sometimes longer and then

> > slowly dissipates. I have not been officially

> diagnosed with mito

> > although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does

> anyone else

> > experience this or have any idea why it might

> occur?

> >







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I also get this feeling when I first crawl out of bed in the morning--I go sit

or lay on the couch for a few minutes and it goes away. I will check my blood

sugar and it is ok--neither too high or too low.

Sometimes i get the feeling while sitting at my desk at work. Sometimes it

means my blood sugar is too low--around 60--my bs goes low when I do mental

exercise, up with physical exercise. Opposite a regular diabetic.

But other times when I get hot and sometimes sweaty and feel sick to my stomach

at work I have no explanation. The other day my blood sugar was 115, good for

me. I usually end up walking to the bathroom which is cooler, sitting for a

while and then coming back sitting at my desk and munching on saltine crackers.

The episodes last anywhere from just a couple of minutes to like 10-15 minutes.

Have not found a real pattern to them yet. But getting cooled off like for me

taking a sweater off (I usually have a tshirt on underneath), going outside--if

it is colder outside, turning on a small fan usually helps. Munching on saltine

crackers also seems to help.

Janet Sample

Re: wave of sick feeling

Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from autonomic

dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low energy and it can


be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus going on that is


easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are feeling

incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty, and sometimes I


difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from 10 mins to

several hours.


In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

semandyred@... writes:

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

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I get something like that. In my case, the sweating and desire to get cool are

secondary and later in the progress. The feeling is impossible to describe, but

is very scary. I feel an instant need to sit or lie down, for fear of falling. I

feel nauseous too, but I haven't actually thrown up. I've learned that panicking

in any way makes it much worse. I call it a swoon.

My version of this is frequently triggered by some mild form of stress,

following some kind of movement or exertion, and is more likely in the morning

and/or after eating. One theory is that I was holding my breath or somehow not

breathing enough. Another that is that for some period of time (based on

preceding exercise, diet, etc.) I become especially sensitive to stress. As if

the normal stimulation of epinephrine and norepinephrine is either more than

usual, or there is a dysfunctional feedback loop. Just guessing, that maybe

cortisol is causing most of the physical symptoms.

Although I still get it, it's mostly gone away. Can't be sure, but I attribute

the improvement to long-term increased dosage of CoQ10 and L-acetyl-carnitine.

And knowing how to head it off by being careful when I feel I'm vulnerable.

Steve D.

wave of sick feeling

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail is

entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with their

physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.

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Hi Malibear - I often get nausea and also short of breath and dizzy but am

afraid I don't know what it is. I know that emotional or physical stress (eg

trying to get something done quickly especially in the heat) make me feel sick

pretty quickly and I have started drinking Powerade after reading from others

about dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and that makes me feel better

(unless the nausea is caused by pain eg from neck muscle spasm in which case I

take a panadol). I am trying to be more scientific and observing more

carefully, what accompanies what, what I did previously etc that might have

triggered this. I have noticed one thing that might be worth mentioning - the

nausea etc in my case is not related to blood sugar level (I have a diabetic

blood glucose testing kit, and a number of times when i've felt really sick have

checked my sugar levels and they have been normal). pamela

Re: wave of sick feeling

Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from autonomic

dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low energy and it can


be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus going on that is


easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are feeling

incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty, and sometimes I


difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from 10 mins to

several hours.


In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

semandyred@... writes:

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

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I can so relate to much of this - salt seems to help me also and heat makes me

ill. Thanks for the tips Janet. Re: wave of sick feeling

Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from autonomic

dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low energy and it can


be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus going on that is


easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are feeling

incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty, and sometimes

I have

difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from 10 mins to

several hours.


In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

semandyred@... writes:

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

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My children and I also get these waves a sick feeling. For me

sometimes the wave just does not go away and like Malissa I even

have a hard time speaking. I relate this feeling to dysautonomia.

