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Re: Newbie Questions-CoQ10, weight loss, exercise

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I take 960 mg. of Q-gel which is more bioavailable than regular CoQ.

My MDA neuro is now recommending 40-60 mg. per kilo. That is really

alot, but some Parkinson's research has shown that little benefit was

seen under 1200 mg. per day.

I have found no way to hurry up appts, but now that I have an MDA

neuro, I see him every 3 months. I also see Dr. Cohen once a year.

Most of the time, it is just an update and some labs being ordered,

unless a new problem comes up. This has taken several years, so please

try to be patient. At least we have one another for support during the

wait which is more than there was when I was diagnosed.

I have a weight problem. I have always said that 1000 calories caused

weight-gain and no one believed me. Dr. Cohen told me to only loose

1-2 pounds a month. At that rate, I had better live a very long time.

I have been able to loose a little by resting (often means a nap) when

I feel hungry and it is not meal time. This was impossible when I was

still working.

On the exercise front - I use the hard breathing as a gauge of when to

stop. I can no longer do much. One of the hardest things for me to do

was give my cross country ski equipement away. I kept thinking that I

would one day get back to it. After I stopped pushing myself

physically, my progression of new symptoms seemed to slow down.

I have tried entering mito studies. I did send some blood off to three

researchers who wanted it and took part in a study of the emotional

factors of mito. I have worked with med students in an 18 month

program that is for them to learn about a chronic disease and how it

impacts the entire life a person. I am on the list for another 2

students. If you hear of the need for a guinea pig, I'm available.


> I can't tell you all how much better I'm feeling, now that I've connected

> with you folks. The

> feeling of aloneness must have been more oppressive than I realized- Thank

> you!


> Because I can't get into see anyone (including local MDA clinic) for 1-3

> months, I've done a

> lot of research. Since the evidence seems to say it can't hurt other than

> the hit in my

> budget, I decided to start myself on the co-factor cocktail, based on Bruce

> Cohen's

> reccomendations at the 6/01 Mito conference.


> If I dose by kilogram of body weight, even at the lowest reccomended dose

> I'm still taking

> 825 mg CoQ10 /day- it sounds like you all are taking much less than that.

> Can you tell

> me why, especially, those who have a doctor's guidance? Is the Qgel stuff

> Janet is talking

> about better absorbed? Where do you get it? How do you get insurance to pay

> for it?


> Do most of you have the huge lag time in appointments? It's brutal here-by

> the time I get

> the results from my muscle biopsy it will be 6 months since the original

> surgery. Does

> anyone have any strategies to get yourself more front-burnered?


> At about the same time I was diagnosed, I began to gain weight. some of

> that was because

> I had also become much less active, but now I wonder. I've been working to

> get the weight

> off over the last several years, without much success. I thought this was

> slower

> metabolism, now I'm wondering if it's a damaged metabolism. Do others have

> this

> experience?


> The Neurologist I see told me I wasn't to do any exercise that makes me

> breathe hard. Can

> that be right? Somedays, climbing the stairs makes me breathe hard, and

> some days I'm

> fine. I have two young children, and we are a very active family- biking,

> backpacking,

> cross country skiing, hiking, etc. Everything has been getting harder over

> the last couple

> of years - I thought it was middle age -and we had to abort a backpacking

> trip last

> summer at 8,000 feet. Are there tests that can tell us if exercise is

> harming us?


> Has anyone approached researchers to take them on as a study subject? It

> seems like we

> ought to be faciniating to baby docs or PhD students, and that might be a

> way to get some

> intense focus on our medical issues. I partner with UC researchers in my

> work

> (environmental restoration) and I pitch projects for them to take on all

> the time. I'm

> planning to approach our Exercise Physiology Department once I have lab

> results to see if I

> can get someone to work with me/use me as a guinea pig.


> I guess this is enough for now- thanks for any answers you might have-


> Kathleen








> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.







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As far as the qgel goes I basically take less than recommended of the 5-10 times

body weight in kilos because of three reasons--the main two are because I have

mild symptoms, what I am taking is helping, and the expense factor. My son

needs it more than I do as without it he sleeps about 20 hrs a day just with

getting a virus. He also has not had an er visit for extreme constipation in

just over 3 years--since starting the carniqgel. We have a very limited budget

so I put most of our money into the carniqgel for him.

The other reason--and I have not asked him why yet--is that the doc in Milwaukee

who knows alot about melas and diagnosed us and others says the standard adult

dose of coq10 is 125 mg twice a day. Does not matter what your weight is.

As far as physical activity--we used to hike and stuff but do not do too much

anymore as my legs get tired easily--even walking around a super walmart. We do

still do it however and I try to plan it for a friday night or saturday when I

will have a full day to sleep and recover the next day.

