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Sad news about the baby and the family. This is terrible.

Here are some ideas (I am NOT a doctor, just a concerned mom)

1. Soy is a common allergy for new babies. Try switching to a non-soy

based formula.

2. Have them call their insurance company and ask for support for

paying the difference between Simlac and the new formula due to health

reasons (have the doctor write a letter to support this.) FOR PA assistance

of their state resources contact:

Insurance Departments

Pennsylvania Insurance Department

Bureau of Consumer Services

1321 Strawberry Square

burg, PA 17120


3. ALSO have the doctor write a letter to Regional Center or Early

Start / Early Intervention (they have different names for the states across

the US) - the letter needs to state the issues with the child and possible

issues for the future if not handled right AWAY! They should look for

funding and assistance for their child there too! For disability resources

(and their child APPLIES!!)

Developmental Disabilities Planning

Graham Mulholland, Executive Director

Developmental Disabilities Council

569 Forum Building

Commonwealth Avenue

burg, PA 17120

; ; Fax:

paddpc@... paddpc@...>

I hope this helps. I am trying! Let them know this will be some effort

and they will have to fight. But the efforts will pay off big time if they

get busy and DO NOT TAKE " NO " for an answer!!! (I have learned to be quite

the BITXX since my son was diagnosed!!)

Take care

A Jeffs mom


Dear :

I am soooo new to the list and am just beginning to

figure out things for my 5 yo son. I am not writing

for myself.

I am in touch with a couple who only have access to

the web through a relative. They have a 7 month old

baby with chronic diarhea and sleep disorder. They

are at their wits end and are getting absolutely no

help from their doctor. Doctor says it baby diarhea

and will go away eventually. They baby cries a lot.

I feel they need expertise beyond what I can do. They

had the baby on Similac but switched to Alimentum and

saw an improvement, but they switched back due to the

expense. I told them to go back to Alimentum. Also,

the baby refuses baby food and wants things to chew on

- seems to crave tactile stimulation. I do not know

them well, but if anyone can help, I know you can. We

live in northwest Pennsylvania and environmental

doctors are not near by.

Please send advice to the relative's e-mail address

which is: rjleyo@.... Please copy me so I

know that you received this message. Anyone else out

there in Pennsylvania who can help - it will be

greatly appreciated. I told this couple about Karyn

Seroussi's book and about Dr. Doris Rapp's book, since

it helped me a lot. I also told them about the GFCF


Oh, incidentally, their names are Joe and Cindy Leyo

and they live in Coalport, PA.

May God bless.

Barbara Little (blittle@...)


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