Here are some of the things I find that set it off. standing to

long, heat, eating too much, stress, prementural, not enough fluids

and mornings.My youngest daughter and I always feel ill after eating

and it is not related to blood sugar. When you eat your body

requires a lot of energy/fluids to digest food. I think this is

called postpranal hypotension. Hope this helps a little.

Dawn anich

- In , " pamelama33 " wrote:


> I can so relate to much of this - salt seems to help me also and

heat makes me ill. Thanks for the tips Janet. ----- Original

Message -----

> From: Janet Sample

> To:

> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:24 PM

> Subject: Re: wave of sick feeling



> I also get this feeling when I first crawl out of bed in the

morning--I go sit or lay on the couch for a few minutes and it goes

away. I will check my blood sugar and it is ok--neither too high or

too low.


> Sometimes i get the feeling while sitting at my desk at work.

Sometimes it means my blood sugar is too low--around 60--my bs goes

low when I do mental exercise, up with physical exercise. Opposite a

regular diabetic.


> But other times when I get hot and sometimes sweaty and feel

sick to my stomach at work I have no explanation. The other day my

blood sugar was 115, good for me. I usually end up walking to the

bathroom which is cooler, sitting for a while and then coming back

sitting at my desk and munching on saltine crackers.


> The episodes last anywhere from just a couple of minutes to like

10-15 minutes. Have not found a real pattern to them yet. But

getting cooled off like for me taking a sweater off (I usually have

a tshirt on underneath), going outside--if it is colder outside,

turning on a small fan usually helps. Munching on saltine crackers

also seems to help.


> Janet Sample

> Re: wave of sick feeling




> Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from


> dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low

energy and it can sometimes

> be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus

going on that is not

> easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are


> incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty,

and sometimes I have

> difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from

10 mins to

> several hours.

> Malisa



> In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard


> semandyred@... writes:


> I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness,


> headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick

feeling that

> comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.


> Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or

pair it

> with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep

it from

> coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I

might be

> sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

throwing up and

> get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.


> It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer

and then

> slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with


> although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone


> experience this or have any idea why it might occur?














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No problem. I just started munching on them or butter pretzels because they

helped me with nausea when I was pregnant and I can keep them at my desk at

work. The butter pretzels however have alot more calories and thus I have been

opting for the crackers. The crackers though make more of a mess so I need to

turn my head when I bite into them and let the crumbs fall into my wastebasket

not my keyboard!! I have had to shake out my keyboard a few times!!


Re: wave of sick feeling

Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from autonomic

dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low energy and it

can sometimes

be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus going on that

is not

easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are feeling

incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty, and

sometimes I have

difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from 10 mins to

several hours.


In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

semandyred@... writes:

I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness, and

headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick feeling that

comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or pair it

with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep it from

coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I might be

sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like throwing up and

get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer and then

slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with mito

although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone else

experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

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Yes Dawn,

I forgot about standing too long as that always makes me have a sick feeling.

Even standing for 10 minutes sets it off.


Re: wave of sick feeling




> Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from


> dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low

energy and it can sometimes

> be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus

going on that is not

> easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are


> incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic, sweaty,

and sometimes I have

> difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere from

10 mins to

> several hours.

> Malisa



> In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard


> semandyred@... writes:


> I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue, weakness,


> headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick

feeling that

> comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.


> Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it or

pair it

> with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and keep

it from

> coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I

might be

> sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

throwing up and

> get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.


> It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes longer

and then

> slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed with


> although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone


> experience this or have any idea why it might occur?














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Yes, standing is sure to do it for me. About the third aisle of the

grocery store. The first two go ok but by the time I am at the third-

--look out. Why my grocery lists are very short or I have them


> >

> > I can so relate to much of this - salt seems to help me also


> heat makes me ill. Thanks for the tips Janet. ----- Original

> Message -----

> > From: Janet Sample

> > To:

> > Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:24 PM

> > Subject: Re: wave of sick feeling

> >

> >

> > I also get this feeling when I first crawl out of bed in the

> morning--I go sit or lay on the couch for a few minutes and it


> away. I will check my blood sugar and it is ok--neither too high


> too low.