Janet Sample

Re: Newbie Questions-CoQ10, weight loss, exercise


I take 960 mg. of Q-gel which is more bioavailable than regular CoQ.

My MDA neuro is now recommending 40-60 mg. per kilo. That is really

alot, but some Parkinson's research has shown that little benefit was

seen under 1200 mg. per day.

I have found no way to hurry up appts, but now that I have an MDA

neuro, I see him every 3 months. I also see Dr. Cohen once a year.

Most of the time, it is just an update and some labs being ordered,

unless a new problem comes up. This has taken several years, so please

try to be patient. At least we have one another for support during the

wait which is more than there was when I was diagnosed.

I have a weight problem. I have always said that 1000 calories caused

weight-gain and no one believed me. Dr. Cohen told me to only loose

1-2 pounds a month. At that rate, I had better live a very long time.

I have been able to loose a little by resting (often means a nap) when

I feel hungry and it is not meal time. This was impossible when I was

still working.

On the exercise front - I use the hard breathing as a gauge of when to

stop. I can no longer do much. One of the hardest things for me to do

was give my cross country ski equipement away. I kept thinking that I

would one day get back to it. After I stopped pushing myself

physically, my progression of new symptoms seemed to slow down.

I have tried entering mito studies. I did send some blood off to three

researchers who wanted it and took part in a study of the emotional

factors of mito. I have worked with med students in an 18 month

program that is for them to learn about a chronic disease and how it

impacts the entire life a person. I am on the list for another 2

students. If you hear of the need for a guinea pig, I'm available.


> I can't tell you all how much better I'm feeling, now that I've connected

> with you folks. The

> feeling of aloneness must have been more oppressive than I realized- Thank

> you!


> Because I can't get into see anyone (including local MDA clinic) for 1-3

> months, I've done a

> lot of research. Since the evidence seems to say it can't hurt other than

> the hit in my

> budget, I decided to start myself on the co-factor cocktail, based on Bruce

> Cohen's

> reccomendations at the 6/01 Mito conference.


> If I dose by kilogram of body weight, even at the lowest reccomended dose

> I'm still taking

> 825 mg CoQ10 /day- it sounds like you all are taking much less than that.

> Can you tell

> me why, especially, those who have a doctor's guidance? Is the Qgel stuff

> Janet is talking

> about better absorbed? Where do you get it? How do you get insurance to pay

> for it?


> Do most of you have the huge lag time in appointments? It's brutal here-by

> the time I get

> the results from my muscle biopsy it will be 6 months since the original

> surgery. Does

> anyone have any strategies to get yourself more front-burnered?


> At about the same time I was diagnosed, I began to gain weight. some of

> that was because

> I had also become much less active, but now I wonder. I've been working to

> get the weight

> off over the last several years, without much success. I thought this was

> slower

> metabolism, now I'm wondering if it's a damaged metabolism. Do others have

> this

> experience?


> The Neurologist I see told me I wasn't to do any exercise that makes me

> breathe hard. Can

> that be right? Somedays, climbing the stairs makes me breathe hard, and

> some days I'm

> fine. I have two young children, and we are a very active family- biking,

> backpacking,

> cross country skiing, hiking, etc. Everything has been getting harder over

> the last couple

> of years - I thought it was middle age -and we had to abort a backpacking

> trip last

> summer at 8,000 feet. Are there tests that can tell us if exercise is

> harming us?


> Has anyone approached researchers to take them on as a study subject? It

> seems like we

> ought to be faciniating to baby docs or PhD students, and that might be a

> way to get some

> intense focus on our medical issues. I partner with UC researchers in my

> work

> (environmental restoration) and I pitch projects for them to take on all

> the time. I'm

> planning to approach our Exercise Physiology Department once I have lab

> results to see if I

> can get someone to work with me/use me as a guinea pig.


> I guess this is enough for now- thanks for any answers you might have-


> Kathleen








> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.







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I am losing weight right now (as we speak lol) I am doing old-fashioned

counting calories. Like many on this list, when young i used to be very

physically active, and I have been losing my identity as I grow in size.

Doctors (bear in mind i am as yet undiagnosed, " undiagnosed neurmuscular

disease " is as far as they have officially gotten, for all the " mito "

mutterings) have told me to NOT diet ..

However, they don't have any real treatment for me anyway and I feel helpless

.... am losing the strength in my arms, which terifies me because i've been

using them and crutches to get around when my legs are bad ... and to push

wheelchair etc.

