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RE: GF/CF SIDS connection?!

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The reality is that there is nothing you can do about true SIDS. There have

been cases where medical personnel have intervened before the child has died

and the child died anyway. Studies are showing that SIDS may be

preprogrammed into a child. That's a paraphrase for lack of a better way to

phrase it. The so called reduction in SIDS due to the back to sleep campaign

is not true SIDS.

Parents who have lost children to SIDS have enough to grieve about. They

certainly don't need to think they they contributed to it.


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At Wednesday 5/2/01 05:38 PM, Maureen wrote:

>The reality is that there is nothing you can do about true SIDS. There have

>been cases where medical personnel have intervened before the child has died

>and the child died anyway. Studies are showing that SIDS may be

>preprogrammed into a child.

That doesn't mean every single case of unexplained death in an infant is

like you're saying, does it?

>Parents who have lost children to SIDS have enough to grieve about. They

>certainly don't need to think they they contributed to it.

I'm truly sorry if my remarks are coming off as in any way insensitive to

these parents/families that have had this tragedy happen in their lives.

This is not my intention at all.

One could use this same reasoning to cease looking into something like the

GF/CF diet. While it may be human nature to feel guilt for something that

is done without intent, it is not helpful to feel that way. If removing

casein and gluten is helping our son now, does this mean we should feel

guilty that we allowed him to eat those foods before we knew removing them

would help?

I don't think so. I think that more knowledge is helpful in the long run.

And can perhaps even save lives.

In my opinion, if the GF/CF diet is effective then there may well be some

cases of SIDS which are caused by an overdose of these substances in

children that were given GF/CF formula, e.g. soy based infant formula

initially, and then switched suddenly to gluten and casein rich diets.

How could it be any other way?

This does not in any way place blame on the families. If a person doesn't

know about possible harm, how can they be in any way responsible?


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Ackerman wrote:

> Hi Maureen


> Sorry - I posted my post very quickly. Let me take a chance to clarify my

> incomplete post and respond to yours:


> 1) I know SIDS is a legitimate disorder

> 2) I know that SIDS has had a large increase in the past 10 years

> What the emails imply is that there is a plausable cause for the increase in

> children with negative vaccine reactions resulting in death and in allergic

> reactions to foods - that go untreated in very young children

> 3) I would NEVER try to say SIDS is a parents fault. It would be like

> saying I caused my childs autism


> I am not a doctor. I am not even close to being one! It just seems that

> there may be a link here and certainly parents have nothing to do with it.


> Hugs

> A jeffs mom



Yes, but the belief is that it is not true SIDS. Maybe it " just " another bad

side effect of vaccinations. I get touchy because I have been blamed for my

child's autism and mental retardation. But that vent is another post! I know

it's not true but I get sick of hearing the " broken record " .


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I believe my husband and I did the right thing by waking my son for

feedings as a newborn. After he received his first hep b shot he was

not waking for feeds. We phoned the ped for advice because we were

concerned that at 11 days of age he was not waking and when woken

would not eat much. The ped's response was that as long as he

continued to gain weight in the long run, not to be concerned. Due to

his congenital heart disease, we were more cautious and continued to

wake him for feeds anyway. I remember the sleepless nights, but now

in retrospect, I believe we may have saved his life. As time went on

he began to have episodes of night waking and apnea which was never

explained to us satisfactorily. These theories of opiates and

vaccinations are very plausible and I think it's just another example

of the complexity surrounding autism. In our case, I believe it is a

combination of multiple factors. I clearly see the vaccine and the

food sensitivity connections. If I had only known then what I know

now. :o) No sense beating myself up or anyone else for that matter

about any of that though. I try to just look for explanations so that

I can learn how to treat my son best now and help others avoid harm.

There's nothing wrong with parents looking for answers and

explanations. I find it very therapeutic. I think we all should have

confidence in ourselves to know that we have done the best for our

children that we possibly could, given the information we had.




> Folks,


> After thinking about the diet and in particular what this means to

a baby,

> it occurs to me that gluten and casein acting as opiates for babies


> in fact explain some cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).


> Imagine that a child is born with this deficit. For whatever

reason, when

> they ingest glutenous or caseinous foods they end up with opiates


> their brain. Something that doesn't normally happen from eating

these foods

> so pediatricians would never go looking for it.


> Now in a child who is breast fed from birth, mother's milk comes in

> gradually over the first few days after birth. And opiate tolerance

> develops very quickly. So in my son's case for example he showed


> of a cold, unable to breath through his nose, and the pediatrician

put him

> in the hospital in an oxygen tent for two days when he was 1 1/2

weeks old.


> Tolerance would develop as ingestion increased, perhaps with

nothing more

> than a long sleep at times.


> *** Now what about an infant that is not nursed, that is given


> diet of soy based formula? Suddenly at six months they are started


> oatmeal, or cow's milk.


> Isn't it possible that for such a child, they go from an


> GF/CF diet of soy milk to drinking four or six ounces of cow's milk


> first day off the diet? Get their first dose of opiates because

they have

> this digestive or metabolic failure which allows cow's milk to

enter their

> brain as opiates, go to sleep and die of an opiate overdose?


> Couldn't it be the case for that reason that some babies end up

dead in

> their cribs at an early age?


> Marty Landman

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