> >

> > Sometimes i get the feeling while sitting at my desk at


> Sometimes it means my blood sugar is too low--around 60--my bs


> low when I do mental exercise, up with physical exercise.

Opposite a

> regular diabetic.

> >

> > But other times when I get hot and sometimes sweaty and feel

> sick to my stomach at work I have no explanation. The other day


> blood sugar was 115, good for me. I usually end up walking to


> bathroom which is cooler, sitting for a while and then coming


> sitting at my desk and munching on saltine crackers.

> >

> > The episodes last anywhere from just a couple of minutes to


> 10-15 minutes. Have not found a real pattern to them yet. But

> getting cooled off like for me taking a sweater off (I usually


> a tshirt on underneath), going outside--if it is colder outside,

> turning on a small fan usually helps. Munching on saltine


> also seems to help.

> >

> > Janet Sample

> > Re: wave of sick feeling

> >

> >

> >

> > Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from

> autonomic

> > dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low

> energy and it can sometimes

> > be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus

> going on that is not

> > easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are

> feeling

> > incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic,


> and sometimes I have

> > difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere


> 10 mins to

> > several hours.

> > Malisa

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard

> Time,

> > semandyred@ writes:

> >

> > I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue,


> and

> > headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick

> feeling that

> > comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

> >

> > Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it


> pair it

> > with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and


> it from

> > coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I

> might be

> > sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

> throwing up and

> > get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

> >

> > It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes


> and then

> > slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed


> mito

> > although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone

> else

> > experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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me too - have to keep moving or sit down.

Re: wave of sick feeling

> >

> >

> >

> > Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from

> autonomic

> > dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very low

> energy and it can sometimes

> > be my body's way of saying there is an infection or virus

> going on that is not

> > easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it are

> feeling

> > incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic,


> and sometimes I have

> > difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere


> 10 mins to

> > several hours.

> > Malisa

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard

> Time,

> > semandyred@ writes:

> >

> > I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue,


> and

> > headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of sick

> feeling that

> > comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or why.

> >

> > Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place it


> pair it

> > with an activity or something I ate so that I can try and


> it from

> > coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to. I

> might be

> > sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

> throwing up and

> > get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

> >

> > It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes


> and then

> > slowly dissipates. I have not been officially diagnosed


> mito

> > although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does anyone

> else

> > experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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--- I hinch over the shopping cart so I am not totally upright. This

helps except when I am feeing really bad. I ahve short lists too.

When I am doing well I buy a lot and make my family put it away.


In , " semandyred " wrote:


> Yes, standing is sure to do it for me. About the third aisle of


> grocery store. The first two go ok but by the time I am at the


> --look out. Why my grocery lists are very short or I have them

> delivered.






> > >

> > > I can so relate to much of this - salt seems to help me also

> and

> > heat makes me ill. Thanks for the tips Janet. ----- Original

> > Message -----

> > > From: Janet Sample

> > > To:

> > > Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:24 PM

> > > Subject: Re: wave of sick feeling

> > >

> > >

> > > I also get this feeling when I first crawl out of bed in


> > morning--I go sit or lay on the couch for a few minutes and it

> goes

> > away. I will check my blood sugar and it is ok--neither too


> or

> > too low.

> > >

> > > Sometimes i get the feeling while sitting at my desk at

> work.

> > Sometimes it means my blood sugar is too low--around 60--my bs

> goes

> > low when I do mental exercise, up with physical exercise.

> Opposite a

> > regular diabetic.

> > >

> > > But other times when I get hot and sometimes sweaty and


> > sick to my stomach at work I have no explanation. The other


> my

> > blood sugar was 115, good for me. I usually end up walking to

> the

> > bathroom which is cooler, sitting for a while and then coming

> back

> > sitting at my desk and munching on saltine crackers.