The only thing i felt i could take charge of is my weight, i could control my

eating totally. So " nyah " to the doctor, and onto weight loss ... I am using a

free website www.calorie-count.com which allows me to track protein versus carb

versus fat, since i need to ensure my protein is okay. I have found this to be

working and although i don't feel great I don't feel worse than normal. Perhaps

moments of weakness, which makes me snack (i'm careful to not fast, but to

spread thruout the day) ... i have my calorie limit as 1300 a day which is very

low but is doing the trick and i'm not suffering.

I guess i had to feel in control of something ... sadly, one of my takehome

messages is that I am not going to get a huge amount of help from the docs. The

only thing that they could give me that would be beneficial is an idea that I

have any given disease / syndrom (that would help with MDA or in my case MD

Canada) .. sigh, my true quest for diagnosis is now 8 years long with a 10 year

history before that of medical issues that I thought were temporary but were

all part of this.

I also hope i guess that i won't simply get the " you are fat, that is causing

your problems " which sadly is what one gets even (especially?) from the medical

community. No use telling them the weight came after the struggle with the

disease :(

thanks as always for listening



Kelta Vineyard


Find your next car at Yahoo! Canada Autos

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Please be careful and not loose too fast. If you have mito, it could

cause more problems. It is hard to wait and feel helpless. It took me

15 years to get a diagnosis and I know the frustration. Loosing is

good for seem-concept, and helps the body move itself around more

easily, just don't do it too fast. I have managed to loose some since

I am no longer working and can rest when needed, instead of eating to

get myself through just another hour.


> I am losing weight right now (as we speak lol) I am doing old-fashioned

> counting calories. Like many on this list, when young i used to be very

> physically active, and I have been losing my identity as I grow in size.

> Doctors (bear in mind i am as yet undiagnosed, " undiagnosed neurmuscular

> disease " is as far as they have officially gotten, for all the " mito "

> mutterings) have told me to NOT diet ..


> However, they don't have any real treatment for me anyway and I feel

> helpless ... am losing the strength in my arms, which terifies me because

> i've been using them and crutches to get around when my legs are bad ...

> and to push wheelchair etc.


> The only thing i felt i could take charge of is my weight, i could

> control my eating totally. So " nyah " to the doctor, and onto weight loss

> ... I am using a free website www.calorie-count.com which allows me to

> track protein versus carb versus fat, since i need to ensure my protein is

> okay. I have found this to be working and although i don't feel great I

> don't feel worse than normal. Perhaps moments of weakness, which makes me

> snack (i'm careful to not fast, but to spread thruout the day) ... i have

> my calorie limit as 1300 a day which is very low but is doing the trick and

> i'm not suffering.


> I guess i had to feel in control of something ... sadly, one of my

> takehome messages is that I am not going to get a huge amount of help from

> the docs. The only thing that they could give me that would be beneficial

> is an idea that I have any given disease / syndrom (that would help with

> MDA or in my case MD Canada) .. sigh, my true quest for diagnosis is now 8

> years long with a 10 year history before that of medical issues that I

> thought were temporary but were all part of this.


> I also hope i guess that i won't simply get the " you are fat, that is

> causing your problems " which sadly is what one gets even (especially?) from

> the medical community. No use telling them the weight came after the

> struggle with the disease :(


> thanks as always for listening





> --


> ***********************************************************

> Kelta Vineyard


> ---------------------------------

> Find your next car at Yahoo! Canada Autos



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I was told only 1 pound per month by one doc and a couple of pounds a

month by another, but I tend to loose in spirts and was told this was

okay - 4 pounds in a week and then done for several weeks.

It is my understanding that loosing too quickly robs the cells of the

needed energy and the cells can die. Cell death happens to everyone

all the time, but for us, it might been enough death in one body

system to cause real problems - it could be more neuro and muscle

problems, heart problems, GI, liver, kidney or brain. Since the brain

burns primarily glucose, many of us have found that we have to have

enough carbs to fuel our brains. With a complex I defect (I have 0

activity) logic dictates that a high fat diet would jump start the

respiratory chain process at complex II, but for many of us that does

not work. It does for some, so the entire thing is hard to judge based

on someone else.


> I am curious, In Mito what problems can be caused by losing weight too

> quickly? Also, what is too quick? In excess of 2 pounds a week? One

> pound a week?


> Thanks,

> Di








> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.







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Ketosis, acidosis, blood sugar instability to name a few.

" P. " laurelai3@...> wrote: I am curious, In Mito what problems

can be caused by losing weight too

quickly? Also, what is too quick? In excess of 2 pounds a week? One

pound a week?



Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail is

entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with their

physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.

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I rarely lose more than a pound or 2 a month. Nonetheless, this

information I will keep in mind just in case. :)


> Di


> I was told only 1 pound per month by one doc and a couple of pounds a

> month by another, but I tend to loose in spirts and was told this was

> okay - 4 pounds in a week and then done for several weeks.

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