> > >

> > > The episodes last anywhere from just a couple of minutes


> like

> > 10-15 minutes. Have not found a real pattern to them yet.


> > getting cooled off like for me taking a sweater off (I usually

> have

> > a tshirt on underneath), going outside--if it is colder


> > turning on a small fan usually helps. Munching on saltine

> crackers

> > also seems to help.

> > >

> > > Janet Sample

> > > Re: wave of sick feeling

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from

> > autonomic

> > > dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very


> > energy and it can sometimes

> > > be my body's way of saying there is an infection or


> > going on that is not

> > > easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it


> > feeling

> > > incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic,

> sweaty,

> > and sometimes I have

> > > difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere

> from

> > 10 mins to

> > > several hours.

> > > Malisa

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern


> > Time,

> > > semandyred@ writes:

> > >

> > > I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue,

> weakness,

> > and

> > > headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of


> > feeling that

> > > comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or


> > >

> > > Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place


> or

> > pair it

> > > with an activity or something I ate so that I can try


> keep

> > it from

> > > coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to.


> > might be

> > > sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

> > throwing up and

> > > get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

> > >

> > > It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes

> longer

> > and then

> > > slowly dissipates. I have not been officially


> with

> > mito

> > > although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does


> > else

> > > experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I always have to push the cart so I can lean into it for support, otherwise

I get to tired.

Re: wave of sick feeling

> > >

> > >

> > > I also get this feeling when I first crawl out of bed in


> > morning--I go sit or lay on the couch for a few minutes and it

> goes

> > away. I will check my blood sugar and it is ok--neither too


> or

> > too low.

> > >

> > > Sometimes i get the feeling while sitting at my desk at

> work.

> > Sometimes it means my blood sugar is too low--around 60--my bs

> goes

> > low when I do mental exercise, up with physical exercise.

> Opposite a

> > regular diabetic.

> > >

> > > But other times when I get hot and sometimes sweaty and


> > sick to my stomach at work I have no explanation. The other


> my

> > blood sugar was 115, good for me. I usually end up walking to

> the

> > bathroom which is cooler, sitting for a while and then coming

> back

> > sitting at my desk and munching on saltine crackers.

> > >

> > > The episodes last anywhere from just a couple of minutes


> like

> > 10-15 minutes. Have not found a real pattern to them yet.


> > getting cooled off like for me taking a sweater off (I usually

> have

> > a tshirt on underneath), going outside--if it is colder


> > turning on a small fan usually helps. Munching on saltine

> crackers

> > also seems to help.

> > >

> > > Janet Sample

> > > Re: wave of sick feeling

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Like Shayna, I also get this feeling, most likely from

> > autonomic

> > > dysfunction. I have also had it during periods of very


> > energy and it can sometimes

> > > be my body's way of saying there is an infection or


> > going on that is not

> > > easily identifiable. Most of the symptoms I get with it


> > feeling

> > > incredibly drained very quickly, flushed, tachycardic,

> sweaty,

> > and sometimes I have

> > > difficulty speaking clearly. It can last for me anywhere

> from

> > 10 mins to

> > > several hours.

> > > Malisa

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 2/9/2006 1:17:30 P.M. Eastern


> > Time,

> > > semandyred@ writes:

> > >

> > > I struggle enough with the double vision, fatigue,

> weakness,

> > and

> > > headaches. But several times a day I get this wave of


> > feeling that

> > > comes over me and I don't know where it comes from or


> > >

> > > Does anyone else experience that? I am trying to place


> or

> > pair it

> > > with an activity or something I ate so that I can try


> keep

> > it from

> > > coming but it is so random that I haven't been able to.


> > might be

> > > sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I will feel like

> > throwing up and

> > > get a headache, start sweating and just need to lie down.

> > >

> > > It usually lasts about five to ten minutes, sometimes

> longer

> > and then

> > > slowly dissipates. I have not been officially


> with

> > mito

> > > although my doctor is pretty sure I have it. Does


> > else

> > > experience this or have any idea why it might occur?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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